4.10 star(s) 36 Votes


Active Member
Nov 16, 2016
What alternative, safe to use platform was around 5 years ago?
Subscribestar exists since 2013 and saying it wasn't "safe to use" or "untrustworthy" (it's a San Francisco based company just like Patreon) is just cope. The real reason why you haven't and won't use it is because it means less money, and you admit it yourself:
It's hard to answer this when your facts are completely wrong. We are coming up to 4 years and I think we still have some way to go
SO?? What does the release of the first build have to do with this? The PATREON PROJECT START, as in, the DATE YOU STARTED TAKING MONEY FROM PEOPLE, and also THE DATE YOU STARTED WORKING ON THE GAME (supposedly), was in 2018.
neither you or I get to decide how people want to spend their money. Just because you see it as a negative many people disagree with you and are happy supporting projects they get to see come to fruition.
This was not my argument, you wanted my definition of what "milking" is, and I gave you one.

No, you're just being ridiculous and proof of the main reason I stopped having public trellos.

This is quite frankly, none of your business. I'm not going to detail my company expenditure / revenue share with employees with you.
Oh, so just like I expected, that means exactly 1 (one), gotcha. :BootyTime:
The "I'm not going to tell you how much I spend, BUT DUDE TRUST ME IT'S A LOT IT'S EXPENSIVE SHIT" is also a HILARIOUS "argument" to make in this context.

I don't want to waste any more time debating with this kind of nonsense.
You've disproven exactly 0 of my claims, including the "conspiracy theory" about you controlling piracy regarding your games on this forum.
Most of the time that game is leaked days, if not HOURS after the build is released.
I know what you're talking about, because I remember you got pretty butthurt about it. :BootyTime:
Since you're clearly not ok with PIRATES doing PIRATE THINGS, as shown in your own post above, this only strengthens my claim that your presence here is mostly to damage control this issue.
I believe the incident above is an isolated case, no...? Since then, we haven't been getting "fresh" pirated content at all. Let me repeat myself - it's been 48 days since TSP got release on Patreon. It's not here. Why?
The last build of KoS, by the way, shared yesterday, made its way there some three weeks after its Patreon-only release.

Everything above is some severe digression though. You have NOT proven the original reason for the start of this lovely exchange, that is, you preposterous claim and blame on THIS FORUM, as the SOLE AND ONLY reason for why your games were hardstuck in development for long, long years, and for why their completion was rushed, right here:
Blame the community here for shutting down the funding for it, so it had to be finished early.
The "I dindu nuffin' t'was all F95 trolls, I swear" is something I'm NOT gonna let slide. This post is proof enough that you decided to NOT live up to your failures and deflected the blame on others with minimal proof and maximum conjecture, and despite everything, you continue being Patreon's bitch.
Good luck with your games, you're definitely set for like 6 more years with them at LEAST.
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Active Member
Nov 16, 2016
Good luck with your life, I hope you can find something to focus on and bring you joy than misremembering things that happened 6 years ago. (y) Although I guess if it hasn't happened in the past 6 years, probably no luck for the next.
Wow, this is really pathetic coping. Are you ok? I didn't want to BTFO you THAT hard, using your OWN POSTS to help my arguments, but I guess I just couldn't help myself seeing how much you're squirming.

Sad to see you haven't grown much as a developer in those 6+ years after all. You know, the first step to do that would be ignoring my first reply to you in the first place, and dedicating all that energy instead to writing something in one of your games.

I'm clearly an autistic loser that doesn't have anything better to do. But YOU have three game projects at once to run, no?

BBC King

Well-Known Member
May 8, 2021
This dev is a joke, should have been apparent after he was "forced" to finish Urban Demons because his own patrons got sick of the milking and were actively trying to get him de-platformed which I agree with, if you gonna sit there month after month milking you deserve to get your shit taken away.

