I managed to beat the game thanks in no small part to the posters here, though it took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out that finding the elvish diary required ye going behind the waterfall on the opposite side from the golem lady. Anywho, there's some loose ends I was wondering if anyone's gotten an answer to:
1. Does the lady with the golem actually go anywhere? I musta banged 100 dudes and she's still just giving me money to go out and collect more semen (now there's a sentence I never thought I'd write...).
2. What is the max MP? I found the guy who increases it for ye and figured based on something someone else said that it topped out at 40, but at the moment I think I'm at 55 and he's asking for more aphrodisiac.
3. What are all the items ye collect, as throughout the game there've been a fair amount of empty slots. I understand that the various gems went in and out of the inventory, and no longer needing iron ore or mithril after a certain point I can see why those spots are blank, but it seems like there's some stuff out there I haven't seen.
Also I empathize with whoever was having a problem with the desert boss. She was giving me fits until I upgraded the sword then beating her was way easier.
Thanks ahead of time.