
New Member
Jun 23, 2017
where do you find no sex for a week scene while john is away? i have finished the anal training scene i think


Dec 29, 2017
i have a pronblem when i go to school at 21h apper only black screen its a bug?
Are you sure to have correctly unlock the window?

1) first action is a timed action : you need to click on window (left part) before the time is elapsed.
2) second action you need to click the button "Unlock the window" when the cursor is in the colored zone

Tip: use the right mouse button to rotate the view to have full window in seen before action one.


Apr 27, 2018
All variables and their purpose (for use with Cheat Menu, Save Editor or Scene Dump files)

There are several great tools for this game, like and , which are allowing to view and modify the game variables. A lot of the players are using those tools for cheating or for bypassing various bugs this game has. Also these variables can be used with Scene Dump files (they can be created with Cheat Menu), to find how to legally progress in the game without cheating.

That's why I decided to create a guide with all the variables and a brief description of their purpose. This guide contains all variables from ver. 0.22 final. If you find a variable I've missed, PM me so I can add it to the guide.

I think that all that discussion about the game variables and their detailed explanation must be transferred to a new thread, but right now I have insufficient privileges to create a new one.

EDIT: A new thread is created with all variables from ver. 0.22 final.


May 1, 2018
always the same problem with 0.22 Beta 2

Does not work
After a few minutes and some scene there is a black screen and nothing.
to close the game and restart.
waiting for the final version or save problem ?


May 13, 2018
what do you need to do to get to have the option to offer help to kelly at the store so you can advance keira in 1.22?


Nov 21, 2017
All variables and their purpose (for use with Cheat Menu, Save Editor or Scene Dump files)

There are several great tools for this game, like and , which are allowing to view and modify the game variables. A lot of the players are using those tools for cheating or for bypassing various bugs this game has. Also these variables can be used with Scene Dump files (they can be created with Cheat Menu), to find how to legally progress in the game without cheating. Here you can find all dump files for version 0.21 final. For version 0.22 I will add them after the final version (0.22 final) come out.

That's why I decided to create a guide with all the variables and a brief description of their purpose. This guide contains all variables from ver. 0.21 final. If you find a variable I've missed, PM me so I can add it to the guide. The new variables which are introduced in ver. 0.22 will be added to the guide after the final version (0.22 final) come out.

I think that all that discussion about the game variables and their detailed explanation must be transferred to a new thread, but right now I have insufficient privileges to create a new one.

Thank you brother! great work.....
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Bahamut Zero

Engaged Member
Apr 27, 2017
lol the funny thing is that in the first page there is a walkthrough! But many ppl continue to ask for phone password XD
I understand if there was no walk for the game. But lol guys there is a walk in the first page! And is easy to see too. When you download you also see the walkthrough behind it!

Anyway i am try to download the beta 2. But follow the walk, this update really look the most smalled one i see for this game. I mean just dad retrun, just two sex scene, one with the mother in the bad when the dad is here and the other one in the bathroom. The rest of this update is... mother different costume for beach, some tan line and some of kira progress story. Not much more. Or i am missing something? There are new sex update thing that the walkthrough do not say?

Another thing. I need to ask this to the new player because i am thinking to restart from the scratch the game to change some little thing. So i need some advice.
If i restart the game from the scratch, can i avoid to give billy all the video? I do not wanna give him anything. I just do not wanna see him spy on me while i am in the pool yard.
I play this game from the first update, so at that time i just cant avoid something. Ofc billy do no have a pussy in me acctual save file, but every time i try to speak with him at school he always ask if he can have a blowjob with mc mother! And i need to tell him every time no! So i was thinking perhaps if i restart and do not give any video, or other thing, that billy do not ask anything. Can someone tell me? Because otherwise i need to check it alone.
Anticipate thankses.
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Conversation Conqueror
Apr 27, 2017
lol the funny thing is that in the first page there is a walkthrough! But many ppl continue to ask for phone password XD
Just when you think you're not going to see it... "What's the phone password?":evilsmile:XD

Anyway i am try to download the beta 2. But follow the walk, this update really look the most smalled one i see for this game. I mean just dad retrun, just two sex scene, one with the mother in the bad when the dad is here and the other one in the bathroom. The rest of this update is... mother different costume for beach, some tan line and some of kira progress story. Not much more. Or i am missing something? There are new sex update thing that the walkthrough do not say?
There's also the implementation of the sneaking mini-game, and everything involved in what you mentioned - sleeping pills, working in the pharmacy for Kelly (to get the pills in the first place and for money after), and all the tedious behind the scenes work we easily forget about. That includes the updating of existing scenes to accommodate for variations brought in by all the new content.
Given how long into the 20th it took for KST to get the first Beta ready, I'm actually quite surprised that it wasn't more buggy than what we've already seen in it.

