Wht u need is light element stones and light element weapons, focus potions , reduce erosion potions and enhance ur necklace with dark element.
Rush to nearest summoning stone and use D.Same for 2nd stone. Dont even think of hitting the stone. Then kill the boss in fire.
Lure him into fire.Use focus potion and block him that means face to face combat and hit so he cant get out of the fire.
If u get pushed by his skill, go back to ur position again to block him.
Important-(A focus potion spawn near u whenever the boss umm.. breakdown?)So u dont need to bring a lot of focus potions.1 focus potion for 1round.
He breakdown 2time so u will get 2 focus potions. mean u need to kill him 3times 3 rounds.
So all u need is only 2 or 1focus potion,4 or 5 light element and throw at him deal 75light damage, 2 Light infused weapons, 4or5 erosion potion and DARK INFUSED NECKLACE ofcourse u can infuse with focus potion too.
I didnt bring hp potion almost die while trying to reach 2nd summoing stone.
But a few walk do the trick. The focus potion really help. My hp didnt go down under 90 while facing the boss. All u need is to use D for 2 summoning stones. Then walk or use hp potion and focus potion, u good to go again.
He is weak against light.
U must use or infuse light element.
I deal 75light damage by throwing or using light element stone . And fire on the ground deal 5or10damage. My light infused weapon deal alot too.
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