after having played the whole game...
wall of text incoming
this is such a high quality game with so many references to memes, pop culture, good old times and funny dialogs. although the girls are so sexy the story itself is entertaining aswell
i expected nothing more than one more generic game to fap to and oh man, how was i wrong
the father is so full of love (notice how he never pushes the girls at all) and rather takes a step back than being too demanding. even willing to cross lines just to make them happy
i guess thats something those who have teenage daughters themselves can understand even better

also it is excellent how julissas personality is depicted, how she seems a bit crazy at first but the more you observe its all about her being insecure and really wanting daddys attention and love - but not only as a daughter but also as a young woman
it almost broke my heart when she was like "i just want daddy to love me as much as anna"
having a strong father is such an important thing for girls. it is sad reality fatherless girls or those who have a weak / non present father often develop in a worse way than those coming from an intact family with a strong man. if there is a father she takes serious, she will be happy if she asks him "daddy am i pretty" and he answers "yes" and might even give her a slight bottom smack. on the other hand, if this is missing, girls will often try to get that male validation externally - from men who are not having the best intents but rather just want to take advantage of her to get off
oh well i get off topic but the game made me think deep about these things again
also great: anna beeing cute and innocent but actually not as innocent as one might think
enjoyed the depiction of the thin line from being affectionate with ones daughters to incest
coming from europe myself i can confirm some things like a (sexy!) teenage daughter sitting innocently on daddys lap or an innocent kiss on the mouth are - at least in some places - still common and not deemed inappropriate at all same as mechanical stimuli WILL give you a boner - even if its just the cat taking place and akwardly trying to find a good position for itself, LOL
it made me laugh so hard when young dad kisses his mother goodbye and i was like "what a wholesome loving family" and suddenly they toungue-kissed, bursted out of laughter!
dialog about how a father can see his daughter with the eyes of a man aswell aside from the eyes of a dad - splendid
also interesting (and realistic) how the question comes from melissa (scene at the park) - "i want to know how you see me as a woman, not as your daughter"
i also immensely enjoyed how dad fixed the situation with melissa being brainwashed by the therapist (this is quite a common situation nowadays, lol) by providing her love while still making clear he is the man of the house and does not tolerate it if things really escalate
altogether, this game offers - if you think about it - nice psychological insights which i also enjoyed
also, again lets talk about how high quality the models are. there is nothing more beautiful than teengirls and giving these a charming and affectionate personality makes this game one of the top 5 of all times so far
incomplete list of more things i enjoyed, just those who came to my mind in an instant (i actually in hindsight there is nothing in the game i did NOT enjoy):
- the joke about bitcoin mining with annas computer in the dialog with vanessa
- anna appreciating how her dad even told her she does well when she shook her butt in an akward way
- the funny situation when melissa eavesdropped the door at the apartment at the beginning and thought her dad is doing pervy things to anna when he did nothing like that at all
- how fatherless emily desperately is trying to get that much needed maled validation (poor girl)
- the misunderstanding when anna and julissa thought daddy is homosexual with rogelio
- how julissa exaggerated the happenings in the clothes shop which culminated in the imaginative image of dad being intimate with the african man

- how cute vanessa asked for a hug with low voice, not really having the courage to ask (also desperate for male attention, she might be fatherless too?! this scene really hit me into the feelings as i have witnessed a very similar situation once)
- how dad sometimes just does not get the innuendos because he genuinely has a good heart
- the small details like those who are under influence of the mysterious demon-cat-urine-protein drug having purple eyes
- resolution of initially weird situations like melissa not looking into the bathroom which later turns out as intentional
- seeing that scene again from HER perspective
- slapstick humor featuring julissa being 100% honest but everyone thinks its a joke (scene where dad is at toilet, where nun visits)
- how the girls play with each other and sometimes sneak kisses (this is so innocent and pure)
- funny thoughts like "i feel like a stripper at a bachelors party" when anna and julissa fed him the popsicles
finally, some words for those who think this is game is dead: doing my research i found a link to the chatroom of the programmer ("discord-chat") and nothing here seems abandoned, it rather looks like he is a family man with an ambitious project that just needs his time