Um... the best answer I have for that is, it depends. For the suggestions I've decided to incorporate already, some will definitely be much easier to work on once the game is completed and I can focus on making larger changes without the worry of a new update possibly conflicting with all the working I putting into something.
But there are other suggestions and things I can and am working on now, as I have time, to incorporate into the mod. Such as the some cleaned up dialogue and punctuation reviews that were shared with my from a couple of users. I've been reviewing and adding those to the mod and will be releasing that as a patch later on.
I have also scripted additional options for scenes that would change the scene slightly once you've seen it or passed certain point thresholds so it's more reactionary and feel more alive. I have used a few of these already in the mod, but since Saddog has said he's working on the same thing, I wanted to see how he was going to add those to his scenes before I started making large scale changes on my side.
I'm working on rendering some more images with Alexis currently, but I admittedly have a potato of a machine, so it takes me time to get that done. But it's fun too.
I'm also looking at possibly options for alternate GUI options and systems for placing them in game. I can go it the easy way with asset replacement, but I'm looking at other options in game as well. But that is a lot of button coding to replace in game! Ouch!
These are just some of the things I'm working on for the mod. I have a rather large list of requested features from users as well as my own ideas that I'm slowly checking off. Sadly not all of them are going to end up in the mod. Some just don't quite fit with what I'm going for with the mod. I've had to scrap quite a few of my own ideas in the process of making this thing. But I'm trying to get to as many of the requests as I can.
Of course, the usual management of expectations should be made. I'm starting to get real busy at work again, as such, time is getting to be hard to come by. So it's not like I'm going to be popping off with large updates for new features all the sudden. (Not like I have been lately anyway, but I just don't want to get hopes up.) That being said, this is how I like to spend my free-time. Working on and improving the mod. So you can at least know that I will be working on this thing whenever I can steal a free moment away from this crazy place we call the real world.
I hope the answered your question.
And that you all are staying safe out there!