Mod Others The Sims 3: Kinky World [v405] [Oniki Kay]


Active Member
Nov 25, 2017
With a heavy heart, I'm going to be stepping back from leaking. Due to our current climate, I need to step into the shadows. This may change once it blows over, but I wanted to thank you all. I apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause people. Be safe out there.

Deleted member 1658620

Can someone share their mod file (assuming you have all the stuff need to run Kinky world).


Jun 10, 2017
Can someone share their mod file (assuming you have all the stuff need to run Kinky world).
I use CC Magic to manage sims files but i keep what you are asking for in the mod directory. I think i don't miss anything,
Edit: i removed masteranimations so the kw_masteranimations.package should not be there as well, i forgot to delete it.
Last edited:


Aug 20, 2018
what do i put in the override file ? it's been a while since i played sims 3 and i just re-installed it i put the hair and clothes in there ?


Oct 5, 2019
Could someone upload v406 or at least tell me if it's more stable than the previous versions? With v405 there's a 50% chance for me to crash the game if I switch to town-view, on top of the usual crashes that is.
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Aug 23, 2018
Do you guys have full and most recent version of pavka animations along with pavka horse animations?

Also im looking for an adult breastfeeding mod if it exists. :)


Sep 17, 2017
Has anyone managed to get the porn career to work yet, I get most of the way there but when it comes to her reading the script she just keeps putting the book down, going to do the shoot without learning the lines just fails it all the time?


Oct 11, 2019
Hi dev, I tried this mod, but the kinky menu never appears when click on the sim, I followed the solution from different forums and put the mod and animation files in EA/TS3/Mod/Packages, remove all the cache and NRaas packages, wait for an hour in real time, yet still. This is the most grindy thing I ever did to achieve nothing so far in this forum:cry: Anyway, coding a mod for TS3 must be difficult since the game itself is buggy, wish you all the best with the development of this mod.


Nov 30, 2019
You do realize the "dev" isn't ever going to check on a site posting pirated versions of what they want money for, right? Even on the forum site where KW was 1st actually posted by the dev, they haven't posted anything there in nearly a year. Still, from what I've seen on here, this thread isn't very active, so going to LL for help is probably going to be your best bet.

mod and animation files in EA/TS3/Mod/Packages
That sounds about right, but since I've seen people do it before, I gotta check: you did extract the 7-zip file 1st, right? ;)

remove all the ... NRaas packages
Why? They don't conflict. Just a couple settings in Overwatch need to be disabled.

wait for an hour in real time
Next time, don't wait so long. :) Seriously, nothing should ever take that long. The KW load delay is only 4 or 5 sim-clock ticks. But, here's the catch, KW will never load if the sim clock doesn't tick away. Therefore, if you're starting a game paused, and leave it paused waiting for KW to load before progressing, it won't load.

Here's a hint: if you don't get the dimming of the screen with the "loading..." message in the center, and then the notification (upper right) with the version number, the mod isn't being loaded. Ergo, it's never gonna show on any sim.

If you are getting that notification, then you should see a "Kinky World" menu item in your sim's pie menu. Gotta choose that, then settings, then enable before you'll see a "Kinky" menu item. (I point this out, b/c I somehow got stumped by that one at first for a little bit.)

If you're not, can you put the NRaas mods you had back (removing the KW files you added) and verify those still work? If they no longer do, hopefully you made a backup of your game folder. If not, well... :( Only option really is to rename "Documents\The Sims 3" to "Documents\TS3 Messed up" start TS3 so it creates a new folder, then exit TS3 and copy over your mods folder. BTW it's "Mods" not "Mod" as you typed, but I'm assuming you had the folder name correct on your computer.

If you try a few things and still can't figure it out, some have had luck just taking a step back, and starting over. Other than that, w/o seeing exactly what you've got, it's hard to tell if you have the files in the right spots.

