Mod Others The Sims 3: Kinky World [v405] [Oniki Kay]


Feb 13, 2018
So which version of Kinkyworld is the most stable right now? I see 404 is not complete but after reading through about 10 pages here it seems like everybody has some issue with the more recent builds.

I'm also not sure why Onki is messing with xml files for woohoo breaking animation mods that in turn need to be updated because the majority of animators have long gone and won't come back to fix them. I can't believe Onki isn't aware of this issue...

Anyway is there any consensus as to which build of KW is the most stable bug wise and supports most if not all animation mods?
i run build 404 got no issues so far, but u can also try build 394 , most people said that its the "most" stable build


New Member
Jan 4, 2020
I just reinstalled The Sims 3 and I wanted to try Oniki Kay's Kinky World mod.
Unfortunately I can't launch the game anymore... It crashes on the loading screen.

For info:
- I use the 404 version of the mod
- I used the links in the Wikia for required other mods
- The "DCBackup" file only contains "ccmerged.package"
- The launcher indicates my version is :
- The "Electronic Arts > The Sims 3" file looks like this:
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- The "Electronic Arts > The Sims 3 > Mods > Packages" file looks like this:
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I hope you'll be able to help me.
Thank you :)

PS: The "nointro" package was here only to be sure my Resource.cfg was working (and it works)


Sep 27, 2018
- The launcher indicates my version is :
I think this might be your problem. This corresponds to patch 50 which means you are running version 1.50. You need to be on either 1.67 or 1.69. Probably 1.67 because 1.69 is Origin. I'd say get the Sims 3 superpatcher but I'm guessing your copy is pirated and patching it is going to put the copy protection back in. Maybe someone else can here can help or if not check games4theworld. If you do have legit Sims 3 make sure it up to date, the launcher should not be giving you that number.


New Member
Sep 15, 2017
Hii friends, could someone tell me if I can delete the files, KW_LocalizationExport and KWLog_Export, thank you, many have been generated and I don't know what they are for


Nov 30, 2019
Yep, I do it every time I exit out of the game. Been doing that for, well, months w/o issue. They're basically just output from KW showing when it was started, stopped, what was loaded, and any errors that may have occurred. Useful to the dev, if they ever wanted them to look into an issue. Similar to the ScriptError files, which are what (I forget exactly here) either EA or NRaas mods generate (I checked a copy of the NRaas source code, and it looks like their ErrorTrap mod [highly recommend getting that one as it tries to help prevent actual crashes of the game on many errors] just calls out to the EA code for a filename for the error logs).

For me, after ever exit, I:
  • Clear out CurrentGame.sims3 folder
  • Move all KW*.xml, ScriptError*.xml, and xcpt*.* files to a backup folder of "ErrorLogs" (just in case I need them at some point)
  • Delete the 5 *Cache.package files in the "The Sims 3" root folder
  • Move all but the latest save to a backup drive (my C-drive is getting kinda full, plus I think I read somewhere in the last year+ that the less saves you have, the quicker it loads)
  • And, finally, I make a full sync'd backup of the entire "The Sims 3" folder. This way I have all the mods, Library files, etc. backed up in the event I try something the next time I run it that royally screws up the game.
That whole process takes about 2 minutes, since I've been doing it for so long. I can even do it when barely awake. ;-) Got bit several times, because I had no backup copy of a game & couldn't figure out what the heck happened, when I was toying with several thousand CC and a few hundred mods.

Lastly, if you get into the rigorous habit of making a backup of your game folder (the one where those KW files are), then you can safely try deleting something, start the game, and see if it borked something. If it did mess something up, just restore the backup & you're right back where you were. :)


New Member
Jan 4, 2020
I think this might be your problem. This corresponds to patch 50 which means you are running version 1.50. You need to be on either 1.67 or 1.69. Probably 1.67 because 1.69 is Origin. I'd say get the Sims 3 superpatcher but I'm guessing your copy is pirated and patching it is going to put the copy protection back in. Maybe someone else can here can help or if not check games4theworld. If you do have legit Sims 3 make sure it up to date, the launcher should not be giving you that number.
Indeed, I had an old version of the game. I found it few days ago on a CD when cleaning my room :LOL:
You were right about the launcher; I managed to update it and now it seems like everything is working! I just often have in game notifications about the mod, with code lines inside. However it's still stable.
Thank you very much :)


Active Member
Jun 21, 2017
Hewwo! I started playing sims 3 again a few days ago and felt the urge to check LL for updates to KW. As far as public releases go there, it's at 399. I'm currently playing on that build but I am interested in updating to even the most current build posted here. However, I am lost when it comes to animations... I'm so used to seeing the few on LL listed under the mod and blah blahblah. I'm essentially saying I'm a dunce and have no clue where to start.

