VN Ren'Py The Sinful City Fight for Love [v0.4] [Peacemaker]

3.50 star(s) 17 Votes


May 29, 2020
WTF, indeed! That's not how that works. That's not how any of this works!!!

Also, I thought that some of the dialog was strange, but most of it seemed ok. I couldn't tell if it was weirdly translated or not but I couldn't really tell.

First of all, if you did a find and replace and changed every then to than, you would have a good chance to get more correct than not. I don't understand why they get switched around so damn often and almost consistently. Than and then are not the same word!

Then again, that probably is just someone that doesn't know how to spell or is trying to get something posted quicker, rather than proofreading their work. (btw, see how they are supposed to be used there?)

Of course I basically have to assume it was the later, rather than (not then) the former when I came across the option in the studio: "sucom to your primal desires". Seriously, sucom? I can't type that out without being assaulted by the red squiggly lines in the editor here!

Normally I have to suggest to a developer on here to please get a proper translator. In this case, just type this out in any mediocre word processor if you can't be bothered to proofread your script.

--edit 2--
God damn it, I go further and I am greeted by even more 'prose': "So pross and cones"!

Alright, I give up. Some of the words being incorrect can be attributed to passing a spell check but not fitting. Like that quote just now. Cones is spelled correctly, even though it is not the word that should be there. The visuals, poses and animations are a cut above a lot of the games on this site, but the presentation of the script invalidates and detracts from any of that.

If you have a writer, please get another. If you don't, please get one. You have some good potential with this game, but it is extremely rough and will not succeed the way it is going now.

I found the language usage in the .40 update really strange, as well.

In defense of the developer, he is not a native speaker of English and may not speak the language at all. He has used someone or some-bot to translate it into English and has acquired the use of a proofreader for previous installments of the VN. While I was unimpressed by the proofreader in my previously posted opinion of the ver 0.30 release, the 0.40 release was several degrees worse as far as language usage is concerned. I noticed you didn't even mention the use of "gland" for the anatomically correct "glans" or other poor choices. This should not be laid at the feet of the English-challenged Dev. I recall saying, previously, that the proofreader needed to up his game but I thought with just more commitment on the proofreader's part he could avoid snarky comments from people like me.

Of course, snarky comments from people like me represent the only way for the Dev to know whether the proofreader has done his job or not as the Dev has insufficient English proficiency to be able to make a knowledgeable judgement.

The 0.40 update was really no more than a continuation of a single scene begun in previous update. Had the player not followed the correct path in his previous choices, I don't believe he would have had any meaningful update at all. The renders were stunning, the language was poor, and there was no effort to fill in the previous "WIP" paths. In the grand scheme of things, should Peacemaker manage to complete the VN, this update will merely meld into all of the things that went before the finale. However, I can sympathize with players who did not follow the path to wind up in the photography studio with Abbie.

As it seems Peacemaker has designed the VN to require multiple playthroughs to benefit from all of his content, I would hope that he would now shift his focus to the "WIP" paths.

- sj


Sep 5, 2021
... I noticed you didn't even mention the use of "gland" for the anatomically correct "glans" or other poor choices. This should not be laid at the feet of the English-challenged Dev. ...

- sj
Yeah, I did notice that, but on this site I have gotten used to mentally auto-correcting quite a bit. There are a lot of non-English speaking devs that use auto-translate tools that don't really do that well, so things like that example I usually just suffer through. The level of misspelling I had started to run into had nothing to do with some auto-translate tool. It was so egregious that my internal auto-correcting couldn't keep up. Once in a scene or two is not good, and definitely should only happen in a beta release, but what was happening was every other slide.

I couldn't take it anymore. Which is frustrating, because the story, MC, LIs, art, etc. all were pretty good, as I said. It bothers me more than some other games that are so completely garbage throughout all categories because with them, I can see there is nothing worth even bothering with.

This guy seriously just needs a good writer and translator. Even what is being said in the dialog is ok if the spelling, grammar and structure was on point.
3.50 star(s) 17 Votes