Another suggestion: leave the animations alone. You truly don't "need" them until you get KW working. KW's archive has about 4 dozen animations. Certainly not enough to play long-term, but enough to not have to worry about lots of other package files. The less files you deal with when having issues, the less you have to figure out if it might've broken something. :)

coding a mod for TS3 must be difficult since the game itself is buggy
You got that right. I'm a coder, just not a C# coder (which is the language used for this & other TS3 core/scripting mods), but I've looked at what I could of the code for KW. It's a mess, partly from how I got the code, but also just from the sheer amount of it. KW 406 has, for rough estimate, 210,000 lines of code. For a supposed one-person dev, that's a whole lot to do. (I've also stumbled upon evidence after digging into the code of many versions that there's probably at least 3 people working on it.) That number is, I'll admit, a bit high, as it had bloat from ... "technical reasons".


Oct 11, 2019
You do realize the "dev" isn't ever going to check on a site posting pirated versions of what they want money for, right? Even on the forum site where KW was 1st actually posted by the dev, they haven't posted anything there in nearly a year. Still, from what I've seen on here, this thread isn't very active, so going to LL for help is probably going to be your best bet.

That sounds about right, but since I've seen people do it before, I gotta check: you did extract the 7-zip file 1st, right? ;)

Why? They don't conflict. Just a couple settings in Overwatch need to be disabled.

Next time, don't wait so long. :) Seriously, nothing should ever take that long. The KW load delay is only 4 or 5 sim-clock ticks. But, here's the catch, KW will never load if the sim clock doesn't tick away. Therefore, if you're starting a game paused, and leave it paused waiting for KW to load before progressing, it won't load.

Here's a hint: if you don't get the dimming of the screen with the "loading..." message in the center, and then the notification (upper right) with the version number, the mod isn't being loaded. Ergo, it's never gonna show on any sim.

If you are getting that notification, then you should see a "Kinky World" menu item in your sim's pie menu. Gotta choose that, then settings, then enable before you'll see a "Kinky" menu item. (I point this out, b/c I somehow got stumped by that one at first for a little bit.)

If you're not, can you put the NRaas mods you had back (removing the KW files you added) and verify those still work? If they no longer do, hopefully you made a backup of your game folder. If not, well... :( Only option really is to rename "Documents\The Sims 3" to "Documents\TS3 Messed up" start TS3 so it creates a new folder, then exit TS3 and copy over your mods folder. BTW it's "Mods" not "Mod" as you typed, but I'm assuming you had the folder name correct on your computer.

If you try a few things and still can't figure it out, some have had luck just taking a step back, and starting over. Other than that, w/o seeing exactly what you've got, it's hard to tell if you have the files in the right spots.

Another suggestion: leave the animations alone. You truly don't "need" them until you get KW working. KW's archive has about 4 dozen animations. Certainly not enough to play long-term, but enough to not have to worry about lots of other package files. The less files you deal with when having issues, the less you have to figure out if it might've broken something. :)

You got that right. I'm a coder, just not a C# coder (which is the language used for this & other TS3 core/scripting mods), but I've looked at what I could of the code for KW. It's a mess, partly from how I got the code, but also just from the sheer amount of it. KW 406 has, for rough estimate, 210,000 lines of code. For a supposed one-person dev, that's a whole lot to do. (I've also stumbled upon evidence after digging into the code of many versions that there's probably at least 3 people working on it.) That number is, I'll admit, a bit high, as it had bloat from ... "technical reasons".
Wow, thanks for all the details, especially the 7zip one that I missed, I'm gonna follow your guide and try again, glad I backed up every thing before I messed with the game files...BTW, as a non-native speaker I find it fascinating when someone can actually read and understand what I post:Dstay healthy buddy, you got enough mask there?
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New Member
Dec 31, 2019
I noticed that 406 added some sort of OfferOraljob popup whenever my sim shows his penis to a certain sim, but nothing actually happens. Is it somehow improved in 407? If so i think im desperate to get my hand on 407


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2019
There is one thing I have been meaning to ask about, in the later or latest versions of KW you get pop up menu's that say something like "So and so wants to get closer do you want to>" I am not quite sure what my options are there. I mean return works, space bar works, But is there a right or wrong way, yes/No option I should take ?

And if so just what would that be ?

EDIT >> That was just example not something actually asked in the game, but something like the pop ups I see there, and was wondering about.