Is there any way to edit savegames in this? My save is completely bugged and I think it's unsalvageable. I did step ~451 where Janice catches you stealing the black neighbors necklace. Mayyyybe I also got caught with danielle on the beach.
Either way, she is angry at me and no more sex. NORMALLY, this passes in week, right? Well I've played a week of only doing other stuff. Rebecca, the black doctor niece, the huge tit milf. Still angry. Did one week of no sex with John at home, then Janice grabs my hadn and forcefully pulls me at her bed. We had sex. She's still angry.
Skipped an entire week of "skip this day", still angry.
I caught her vacuuming in the living room. But I alredy did those stepss and I can already sleep at danielle's after the cam show. But I said ... maybe it's bugged, let's do those 4 chorse like last time. I did the vacuuming and washed the dishes 3 times. 4 in total. Still angry.
The cheat menu has nothing on angry-ness. I have no diea what else I can do. I feel compltely borked.
EDIT: Read more carefully, step 450: (During this "mad period" Janice refuses to have sex with Jason until you complete the steps 451 to 453.)
452. Make sure you have at least 4 Vitamine X. From now on, when John is not at home, Jason randomly wakes up at night and hears some noises coming from the living room.
Click on "Go check the living room". Janice, Emma and Rachel are having some drinks. Take a look at the color of their drinks.
Click on "Sneak to the bar cabinet" and "Go for it!". Choose the bottle that matches the color of their drinks and click on "Add VitamineX".
Now click 3 times in a row on "Add more VitamineX". When you have added 4 Vitamine X, click on "Done".
Never happens. Never ever ever. It's been more than a month. Never happens
Jezus F christ. I fixed it. IDK how or why but I just, out of depsperation, went to cheat menu and hit "refil supply". Even though I had the vitamine X. But INSTANTLY the next night I got the event.