And I say "forced" because you can tell that Urban Demons could have been in "development" for the foreseeable future, the only reason it was finally pushed to the finish line was because his Patreon was at stake. lmfao

Naughty Underworld

Active Member
Game Developer
Apr 4, 2018
I'm not getting baited into another slugging match with people who purposefully missremember things and believe crazy conspiracies and act as though their opinion has any weight outside of their own heads. But I can simplify their argument for any one reading:

  • "Wahhhhh, you're aren't working fast enough! I know, I'll report the patreon and get it shut down despite not financially contributing to the project in any way, that'll show 'em!"
  • *Patreon gets shut down, announces projects end and closure*
  • "Wahhhhhh! What do you mean you aren't going to continue to make the game!? You should go into heavy debt finishing this project the way I want it to be done! How could you do this!?"
  • *Continues to get mad that the dev moved on - purposefully presents misinformation to stir shit because it's the only way they can maybe get a sense of satisfaction after 6 years*
It's literally this meme


End point is I'm extremely glad I've moved on and I think my work reflects that. The UD project always attracted the most toxic, horrid people and I'm glad they dont stick around as the new community mixed with old faces and new are a lovely bunch.

That's the last thing I'm ever going to say in the topic. These people simply don't deserve any more of my time.


Active Member
Nov 16, 2016
I'm not getting baited
You just did.

It's literally this meme

View attachment 3022267
It's literally not and the whole reason why I started was to prove it.
That's just your attempt to deflect the blame to "those damn Internet trolls and haters!!" instead of admitting your own shortcomings and failures.
Have a little humility. You're not a "studio", or a "team", you're one guy with a business plan of running 3 Patreon projects at once that you preferably want to drag out for as long as possible (5 and 3 years so far) after having experience in doing that for ~7 years before.

The only thing you've proven with your epic "meme" and text is how genuinely butthurt you are about people digging up dirt on you that you'd prefer be buried. I never cared about personal "satisfaction" even though you delivered it to me on a silver platter with your squirming and coping - I just wanted to provide some broader context to your claims, Xwitter community notes style, if you will.


Jun 26, 2022
You just did.

It's literally not and the whole reason why I started was to prove it.
That's just your attempt to deflect the blame to "those damn Internet trolls and haters!!" instead of admitting your own shortcomings and failures.
Have a little humility. You're not a "studio", or a "team", you're one guy with a business plan of running 3 Patreon projects at once that you preferably want to drag out for as long as possible (5 and 3 years so far) after having experience in doing that for ~7 years before.

The only thing you've proven with your epic "meme" and text is how genuinely butthurt you are about people digging up dirt on you that you'd prefer be buried. I never cared about personal "satisfaction" even though you delivered it to me on a silver platter with your squirming and coping - I just wanted to provide some broader context to your claims, Xwitter community notes style, if you will.
I mean the utmost respect to you and don't want to start beef but like, it was 6 years ago let the man live.


Dec 29, 2017
Poor choice of words considering he literally *lives* off of the money he milks from 3 different projects.
If people are willing to pay for what's being provided then that's on the customers. If you're not satisfied with what you're paying for then unsubscribe, vote with your wallet.

BBC King

Well-Known Member
May 8, 2021
If people are willing to pay for what's being provided then that's on the customers. If you're not satisfied with what you're paying for then unsubscribe, vote with your wallet.
Oh I been learned my lesson, the last game I supported was "The Tyrant" and surprise surprise the dev milked the updates then eventually abandoned the game. Lesson learned.

Always pirate a game first, if its not available on PC, get an emulator, if theres no emulator THEN you should spend money on it.
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Dec 29, 2017
So is this game pretty much abandoned?
Nope, 0.26 is available to the public and 0.27 to the patrons. 0.27 came out August 30 and 0.26 June 30 so it seems like it's an update every 2 months or so. No post one the patreon at all for over a month though and I don't know what's happening in the discord.

Naughty Underworld

Active Member
Game Developer
Apr 4, 2018
Nope, 0.26 is available to the public and 0.27 to the patrons. 0.27 came out August 30 and 0.26 June 30 so it seems like it's an update every 2 months or so. No post one the patreon at all for over a month though and I don't know what's happening in the discord.
There is a build coming in like 4 days, as always it's the last Friday of the month.
4.10 star(s) 36 Votes