Citation needed on this. You act as if rape is simply an urge like being horny when it's a violent attack of control.
When you ask for sources, it would be interesting that yourself present some to weight your own counter argumentation. But I'll come back on this later, because there's many things to say, starting by the implicit opposition you make between "urge" and "violent attack of control".
The sole and only case where rape can be possibly seen as not due to an urge (what don't change the fact that it's still a criminal offense) is drunk rape ; yet, this only if the rapist is too drunk or too dumb to understand that the victim isn't in position to effectively consent. In all other cases, whatever if it's conjugal rape, familial rape, party rape, rape in order to force a marriage, or whatever else, it is almost always the response to an urge. An urge that can come from an impulse, or have grown among the time, but still an urge.
No husband say, "It's a fucking boring day, I'll rape my wife, it will pass some times". No coworker say, "Oh, I know, next Christmas party I'll rape Eva from the accounting, it will be funny". No uncle say, "Oh, I know what my niece will like as birthday present, my dick". They all answer to an urge, an urge that can be purely sexual, or effectively a need of control, but that's not the only possible reason behind this urge.
If media brings down violent urges then would you also agree that movies and games bring down the rate of gun/knife homicides and thieves?
Of course that I agree.
- In his 2013 "
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", C.J. Ferguson demonstrated that no correlation can be effectively found between violence in media and video games, and effective violence among adolescent.
- While the sale of violent video games is rising, the homicide rates among persons aged 10-24 years
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- Playing violent video games is, among other methods, a way to decrease its own
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- I can't retrieve it, but there's also a study demonstrating that violence is mostly due to the familial context. Video games lead more to violent behavior in subjects coming from a poor family, than in subjects coming from a middle or upper class family. Violence in media and video games being therefore just a reinforcement of the violence the subject already witness day by day.
What lead to a question that too few studies asked: Are the subject violent because they play too much violent video games, or are they playing too much violent video games because they are initially violent ?
It's the fundamental key needed to correctly interpret the data you are facing. And yet too few researchers are starting by splitting their test subject in two groups, those who were showing sign of violence before facing violence in media and video games, and those who don't.
And there come the reason why I don't provide sources on subject like rape. Like for the correlation between violence and video games, there's a strong bias behind studies related to rape, that's shown especially when you're in search of sources in English.
The USA are, since many decades now, in search of answers to two of their main problems, violence and sexual violence. But as too often when it come to the USA, they are more in search of something to blame, than in search for a solution. And with the many university they have, you generally need to dig deeply before you found studies in English that come from Canada or the UK, and not from the USA ; this both regarding sexual violence, and the possible correlation between video games and violence.
For rape, this bias is reinforced by the fact that most studies come from feminist groups that, when they don't just forget about rape against males, tend to relegate them
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But rape against males isn't the only thing missing in those studies, they aren't the only data that would have probably lead to a totally different conclusion. Where the fuck are, among others, the data regarding p*d*philia rape ?
"Men rape women to assert their domination over them"... it's what our data regarding "rape commit by men who use rape to assert their domination over women" said. (Not at all) fun fact, the domination is generally extrapolated from the use of coercion during the rape ; as if the victim would have just stayed there, patiently waiting to be humiliated, if the rapist haven't used coercion.
But obviously, once you decide to include the data regarding men victims of rape, often commit by women, it become more difficult to say that rape are purely due to a patriarchal society. Then, once you include the data regarding p*d*philia rape, the need of domination become more blurry, with a sudden, and radical, rise of rape out of pure lust. And if then you include the other data, like by example rape commit by priests, it become a fucking mess where the possible cause, and the hidden intent, can't be identified as being something common to all rape.
And there's the same omission than for the correlation between violence and violence in media, the missing mandatory key. When you look at the MeToo movement, and by example the case of Harvey Weinstein. Was he rapping to enforce his control, or was the control he had, due to the power given by his position, the reason why he was rapping ? It's obviously easier when you are already the dominant in the relation, to rape someone. Whatever if it's an actress who don't want to be blacklisted, or a maid who don't want to be fired, the result is the same ; you already have the control over this person's life, and it's this control that permit you to rape her/him.
Stating that the rape was then to enforce this control, is just an unverified affirmation. As well as that saying that the rapist used the control he already had, in order to satisfy his lust. Both are equally true until you can prove that, for a given case, one is false. But saying that one is always true is pure laziness, and, by hide part of the truth, it don't help at all to fight against rape. It even have the opposite effect, since men who would rape a girl during a frat party, by example, would then believe, genuinely, naively, and stupidly, that they aren't rapist, since they were just satisfying their lust, without intent to dominate or control their victim.
I don't know your understanding of rape but I think many see it as something in media that happens randomly in a back alley as opposed to in reality where it's often a violent attack by someone the victim knows.
Media don't really talk about rape where I live. Not because there's no rape, but because there's no need to talk about them in the media.
It's traumatizing enough for the victims without the need to expose it, even by talking about it in a more global way. When media come to talk about rape, it's because the said rape is way too horrible to be left aside. Therefore it's, by example, because of Emile Louis, who tortured, raped, and sometimes killed, underage disabled girls. Therefore, always because it's a serial rapist and/or a p*d*bastard.
Citizens, as well as the majority of politicians, know what rape effectively is. We've laws against all form of rape, including conjugal rape, and, globally, justice works when the rapist can be found. Therefore, if there's still place, and some needs, to pedagogy, there's no need for mass media coverage.
As for my understanding regarding rape... The first time I had to face its reality, was in 1982, when I was 11yo. One of my classmate, the girl sitting at my left in almost every classes, was raped near to her home by a serial rapist that was finally arrested only few months later. And I can tell you that I learned this day that the way our society reacted to a rape was fuckingly messed. Three different teachers, asking to the class to "be nice" with her because she was raped the day before, then the day after the school headmaster doing the same, this time in presence of the victim ; what the fucking fuck ?
The second time was few years after this, when a classmate suddenly started to violently cry, mid class, after having acted weirdly during few days. Her nerves broke, and when she finally was able to speak again, it was to violently yell, in the middle of the class, that her father started to repeatitly rape her few days ago.
As for the third time and, I hope for my daughter and daughter-in-law, last time, it was when my own wife was raped.
So, thanks, but I fully understand what rape is and, apparently unlike you, fully know that it's not something that can be summarized by words like "violent attack of control", even less when those words are put in opposition to an urge.