Villainy is
precisely the vibe I got from her. The nuggets here and there certainly led me to believe that was the case but I didn't want to assume lest it coloured my feedback. This certainly reinforces my perceptions and strengthens Syn as a character tremendously. She's quite fantastic.
... Also I just realised that Syn could be a
raging sexual narcissist so the reason she's even bothering to give Elifael the light of day is because she wants to mould her into her own image. Mannerisms and all so she could, quite literally, pleasure another Syn. Disguising doing so as tender kindness and love. That... would actually recontextualise everything she's done so far and make her an even more incredible character... and make it quite hot. God dammit.

If that's the case then hats off to you, mate. This is ingenious.