Okay I gave it a run through, um it has problems, plot-wise, I really would have like to see more of the mechanics, it seemed like it was rushed and might be a good initial release like a rev 0.01, I'm not sure I like where the plot conflict is leading. To quote a famous person involving secrets, three people can keep a secret as long and two of them are dead. the conflict between the MC and his friends seems a little over the top and juvenile. It could have been taken so many other better places. Come on Dev, show us some game mechanics, let us play with the spellbook. What you showed us was basically a revamp of your initial idea, which was good, you introduced a plot conflict with the MC's friends that wasn't really needed and kinda just makes the friends look mostly like douche bags. The graphics and scenes are stellar, but I really want more play and less paint by number. So in the immortal words, of Bruce; Klatu, Verata, necktie! there I said the words, maybe not every teeny syllable exactly right but I basically said the words.