
Conversation Conqueror
Jun 24, 2017
Hi there,

Can anyone help me here? Just downloaded the latest version v.47 cracked.
And everytime I start the game, it won't let me get pass Day 1 after the intro (Yes, i wanted to play from the start and don't have my saves anymore)
The game will stay in black screen and if I hit any button, a message will appear saying TheTwist.exe isn't responding forcing me to close the program..

Am I doing something wrong? I've done this 5 times now to see if it's some kind of glitch, it really won't let me proceed.
Any help would be appreciated guys. Thanks
Unfortunately the copy of the game in the OP is incomplete/corrupted

You need to either download the full game again (NOT FROM THE OP/FRONT PAGE) along with the crack or the repacked pre-cracked version, you can find links to them in the link I included
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New Member
Apr 24, 2019
Mal som si to uvedomiť skôr

Dôvod, prečo majú všetky problémy, je ten, že v kópii v OP chýbajú 2 GB súborov, pretože je o 2 GB menšia, ako by mala byť.

Takže pre všetkých, ktorí majú problémy, to je dôvod, prečo ste mali problémy, vo vašej kópii hry chýba veľa súborov

Takže zatiaľ, kým nebude opravená titulná strana, môžete si ju stiahnuť buď z môjho podpisu alebo tu
alebo ak si chcete stiahnuť prebalený, vopred popraskaný jeden súbor - tu

Toto je z OP na prednej strane
View attachment 1526061

Toto by malo byť
View attachment 1526062


New Member
Apr 24, 2019
Mal som si to uvedomiť skôr

Dôvod, prečo majú všetky problémy, je ten, že v kópii v OP chýbajú 2 GB súborov, pretože je o 2 GB menšia, ako by mala byť.

Takže pre všetkých, ktorí majú problémy, to je dôvod, prečo ste mali problémy, vo vašej kópii hry chýba veľa súborov

Takže zatiaľ, kým nebude opravená titulná strana, môžete si ju stiahnuť buď z môjho podpisu alebo tu
alebo ak si chcete stiahnuť prebalený, vopred popraskaný jeden súbor - tu

Toto je z OP na prednej strane
View attachment 1526061

Toto by malo byť
View attachment 1526062
Download The Twist 0.47 (Windows) here:
Alternative link (1 file): (Thanks to Hun73rdk)

Download The Twist 0.47 (MAC) here:

Download The Twist 0.47 Walkthrough HERE! (Thanks to Fishman for edit)

Download SaveGame file ready for 0.47 HERE!


To use Load Game / Save Game you will need to connect to the game through the Patreon.

To do that you need to:
1) Click on "Connect to Patreon" button.
2) Prehliadač sa zobrazí a požiada vás o povolenie na informácie potrebné na overenie vášho účtu a jeho úrovne odmien. Kliknite na položku Povoliť.
3) Uvidíte "CONNECTED". Toto okno môžete zavrieť.
4) Vráťte sa do okna hry. Ak ste patrón, na úrovni nezáleží. V pravom dolnom rohu obrazovky uvidíte zelené písmená „CONNECTED“ a budú funkčné možnosti NAČÍTAŤ HRU / ULOŽIŤ HRU.

Musíte sa prihlásiť iba raz (do ďalšej aktualizácie). Pri ďalšom spustení hry už nebudú potrebné žiadne ďalšie akcie.

Pokyny na rozbalenie (Windows):

1) Stiahnite si obe časti.

2) Kliknite pravým tlačidlom myši na Časť 1 a vyberte možnosť Extrahovať. Automaticky vytiahne obe časti.

3) Užite si hru.

Odporúčam použiť WinRar (bezplatný softvér).

*Súbory SaveGame sa nachádzajú v "C:\Users\UserName\AppData\LocalLow\KsTgames\The Twist\"*

Pokyny na rozbalenie (Mac):

1) Stiahnite si všetky časti.

2) Extrahujte časť 1. ( Odporúčam použiť The Unarchiver (bezplatný softvér) z obchodu s aplikáciami )

3) Spustite hru cez Finder.

Ak sa hra nespustí z dôvodu „neidentifikovaného vývojára“. Otvorte Predvoľby systému a prejdite na Zabezpečenie a súkromie a uistite sa, že je vybratá karta Všeobecné.

