In this poll I'd like to have explained why the packs that need rework. For Dine Out I would like to have the system from Sims2 again, with which it was possible to run a family business without external employees. For City Living I would like to have the possibility to build own apartment houses for several families again. And for Island Living, it would be nice to have the option of living or vacationing on the island (but that might be possible with resorts if they bring them). Otherwise, just by ticking the checkbox, I don't think they know what we mean.
Exactly! I actually picked Get to Work, Dine Out, and Granite Falls, I was going to pick Island Living instead of Granite Falls, because Island living should have been both a vacation spot and a residential area, but I figured since vacations came with Granite Falls, they would understand me better in that we need more vacation options! I notice a lot of people were choosing Island Living because they wanted better vacation, and I can only hope it translate that this is what the people want.
Vacations. and not really focus too much on fixing just the shoddy use in Island Living (e.g. Mermaids who need the ocean, but can't do anything essential like eat, sleep, or pee in the water, boring cultural parties/foods that don't matter much at all, and unsupported off the grid living that seems more like a punishment than a camping trip/life choice). I was unsure which one to pick out of Island Living or Granite Falls to express their need to touch up on vacation spots, but heres to hoping they know they need to (a lot of the questions did seem like they're thinking of a vacation/getaway pack) without hearing us spell it out for them.
And yet, one of the constant new features of game packs is places to have sex... sorry I mean "places to whoohoo".
Hey, sex sells, but this is still EA we're talking about here (what am I kidding, most of anything in the media is so afraid of sex, regardless of rating, to even find a sex game, you'd need to pursue an indie developer), they like a little whoohoo every now and then, but be realistic, they didn't exactly make the 3D models actually acknowledge each other (and, ya know, the penis isn't actually apart of the game...). The Sims animations were created on an individual bases, meaning the kiss animation was made with one model animated in initiating the contact, then the other animated to move in sync; this does not offer the ability to take into account 2 models are in contact and really "touching" each other; plus, in regards to the whoohoo enthusiasm, the sims' bodies even contort and hides, or worse,
disappear when any "whoohoo" occurs (or when any "mature" content happens, like violence, really).
I remember in both Sims 2 and 3 that the sims used to have a collision/"magnetize" feature that acknowledge 2 models were interacting, for example, if 2 sims were kissing, their mouth would connect, no matter where they were standing or moving their head/body; this was awesome, both in that if you messed around with height sliders (or, let's be honest here, had a teen and adult relationship), the taller sim would bend their head down to kiss the shorter sim, and the shorter sim would bend their head upwards (usually sims, ages, are all the same height, and kissing is animated with equally level heads, but if you lowered the sims a bit, with the height cheat, you'd see the animations took this into account, and tried to connect the models as much as possible).
That's the sort of collision/magnetism we need for our sim's genitals (but even still, modders would have to figure out and understand how it was done, as the sims genitals are their 3d creations, and not EAs, so it wouldn't "automatically" have this feature), so that we won't suffer clipping issues, but alas, EA didn't implement this (well, not in the way we think, I believe the feature appear when carrying things, like pets and toddlers, but I'm an amateur, what do I know?). Not to sims lips like their predecessors, and they
especially didn't implement it to the sims' crotches (what I mean when I say it's not a sex game).
I heard a lot of people complain about the sims being magnetized to each other in this way, because you get wonky stretching and contorted poses if the animation was slow to sync (it apparently "creeped them out" and made them hate kiss scenes/romance in video games, there's a bunch of articles on the topic

), and I was so enraged that they took it out, because it both meant height sliders would be rendered pointless, and harder work for sex animators!