Hello all!
To answer your questions. I am still working on the Patreon Reward Image Add-on. As mentioned before, I do have other projects and IRL commitments that take priority right now so it will be a long time till I am finished. I am simply working on it as I can and trying to ensure it doesn't add to my stress, but continues to be a stress release for me. Which it has been.
I have very much enjoyed working on this as it's been a big part of my life for over 5 years now. I've learned a lot just to be able to make this mod and I'm proud of what it has become over time. And that I've been able to provide it for free. That has been important to me too.
So I don't plan on stopping, but with shifts in my life, it has had to take a backseat to other things.
As to me finishing the game itself. I really don't want to do that. It will be an ending according to Saz and not a real ending. Sadly I haven't had any recent updates from Saddog. Him completing the last two chapters himself would have been ideal.
For now I'm just focusing on finishing the Patreon Reward Image Add-on.
When I do finally finish it. We can look at things again. I do still have other scenes scripted out, but as you have already mentioned, they are supplemental scenes exploring side characters mostly and not continuing the main plot.
In regards to other people continuing the game on their own, I've seen a number of people expressing desire to do so. I think it would be wonderful to play other mods that continue the story, or even go in their own direction.
The world of The Tyrant is vibrant and filled with possibilities. There are so many amazing fan-arts out there, that just didn't fit what I was trying to do with my mod, but would be amazing in someone else's.
Others have expressed a desire to include my mod in their own as they have found parts that they like and would like to continue. I, of course, find that flattering. As it is a publicly released mod, I couldn't stop you even if I wanted to. I would just like to ask, that if you use a significant portion of my assets or code improvements, maybe just toss me a mention. That would be super cool.
But in the end that is all up to you. I just wish anyone attempting to do so, all the best of luck. Development can be taxing and high pressure. I believe in you and would live to play what you come up with!
That all being said. Again, I'm still going to be working on my side of things, albeit, very slowly.
I will continue to give updates periodically, so you all know I haven't parished and am still working on things.
I hope you all are staying safe and having a good day/evening/night.