I could certainly search all over like I did earlier which luckily brought me to this page. but I figure since people understand/don't judge people like me for not wanting to join this particular patreon--this wouldn't hurt to ask about.

I saw a bunch of posts complaining about super slow updates/fixes and other projects being funded... not my ideal thing to fund monthly. I almost did sign up (before stumbling onto this website) JUST to see what was up, but I'm very hesitant about that. I digress, if anyone has the time to link me to animators for the newer (400-405), I'd greatly appreciate it.

I'm wary of just adding the new build to my game with 399 animation packages installed, I'm nowhere near savvy enough to fathom the problems that could cause. Thank you for your time!
You don't have to update the animations with the mod. Unless I'm misunderstanding the question. Most animation packages haven't been updated in years and anyone else interested in making sims animations have moved on to 4.
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Active Member
Nov 25, 2017
Since someone pointed out K69 have released updated Animations, I noticed mine were out of date... Not anymore!

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Jan 23, 2019
KW 4.05 Report

First of all, thanks to the poster who shared this. Much appreciate it.

On initial run, so much potential, but so disappointed as usual.
- 1st one since v3.94 which ran lag free. It was beautiful. In fact it probably ran better than 3.94. Sims were much more active, less idling.
- love the new grope rework
- However, still same problems and bugs. notifications cannot be turned off. I tried deleting cache, saving once and restart, etc.. but no matter what, the setting is fully on and it seems to be stuck in "debug" mode, keeps telling me debug codes I don't want to read.
- didn't get to even test the actor career. the moment i enrolled the sim in the actor career, the UI gets botched. You know, the bug where every sim you click in the family get linked together, all their icons are tagged. I save and reload 3-4 times to confirm it was an actual error caused by this.
- kraken is just ridiculous, need major rework.

If anyone here knows how to get rid of the notifications, that would be greatly appreciated. Like I've said, it actually seems to run smoother than 3.94, that alone makes me want to switch even if the actor career is still bugged (i'll simply not use it), and the kraken can be turned off.

Anyhow, thanks and hope this was helpful to some.


New Member
Dec 8, 2018
Hello all,

i have 3 questions regarding KW that have bugged me for quite some time, i have followed this thread actively for almost 2 years but i don't think it has been brought up (or maybe i missed it, sorry if this is the case); i hope somebody can help me out with those:

1) Butlers. KW has ALWAYS broken Butlers for me. Without KW Butlers actually work quite well in my games...they repair stuff, clean stuff, take take of children...all that stuff. With WK, however, they are just completely unusable. They no longer interact with children at all, they sometimes seem to head into the direction of something that needs cleaning/fixing but abort this action within seconds and never finish. Basically, when i use KW, Butlers are just running circles in my home, sitting down on different chairs but don't do anything useful.
Am i the only one with this issue? Is there a KW option that can fix it? Are other using KW but still have functioning Butlers?

2) Brothels. They have never worked for me. Like...ever. When i open a brothel the game spawns customers. If i assign whores to it (no matter if NPCs or members of my active household) they do solicit customers...most of the time the customer accepts (i usually set my whores to high attractiveness) - and then 9 out of 10 times nothing happens. The interaction simply aborts immediattely. If the whore is an active household member i can actually see the woohoo-interaction in the Q for a split second...then it is gone.
This does NOT happen on any other lot type. If i assign my whores to work on public lots or even my own Resort - it DOES work. The woohoo starts normally. Only in the brothel this strange auto-cancel happens - and it happens almost every time.
Is it supposed to be like that? Does my brothel use the wrong lot type? I tried many different combinations....residental, community - club, community - disco etc....did not really make a difference. Could it be a conflict with another mod? I use some NRaas mods. but i have tried this with and without them - did not make a difference.
Is my brotel maybe missing certain rooms/objects that are required for it to function?
Also, my bouncers and janitors don't do what they are supposed to most of the time, either. Bouncers will "sometimes" guard the doors - but then they will just wander around the brothel, use dancepoles or something, in the middle of their shift. I never had them defend a whore, either. The best thing i can hope for is for them to stand in front of the door and do nothing.

