hi guys, where i find the main game? if i download it by steam, i can use the mods?
Yes you can use CC/Mods. (I'm using the steam client too) If you are looking for your game path or any game path using the steam client. It's a bit depending on where you have told to create your steam path Files. (Most of the times its in your C Folder.
For example. C:.../Steam/ then open the "Steam app" File and then the common File, there you will find all your current active steams games.
Altough you do not need that path for using cc
In order to use CC:
Open your Documents File (Most common in your C Directory) There ought to be a Electronic Arts File, open this one. There will be a File called Sims 4, open this one. And then create a new File with the Name "Mods"
And any CC you want to use, put it in this file. (You can create as much sub Folders as you like, for any CC with the .package ending)
Tuning CC, like Whicked Whims, Nisa K Wicked Perversion only one Subfolder deep.
I would personaly recommending to create a few Folders, in order to keep track of your CC's Stuff. Like eg Hosing (For building CC and such stuff, or nswf for all the adult stuff^^ (But thats me and me having around 45GB of CC)
Hope that helped you out a bit.
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