I was able to put an object counter in my code to tell me just how many objects are in each lot/build and did a test with No CC and CC versions of the same lot. Hospital without CC was around 2300 objects and with CC was about 3000. There is no slight lag on the no CC lot and I didn't have any CC loaded only a few scripts. Well I thought maybe its poly count. Some objects might have a really high poly count. Biggest object clocked in about 3000 polys. Only have a few of them on lot. Maybe 10. What I wondered next is maybe it's not the mesh themselves but maybe textures. Some of those objects have 2k textures. In fact there is a bunch of objects that do. So what I'm gonna try is any objects with HD tex imma shrink it to 1k and see if there's an improvement. Now this seems stupid to me really considering SIms have always run using DDS texturing and depending on your settings, if you have max tex size at 1k no textures will be over 1k because DDS uses mip maps. Unless again EA fucked this all up. How much you wanna bet that is the case.... Another thing is what the fuck does simulation lag have to do with textures? Nothing. Or it SHOULD be nothing lol
Check it. 40 sims on lot. NO LAG with no CAS cc and only the hospital CC installed now (thumb pic below). Now I wonder if it could be something about my CAS cc. Hair, skin maybe some makeup but again why would this cause simulation lag. Hell maybe I need to make a whole new save game from scratch idk. What I do notice is wicked whims has lag more than other scripts. Maybe the animations...Further investigation is needed.
I want to point out that my lag is pretty minimal now after all the fixes I made, scripts etc. But after using my debug save I use for testing my scripts now and how fast and smooth it plays, I want that all the damn time
FInal conclusion after running for a time: Game starts to lag with that many sims on lot no changes. It's really baffling how it runs smooth for 15 or more minutes than you get this slight lag like I have on my original game all CC loaded. Granted it plays smooth longer without so much CC loaded, it still happens... Game engine simply is a piece of shit. It does not handle large amounts of data CC or not. And will never be fixed by EA unless they rewrite the whole deal. Higher end PCs will have less problems of course but were talking about i9 processors or maybe even 8 cores running. Mid range desktops on small lots with 40 sims probably will notice nothing. It's that deadly combo of large lots, large number of objects and sims. Graphics on my machine runs great I get 40-60fps. What simulation fixes I have now work great and make the game playable so this research is a wrap. Nothing more can be done. I do have plans to fix autonomy responses at some point. While the lag is fixed autonomy/interactions still lags horribly. Player interactions happen immediately but sims reactions do not with too many sims and too many objects.