3) Private Rooms. I remember when i used KW the first time more than 2 years ago if two sims agreed to woohoo they would search the active lot for a private place to do it. Sometimes they would run for a small closet on the other side of the lot, just to get some privacy. I actually liked this behaviour.
I don't know which KW version changed that, but it was a long time ago. Ever since my sims usually only check if the settings allow them to woohoo right where they stand in this very moment (privacy/exhibition settings) - and if they don't, they will cancel the woohoo saying something like "we cannot do this here". This ESPECIALLY bugs me when assigning whores to places. Like described above, Brothels don't work for me - but other lots do. And if i assign them to my Resort they will successfully solicit sims and start to woohoo - but i would like them to search for a private room, ideally a bed or couch or something. What happens, however, is that they start to woohoo right in the dining room or next to the pool. If i set the privacy settings higher, they just cancel the woohoo all together.
Is it supposed to work like that?

Sorry for the long post, but if somebody knows how to fix any of these issues or can at least confirm that this is indeed how it is supposed to work, i would be grateful.
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Nov 30, 2019
TempSimOscar Your #1 and #3 explains a good deal of what I've seen. I actually gave up on butlers, got one of my sims high enough in bot building to build a plumbot as a 'robonanny' and another as a 'cleaner'. Those do seem to work, but the nanny always wants to pick the kid up and put into the crib, playpen, or something, instead of letting the kids play.

I couldn't ever get into the whole "own" a brothel bit, just seemed a bit too much like "work" (business owning, finding employees, etc.). But I did specify that a few lots are brothels. And, yeah, it's been annoying the crap outta me for a while that they just woohoo right at the front door, instead of one of the many beds that exist. I've also had issues where the NPCs sent would rather read or do some frigging annoying as hell twerk solo dance instead of doing what a sane person does when they go to a brothel: find a person to woohoo with. (But I keep forgetting that Sims are often nowhere near what would be considered "sane" if they were humans. LOL)

I'd suggest you skip the nightmare that is KW highschools. Gave that a shot. Built my own, since all the existing ones were missing "required" things, per the KW wiki specs. There really wasn't much "kinky" about it, other than an overactive nurse who just wants to feel up the kids every few hours, keeping them from their studies. The headmaster wandered around doing jack shit (with the occasional "time to inspect rooms" notice, but nothing actually happens but him standing like a bump on a log in the room). Janitors are pointless, probably screwed up from whatever (potentially) screwed up butlers. I could see them being related.

Over on another forum, a few people are strongly suggesting going back to build 375. I haven't yet. I think trying to remove KW 405 (chose uninstall, saved the game, exited, deleted the mod & associated mods [animations], started back up) but now my plumbots are missing about every interaction possible in the pie menu on them.

Do you have any recollection as to when it was that things seemed to work better, or what version it might've been? I think I might try to find a copy of KW from the early days of it and see if that actually seems to not make me pissed off hourly by the insanity.

If you can, try finding a version prior to 399. Although with 399 the mail carrier thing did seem to work, at least where the females wanted to drop whatever the F they were doing to go to the mailbox. Now he just stands there forever. Another screwed up thing I've noticed, is that stray dogs, peeping toms, callgirls (if a sim hires one) spawn in the 4th basement level of my home, not outside. Then the peeper looks _out_ the frigging window from inside. WTF.
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Sep 27, 2018
I'd suggest you skip the nightmare that is KW highschools. Gave that a shot. Built my own, since all the existing ones were missing "required" things, per the KW wiki specs. There really wasn't much "kinky" about it, other than an overactive nurse who just wants to feel up the kids every few hours, keeping them from their studies. The headmaster wandered around doing jack shit (with the occasional "time to inspect rooms" notice, but nothing actually happens but him standing like a bump on a log in the room). Janitors are pointless, probably screwed up from whatever (potentially) screwed up butlers. I could see them being related.
While I agree KW highschools are a nightmare that's mostly due to it being unfinished and a heavy performance hit. The inactives SHOULD be doing things but it's heavily dependent on having the right set up of skills and traits for the inactives. For example, teachers will try to encourage students to strip and start an orgy in class. If the headmaster is horny when inspecting classes they will ask to see a student in their office and then offer a school performance increase in return for sexual favors. Janitors run around molesting and sharking students. The nurse isn't finished and so doesn't progress beyond feeling students up. Students can play pranks, get up to KW stuff, etc. which can result in punishments ranging from a time out to being spanked and raped by a teacher. And, of course, everyone can do regular KW shit too. Because school staff are kind of treated like role sims they don't build their skills, gain arousal, etc. while you are off doing other shit like the rest of the town will. Even if you make them a resident they just sit in their homes all day and never leave for any reason other than going to the school. This is why it's recommended you use the prebuilt sims KW provides, they have all the right traits and skill levels for their roles. You can use your own custom sims, I do, it just takes a while for the staff to start to get involved in things.