Feb 25, 2022

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Hi everyone, and good day to you,

This week, I am working hard to finish rendering the last images of the last scene of this current part. Things are going smoothly, and I am not facing any issues now.

As I see it now, I'll start coding very soon if nothing blocks my progress. Hopefully, next week. In this stage, I usually find visual errors that I fix as I go, and sometimes, if I feel that I can make this scene look better, I'll do it on the go as well. I also edit the visuals for every scene separately to give them more vibrant colors and life.

Visuals status:
Static renders: 760
Animations: 9


There is a new preview for this part, which will probably be the last one as we close on my render count goal -


Corina won the wallpaper girl of this month. I'll soon start working on her visuals.
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Thank you, and have a great weekend,
Feb 25, 2022

Hi everyone, and good day to you,

Animations, animations, animations. That is what I have been working on this week. I managed to complete three animations. They are all rendered and ready to go. In addition, I also continued rendering images for the last scene. It's been a very productive week. There is not much left regarding art, and coding will start soon. I'll keep you updated. As always, animations will always hold the progress of the static render. But I limited myself to only four animations this time. So, only one is left, and then I'll finish the rest of the renders.

Visuals status:

Static renders: 781
Animations: 12


Corina's wallpaper is going great. I think I am almost as happy as I want to be with the result. I might add more elements. It will be posted on Sunday.

Thank you, and have a great weekend,


Apr 14, 2024

Hi everyone, and good day to you,

Animations, animations, animations. That is what I have been working on this week. I managed to complete three animations. They are all rendered and ready to go. In addition, I also continued rendering images for the last scene. It's been a very productive week. There is not much left regarding art, and coding will start soon. I'll keep you updated. As always, animations will always hold the progress of the static render. But I limited myself to only four animations this time. So, only one is left, and then I'll finish the rest of the renders.

Visuals status:

Static renders: 781
Animations: 12


Corina's wallpaper is going great. I think I am almost as happy as I want to be with the result. I might add more elements. It will be posted on Sunday.

Thank you, and have a great weekend,
Thank you for the update. Any time frame when the next update will be release?
Feb 25, 2022

Patreon post image.jpg

Hi everyone, and good day to you,

Remember I told you I'd only do four animations? Well, I couldn't help but add another one. I needed another angle for this animation—one with a face and expressions.
I am officially done with the art for the content of part 2. The only art that is left is the special visual set. I'll do it as I code. I took a 3-day vacation. But don't worry. The render queue is full and rendering as we speak. After I return from my vacation, I'll start editing and coding, searching for music and SFX, and constructing part 2 of Chapter 1.

I am excited to see how everything is coming to life and hope you too. I can't wait to put it all together and share it with you!

Visuals status:

Static renders: 818
Animations: 14


I don't have time to work on Corina's second wallpaper for Senior+ tiers this week. But I will provide it next week. Stay tuned.

Thank you, and have a great weekend,
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