Due to the overwhelming and ever increasing amount of slander, defamation, lies, and claims of stolen code without showing proof. The Devious Desires content is invite only and will only be available within Discord for those who are trusted users. I wanted it to be available for everyone, but the toxicity, backlash, and hypocrisy this community is throwing at me, my mods, and those who use my mods, for seemingly no reason, is forcing my hand. Lovers Lab was assumed to be a safe place for Zoophilia and Assault based on past and currently available mods and in fact in their rules they state to be "respecting of modders", but it seems the Moderators there have taken the side of those who have been spreading lies and are choosing to no longer follow their own site rules. Instead of simply taking down the Devious Desires download page and sending me a respectful message detailing what is wrong with it as I asked the moderators to do the next time they made this consideration, they banned me for "stolen code", completely without showing me the evidence of what exactly they considered to be stolen. They have even prevented me from messaging them to get an idea of what exactly was stolen. (Providing the license and obeying the rules of said license from another mod is not considered "stolen", all code that was literally copy pasted from WW did not break the Creative Commons license provided with WW). Since they can no longer abide by their own site rules and the fact they have chosen to treat me the exact same way that MTS has when I was banned from there, I regret to say that I will no longer be uploading anything to Lovers Lab.