So this is all just my opinion but I do disagree with you. The game is a roguelike and dealing with randomness is actually part of the game. It's how the game can stay fresh and has almost infinite replay value.
rouge-like replay value rng and 'pray to the rng gods' are very different rng models
My problem isnt dealing with randomness, it's when the randomness affects the core gameplay mechanic that it's a problem
The game is 'strategic' only when you get lucky, otherwise, you'll be gang raped when you try to switch a weapon to a movement based on just so you can run away from the 7 enemies surronding you, too bad you'll likely still die and get erosion.
And dying once, especially in the 3rd section, is VERY bad, you're unlikely to make it to the boss if you clear out every floor, so your best option is to just rush portals.
And even then, if you get to a boss on high erosion, it's an instant loss, 30+ minutes wasted because of something you couldn't control.
Now regarding difficulty. I disagree that the randomness has so much of an impact that it can effect your runs that significantly.
This is because the game does NOT have too many instances of multiplicative probability.
It most certaintly does, you can get spawned in a room full of enemies (it is NOT rare, and in fact very common) barely win, then step on a trap, boom, one death, nvm the enemy spawner, just 1 confusion trap can finish you, and enemies arent affected by them, purely you, which i think is a pretty stupid mechanic (yes, they should be affected even by the positive ones, not like there are lots of those)
This game has consistenly made me feel like my choice doesnt matter, no matter if a runs starts out good, i'll always be fucked over by lady luck, i don't think this is good difficulty design.
I do agree that some of these bosses have way too much health tho. 3rd and 4th boss especially. Tenacity's damage increase is not keeping up with the tankyness of the bosses. The regular enemies are well balanced though.
It's not just the 3rd or 4th boss (but it seems the 4th one wont be any better) 1st and 2nd are equally fucked up. And it's not that they get to tanky
The 1st boss literally moves at the same speed as you, notmally games would make bigger enemies slow moving, otherwise they would chase the player all around and easily kill them (sound familiar?)
But thankfully, they had some resemblance of a soul, i didnt have enough trouble with this one to complain
The 2nd boss though, goddamn, talk about a difficulty spike, endlessly spawning enemies, required constant movement (which you may have to sacrifice because of tanky ass crystals)
Speaking of crystals, why THE FUCK does every single boss spawn them, not every boss has to spawn enemies, not every single one has to spawn crystals.
This is randomness stacked on randomness. It's very dangerous in game design.
I havent played baldur's gate enough to know but atleast you have parties there, you have several actions YOU CAN take other than attacking that could help you, and there isnt an endless unfair combat encounter after another, you actually get chances to do 'long rests' or whatever they're called, that's all on that
I should make it clear that i dont have anything against you, you can have your opinion, nor am i actually trying to argue, just venting at best