I'd venture that implementing the sneaking system (primitive as it is) and the swimsuit design system for Janice took the greater amount of the workload for this update.

I do like how the swimsuit "design" system works though, even though it's also a little immersion breaking when compared to how clothing choices worked prior to that. Still like it though, so it's only a minor issue.

If i restart the game from the scratch, can i avoid to give billy all the video? I do not wanna give him anything. I just do not wanna see him spy on me while i am in the pool yard.
IIRC, you need to give him most of them, as part of the early progression was designed around them being as necessary to progress the game, as building the relationship points with Janice is to even being able to massage her breasts, let alone begin kissing her.

It's because of the triggers for dialogue, so that you can eventually get the screwdriver to break the lock on the bathroom door. It's the same with how not asking Janice about your past (adoption, then the hospital adopted from) locks out getting to know Emma's name, leaving Emma only as the next door neighbour and being unable to get relationship points with her.

I play this game from the first update, so at that time i just cant avoid something. Ofc billy do no have a pussy in me acctual save file, but every time i try to speak with him at school he always ask if he can have a blowjob with mc mother! And i need to tell him every time no! So i was thinking perhaps if i restart and do not give any video, or other thing, that billy do not ask anything. Can someone tell me? Because otherwise i need to check it alone.
Anticipate thankses.
Having to continue telling him no, is in character with the kind of selfish and deluded little shit that Billy is though.
He's a necessary "evil" in this game, and whilst you have no choice in some of the dealings with him, you don't have to give him anything more than pictures and videos, and even then you don't have to give him the video of Janice & Julia in the shower together.
He's easily pacified, largely because (thankfully) KST wrote him as a moron.

There is another bright side to Billy. He's to dumb to ever be able to become... ERIC!!!!!!!XD

Bahamut Zero

Engaged Member
Apr 27, 2017
Just when you think you're not going to see it... "What's the phone password?":evilsmile:XD

There's also the implementation of the sneaking mini-game, and everything involved in what you mentioned - sleeping pills, working in the pharmacy for Kelly (to get the pills in the first place and for money after), and all the tedious behind the scenes work we easily forget about. That includes the updating of existing scenes to accommodate for variations brought in by all the new content.
Given how long into the 20th it took for KST to get the first Beta ready, I'm actually quite surprised that it wasn't more buggy than what we've already seen in it.

I'd venture that implementing the sneaking system (primitive as it is) and the swimsuit design system for Janice took the greater amount of the workload for this update.

I do like how the swimsuit "design" system works though, even though it's also a little immersion breaking when compared to how clothing choices worked prior to that. Still like it though, so it's only a minor issue.

IIRC, you need to give him most of them, as part of the early progression was designed around them being as necessary to progress the game, as building the relationship points with Janice is to even being able to massage her breasts, let alone begin kissing her.

It's because of the triggers for dialogue, so that you can eventually get the screwdriver to break the lock on the bathroom door. It's the same with how not asking Janice about your past (adoption, then the hospital adopted from) locks out getting to know Emma's name, leaving Emma only as the next door neighbour and being unable to get relationship points with her.

Yeah when i say the video i just ask the first video. Because after the screwdrive i try to avoid all the other thingd whilst you have no choice in some of the dealings with him, you don't have to give him anything more than pictures and videos, and even then you don't have to give him the video of Janice & Julia in the shower together.
He's easily pacified, largely because (thankfully) KST wrote him as a moron.

There is another bright side to Billy. He's to dumb to ever be able to become... ERIC!!!!!!!XD
Well till now i just give some video, i mean the video necessary to obten the screwdrive. After i try to avoid all the thing possibile with Billy.
I mean the video with janice and julia is only mine XD billy never see that video.
Also i never give him the photo in the pool yard. I give hime the coopon and the dark elf poster and i avoid also the janice on the Beach. So billy do not have any chance in me game!
So in me playthrough Billy do not fuck any pussy! Billy remain virgin for his intere life! There is no way that in me game billy have every possibility to become like Eric!!! XD And i was so happy when Billy find Jason and Rachel (his mother) in the badroom fucking! That little asshole need to cry! I really hope that the autor give us the possibilty to let Billy cry! I wanna see him cry. So he lear to never ask anything on mc mother! XD

Anyway i just need to try and restart, i just give who the game need to give to Billy and avoid that little thing that i do not like. Like if i am not misake the let me see you while you fuck you mother. I do not wanna him see anything. If i have to give him some video at the start ok, but after billy remaining a virgin for his intere life! XD
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