Few random thoughts after playing the demo. Small spoilers ahead.
1. Characters are not, imo, very attractive. And it's mostly because of lighting than how they really look like. Imo their faces look kinda lifeless, like they're sick or suffering from malnutrition. That made me think that the most attractive woman is the one with the mask on

From the unmasked ones, Nasha looks the best imo.
2. Fighting system - I guess it looks like it looks because it's a demo, but imo it's too slow and too easy. I suppose it'll become faster and more difficult in the future but when someone attacks me in the demo the game turns for me into boring mode, so even in the demo fights could be a little bit more exciting. That being said I like that it's not the same fighting mode like in the most rpgm games, that's a huge plus for me. And I guess the dummy will be changed into actual enemies? btw who are fighting against?
3. The game looks to me like a mix between "The Asylum" and "Captured by the Dark Elves" (which I like), but with the possibility to play a dominant route. I hope the game will create a nice mix of oppresive atmosphere and fetishism, and will have some interesting dialogues (I believe some of them currently are slightly cringy). I was also slightly surprised with the fact that there are (if I haven't missed any) 8 scenes for submissive route and only one (two if you count conversation in the kitchen) for a dominant route, it should be more balanced imo (however, I did play this game for femdom content so I can't say I'm really disappointed with that). Speaking about scenes, they're quite nice, but obviously I hope for more variety in proposed humiliations and fetishes.
All in all, there's certainly a lot of potential here and I'll be back for more.