The only other option I can state is to start over and go to the site mentioned and modify what you, in your save mc blocks all attaks, how i can change it?
The only other option I can state is to start over and go to the site mentioned and modify what you, in your save mc blocks all attaks, how i can change it?
welp, i tryed to make it, but its give me error on site every timeThe only other option I can state is to start over and go to the site mentioned and modify what you want.
my bad it's "welp, i tryed to make it, but its give me error on site every time
Can someone upload their Full save folder. The last two saves didn't work
You aren't missing out on much to be honest...the scenes all play the same up/down live2d movement if I remember right.does anyone have a save with all of the events and monster girls up to .65,literally none of the saves here seem to have it
I don't care what you think I'm "missing out on.", I just want to see the scenes. Enjoyment, especially in h games, is different for everyoneYou aren't missing out on much to be honest...the scenes all play the same up/down live2d movement if I remember right.
The best part is the gameplay, not the fully voice acted scenes, unfortunately.
Love that you named the image "bs.png" XD. I'm stuckhere too, I don't have any clue on how to disable the barrier.first time for me playing this for real with the goal of unlocking the new ladies, but i appear to be too stupid to find them. using someone elses file from a couple months ago i made my way through the most advanced area i coud find (the battleground between human knights and demons) and ended up fighting this big scary arm boss thingy, surrounded by teleporters that summon lots of hostiles. i beat the arm (or at least forced it away) and destroyed the teleporters, but new enemies keep spawning (as well as tons of potions) and i have no clue how to proceed. the stairs are blocked by a barrier or something and i'm not sure if i'm blind or if things are bugged. any help please?