Okay, as I know some have been asking for it, but I haven't seen another one. I did 1 more full corruption path. Pretty sure I found everything. But what I did was make 10 saves. I did everything corruption day 1 for Kora, save, everything corruption for Luca day 1, save, everything corruption day 2 for Kora, save, etc. There was no point starting save for other people at beginning of the game because you can start new game to find the beginning stuff for Kora. So depending on what you want to see each day, you can just start which day you want. And remember, this is for v0.71. It will likely mess up on any other version! But in case you're missing content or want to use this to check your own points (unless I did miss something than feel free to let me know), this can help you out. Oh, and some events are bugged and repeatable, on these saves, every event was seen "one" time.