Sure, I would be happy too.

First off, I hope you're having a great holiday season as well, all of you! Things are still very busy, but I'm keeping going as best I can. I'm still plugging away on the update.
The latest thing I have been tackling has been the issue of trying fix consistency in a few scenes. Such as the City Trip with Alexis. In it she asks for
anal and acts like it's her first time which actually already occurs in a couple scenes depending on your choices.
So I either need to add a counter with a variable in earlier scenes or try using something like seen_label to check if those scenes have been viewed before to check for to add in some alternate dialogue options so that the game seems more reactive to your choices.
The issue with the seen_label option is that it doesn't just work with your active playthrough, but with all playthroughs. So that option isn't really ideal.
The other option will easily work, but then I need to decide if I should add it to all scenes, or just to the scenes where that option can first happen. But for example, there are a few of those counters unused for Nicole under the variables
mompussy and momanal that are only ever in the code under her first date on the weekend, but never called up again in the code. So it's kind of weird to just add these counters in for Alexis for a certain scene and not do it for all of the girls and then make it a bigger part of the whole game.
But then that is a larger addition to the whole thing and will take even longer to implement. But it will add more realism to the mod and create less inconsistency to everyone's dialogue again. Which is a good thing. So I'm just deciding how far to go with it for now.
Either way, I'm making progress still. I'm working on other parts while I decide. That's just part of the puzzle of course.
I just thought I would let you know the kind of thought processes I have behind developing the mod.
Thanks for asking about the mod and it's progress. I'll keep you all updated on it as I go and feel free to keep asking about it if you're ever curious.