*Súbory SaveGame sa nachádzajú v "Macintosh HD / Používatelia / Používateľské meno / Knižnica / Podpora aplikácií / unity.KsTgames.The Twist"*

Zmeny vo finálnej verzii (od Beta2):
- Pridaná možnosť vybrať si oblečenie Janice a Rachel pri opakovaní nových scén.
- Opravená chyba, potom spustenie novej hry neresetuje postup poslednej aktualizácie.
- Opravených niekoľko starších chýb a iných drobných vizuálnych chýb.
dakujem, toto uz pomohlo, somar, ani som si nevsimol, ze je problem s velkostou suboru, klobuk dole, este raz dakujem
Aug 29, 2020
The Twist 0.48 plans & Seaside Mystery info

The Twist 0.48

This update will focused mostly on Michelle, since she took the 2nd place in the last poll. Michelle won't be the only character that gets updates, the other one will be Julia. Also the main scene/scenes will have an option to invite an optional character.
Seaside Mystery
The next step for Seaside Mystery is the college, since it will play an important role in the early game. The next update will introduce the college interior and the new character, more information and preview of her will be posted in the next w.i.p. post.
Besides college, the next update will bring continuation of Brenda's and Janice's progression.
The Poll
As it was mentioned above, the next The Twist update will be focused on Michelle and Julia. So the question is what would you prefer: more action of Michelle and Julia in the same scene or in the separate scenes?

- more action of Michelle and Julia in the same scene

- better keep Michelle and Julia in the separate scenes.

14 votes total
7 days left


New Member
Apr 24, 2019
Potrebujete pomoc s krokom 920.

Znova som išiel na pláž a myslím, že som opäť absolvoval párty pri bazéne.

Nič, ja som nedostal Rachel, aby polievala rastliny. Moja izba tiež nemá možnosť jej zavolať.

Môže sa stať, že na odomknutie kroku 920 musím urobiť nejaké kroky, ktoré nie sú uvedené v návode?
Potrebujete pomoc s krokom 920.

Znova som išiel na pláž a myslím, že som opäť absolvoval párty pri bazéne.

Nič, ja som nedostal Rachel, aby polievala rastliny. Moja izba tiež nemá možnosť jej zavolať.

Môže sa stať, že na odomknutie kroku 920 musím urobiť nejaké kroky, ktoré nie sú uvedené v návode?


Bahamut Zero

Engaged Member
Apr 27, 2017
Hi there,

Can anyone help me here? Just downloaded the latest version v.47 cracked.
And everytime I start the game, it won't let me get pass Day 1 after the intro (Yes, i wanted to play from the start and don't have my saves anymore)
The game will stay in black screen and if I hit any button, a message will appear saying TheTwist.exe isn't responding forcing me to close the program..

Am I doing something wrong? I've done this 5 times now to see if it's some kind of glitch, it really won't let me proceed.
Any help would be appreciated guys. Thanks
Unfortunately the copy of the game in the OP is incomplete/corrupted

You need to either download the full game again (NOT FROM THE OP/FRONT PAGE) along with the crack or the repacked pre-cracked version, you can find links to them in the link I included
Oh boy! Thank you i find this two post! I was going to go crazy!
Before i download the v0.47 i was play the v0.46 and the game go without problems.
Then i finally see that the v0.47 was in the final cracked version... so i download and unzip it.
But every time i try to load me save file... the game just stay in black screen forever! And if i press any button, TheTwist.exe isn't responding forcing me to close the program..
So i thinks... perhaps the game do not support old save game... Lets restart the game from 0 and see.
The game start but after the tutorial... black screen again... I was about to get angry, because I didn't understand why the game was crashing. Then i finally find your comment^^

So i download another version and try it and now this version work well. At last for now. Hope till the end XD
Thank you


Conversation Conqueror
Jun 24, 2017
i'm new to this game... how can i save?
Here's everything you need to play the game

To keep it simple, just grab the repacked version as it's already cracked and install it.
please do no grab the cracked copy from the OP/front page of this thread as that copy is corrupted

for everything else you can find it here


Mar 31, 2019
The several versions released so far still have errors. Rachel will be outside watering flowers and Message Rachel will disappear because of Save Load. You must repeat 625-626 to re-trigger Rachel will be outside watering flowers, and then wait five days before Message Rachel.


