Not sure if this has been happening to anyone else, but here goes. I have WW and NWP (Nisa"s Wicked Perversions) installed. For the first time since the patch, (and possibly from Nisa's 2.2.1 update) I have noticed random sims are being generated with succubus eyes. I'm not sure if they are getting the traits, (because I never looked at them in game) but they are game generated NPC's for whatever function. Anyhow, There is no way to change the eyes in CAS since you only get a choice of one. That means I have to delete the sim. So now Nisa's mod is throwing random shit into the game that I never asked for. Worst is, since it's Patreon, there's no recourse other than to grin and bear it.
This is what happens when you constantly add stuff to a mod. It gets bloated and breaks. Nisa did say she was going modular at some point, but this can't happen soon enough. Would be nice if she broke it up into several smaller mods. That way I could leave this damned succubus shit out, and a few other things. Anyway, that's all I had to say about that.... *sigh*