test of 0.2
- erik turn into Martin ...mmmh ( at least a good change lol)
- english have been improve, but still... hard sometime
- that night scene with mom is exaggerrated quickly.
- next morning.. MC who hated his teacher now think about his teacher jumping on his dick

- blackmailing when i did nothing at the teacher house ...i expected the blackmailing if we rape her but... not if we refuse to do that. wtf
- friend mom give me a big slap in the face about another game ( i guess you see what i mean.. one reference more imho)
- at the family watching tv scene.. mom have some very, very huge legs... :O she wasnt look like this before
- sleep with mom again.. touch her ass. her answer is "mmmh.. we need to sleep" .. imho,it should be something like " the fuck are you doing ? get out of here !" . but seems like the game really turn easy sexual
- didnt knew DAZ putt some real trademark on product... that a very dangerous assets :O ( talk about product on the store ingame )
- ask about taking wine, i answer no, mom still take wine

( thats very confusing)
- why do you give option for player to meet the mom bf or not, while just after you show him with mom ? ... keep him secret until the evening or dont give player a choice to make about that.
i give up after that.... too much for me.
its like a mix of DoD, BB and some others games, but in a more easy sexual way, way more faster and incredibly hallucinating'ly terrible in the story.
mother act like an horny girl wayyyy too much. MC is kind of stupid and horny in same time.
and that forced NTR just after giving the player a "choice" is unacceptable
good luck dev, definitly not for me ( and not only because of the forced NTR )