Conversation Conqueror
Jun 24, 2017
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Mar 31, 2019
You need to repeat 624-626, the walkthrough missing out step 624
and you need to repeat the pool party.
I have repeated 624, but the triggered Rachel will be outside watering flowers and the Message Rachel that appeared the next day will disappear after save and quit. I repeat the 624-Rachel will be outside watering flowers-Message Rachel exercise a lot Finally, three different options were completed. But in the end, Fishnet stockings still did not appear.


Conversation Conqueror
Jun 24, 2017
I have repeated 624, but the triggered Rachel will be outside watering flowers and the Message Rachel that appeared the next day will disappear after save and quit. I repeat the 624-Rachel will be outside watering flowers-Message Rachel exercise a lot Finally, three different options were completed. But in the end, Fishnet stockings still did not appear.
Catching Rachel watering is automatic, you do not need to knock on her door or catch her excersing that has nothing to do with what you need to do.

just in case what version of the game are you playing
if its 0.4Beta1 or 2, there's a bug with this and fishnet stocking you need to grab 0.47Final to get them.

but please, do not grab it from the front page right now, as that copy is corrupt, you can get it from here
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New Member
Jun 25, 2019
The several versions released so far still have errors. Rachel will be outside watering flowers and Message Rachel will disappear because of Save Load. You must repeat 625-626 to re-trigger Rachel will be outside watering flowers, and then wait five days before Message Rachel.
Yes, have problem. After Save/Load - need repeat. Final version


Mar 31, 2019
Catching Rachel watering is automatic, you do not need to knock on her door or catch her excersing that has nothing to do with what you need to do.

just in case what version of the game are you playing
if its 0.4Beta1 or 2, there's a bug with this and fishnet stocking you need to grab 0.47Final to get them.

but please, do not grab it from the front page right now, as that copy is corrupt, you can get it from here
I downloaded the file in the link you provided, and the final result is still the same.As long as save and quit, the Message Rachel at Jason's room option will also disappear.


Conversation Conqueror
Jun 24, 2017
I downloaded the file in the link you provided, and the final result is still the same.As long as save and quit, the Message Rachel at Jason's room option will also disappear.
Sor for the delay I was testing out my copy of the game
and unfortunately what I found is this is a save bug, which I'm sorry to say can only be fixed by the developer of the game.

but there is a work around
Redo everything again
DO NOT Save and Quit
Just Quit
Click Load
at the bottom of the load menu, Click AutoSave

so this seems not to hold the new info and unfortunately until the save bug is fixed, this is the only way to progress.
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Conversation Conqueror
Jun 24, 2017
Fixed by skai


Unfortnately I have recently found a bug in the "Save and Quit" system, the new created saves are not hold the new information sending you back to step 920

But there is a working around
After playing the new content
Just Quit the game, DO NOT Save and Quit
Then load up the AutoSave from the load menu
found at the bottom of the menu
Screenshot 2021-12-02 151358.png

As for if this bug affects you if you start a new game or use an old save, that is unknown, so caution would be advised

So for the time being, you might have to stick to using the AutoSave to save your progressing

What this also means unfortunately, is I will have to hold off creating the new saves for 0.47 until the "Save and Quit" bug is fixed.
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Jan 13, 2018
Hey y'all can a brotha get some advice? just downloaded the 0.47 and tried to start playing, but for whatever reason the game just stops responding. any reason why would this happened?


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2019
Hey y'all can a brotha get some advice? just downloaded the 0.47 and tried to start playing, but for whatever reason the game just stops responding. any reason why would this happened?
Catching Rachel watering is automatic, you do not need to knock on her door or catch her excersing that has nothing to do with what you need to do.

just in case what version of the game are you playing
if its 0.4Beta1 or 2, there's a bug with this and fishnet stocking you need to grab 0.47Final to get them.

but please, do not grab it from the front page right now, as that copy is corrupt, you can get it from here
teh verion on the front page is bugged so use this link to dwonload the fixed version
3.40 star(s) 167 Votes