Well, since you asked...
What has endeared me to this series* is the juxtaposition of dark kink with a quasi-surreal comedic romp. It's kind of rare and I'm totally digging it.
The only off-the-dome feedback I have for you is that if you leave realism
too far behind in the telling of the story then you're no longer in that surreal funny territory and drifting into wacky B movie territory, where it can sometimes be hard - especially in this medium - to tell the difference between intended lulz and schtick - if any of that makes sense.*
That having been said, I think I had the most fun when it was clear you were having fun with it too.
I can count on the fingers of one hand the games hosted here that have actually elicited some literal LOL moments for me and the Prof is definitely one of them.
I think, again - for what it's worth - that you have sufficient creativity, talent and humor that all you really need to do is keep cranking out content. You'll get better, more experienced and hopefully even more inspired; while we'll all get more content to show people and shout about how underrated you are.
Thanks btw. And if you're ever crypto-ready I'll send more than words.
*Big caveat: not actually had time to play more than the first few clicks of chapter 2 yet