dalemonhead been around to offer us their merged venue list of all the major hitters (Littlemssam, Nisa, Basemental?, Ksuihuh, etc.) or any other added venue? Sorry for the @ ing, I'm just too ashamed to PM, because it's not their job to keep all of these Conflicting Shared Interests modders cohesive, so I didn't want to come off as a bother, but I really see the merger as essential to my mod collection and would love to have it, if it's not too much trouble to whip up?
Or am I being silly, and the old merge upload is still functioning? (when I check through my updates, the modders toss their venue files in there, but I don't know if it's just to complete the set, or if the venues needed updating as well). Also, I'm drawing a blank at the moment, but I remember seeing a few new venues outside of the old ones I had (the ones named above), and was wondering if the merger would include other venues out of the usual ones in the before times (the dreadful Covid in the early year 2020 is when I sort of took a break from sims 4); I wouldn't mind adding those mods to the collection, as I'm always expanding.