
Jan 13, 2020
I can see people getting depressed especially developers because as much as they need motivation to keep going, the ones who criticize them a lot and if they take it seriously, will also hurt their motivation just as quickly. It's unfortunate, but the internet world can be just as mean as it can be kind. Trolls everywhere, I learned that when I joined a social media app. I didn't realize how quickly things can spiral out of control in such a short amount of time. That being said, losing a job and not being able to find another is depressing in itself.

Thanks saddog for responding. I'll be a patron now. (y)


Active Member
Dec 31, 2019
He has returned. He posted on his patreon not too long ago. Turns out he lost his job and fell into a depression that including drinking. was dealing with some real life issues. He is planning to start doing this full-time. Hoping focusing on this will help him bounce back in his life. He plans on getting the next update out in a few days and hopes this will give him some remission. He knows he must do better with communcation even though he is introverted by nature. Expect update 0.9 with in a few days but absolutely this month.


May 8, 2018
saddog gets $2,280 every month.
for that sum, saddog should at least tell the patrons whats going on.
its not just an anonymous dude anymore, its a payed dev and of course, like any job, u need to tell your employer if you are sick or not.
i get it, a lot of u are not patrons and get games for free and want to defend him,
a perspective from saddog's p.o.w, is to understand him, to support him etc. and I get that.
but even so, he is still payed to do a job. and the minimum is to tell "im sick".

Ian Curtis, Kurt Cobain, Shannon Hoon, Chris Cornell, Robin Willians and many other artists received much more than $ 2,000.00 a month and committed suicide. When you suffer from deep depression, the last thing you think about is exactly who pays you to continue living a meaningless life. I hope you never go through this, as I have already lost many friends to this disease. Forgive me for my bad English!
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Feb 7, 2018
saddog gets $2,280 every month.
for that sum, saddog should at least tell the patrons whats going on.
its not just an anonymous dude anymore, its a payed dev and of course, like any job, u need to tell your employer if you are sick or not.
i get it, a lot of u are not patrons and get games for free and want to defend him,
a perspective from saddog's p.o.w, is to understand him, to support him etc. and I get that.
but even so, he is still payed to do a job. and the minimum is to tell "im sick".
Should have, could have, didn't.

The social obligation here, as neither we the Patreons nor Saddog are under contract, would have been to communicate this, yes. He didn't and we lost a lot of the faith that we had for him as well as a bunch of good will. He came back, explained why that was and apologised. A lot of us accepted those apologies and....here we are.

What is it, exactly, that you are criticising? Or rather, what is it that you want?

Do you want Saddog to publically flaggate himself to earn said forgiveness? You want him to commit sepoku perhaps?


New Member
Nov 26, 2017
What is it, exactly, that you are criticising? Or rather, what is it that you want?

I think he mainly criticizes the lack of communication.
Not more.
In an age where all communication also runs over the IPhon or similar devices, a short "Hello I'm not so well at the moment" is not too much to ask.
He doesn't have to say what he has, it's none of our business, it would have been enough to write that he is not doing so well at the moment.
Two short sentences and you're done. That's all.
I think this is important for paying customers.
Even the most introverted people have to buy something to eat or have other things to do where they inevitably have to communicate with other people

sry for my bad english
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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2017
Ian Curtis, Kurt Cobain, Shannon Hoon, Chris Cornell, Robin Willians and many other artists received much more than $ 2,000.00 a month and committed suicide. When you suffer from deep depression, the last thing you think about is exactly who pays you to continue living a meaningless life. I hope you never go through this, as I have already lost many friends to this disease. Forgive me for my bad English!
Somebody who talks a little sense about depression rather than the pig ignorant posts we have had from some here. They are lucky indeed not to know anybody who suffers from depression and how you just cant get through to them until they have been institutionalized and medicated. If there is something I cant abide on these forums it is out an out pi. ignorance. I have also lost friends to depression.


Jun 14, 2019
Saddog was making about $3000 per month before he went AWOL, so no, it did not make him money, it cost him money. I don't know him, how serious his problems are, or even if they're real, but if they are real and serious the physical and mental health of a human being is at stake, and if they're not a porn game was delayed by three months for no serious reason. The priority in this situation is pretty clear to me, but everyone's entitled to their own opinion.


New Member
Jan 16, 2020
well i see how its easier just to sub to a support on patrion and let it be like it is without micormanaging, however only thing i can recoommend if ur uncertain if the content will be coming which u "pay" for just swap to lowest tier and go high tier if new content release, exceppt u are sure that u think what u get each month is worth ur sub money, easy as that, nothing else u can do on ur side to feel better about human behaviour
Personally i really enjoy his work, since the catches stuff nicely in terms of a game. However this new pics might as well be bait who knows, only when new version comes out ill be getting new trust to this dev
Also after a 3 month absence he could at least show some pics to low tier sub, putting straight to 20 euro after coming back feels fishy. Not that i care about this pics, i rather have a new version, just saying in terms of maintaining customer trust
Its the inet after all and some ppl even uploaded it for free anyway xD, i would have just put it at a costlvl which the new update will cost and be done with it, ofc update can be pirated as well and extra pics are supporter only on the other hand, so he should be true to get only pics for ppl who pay for extra pics... But i still think some "i come back present" for all patrions of his would have been the better course
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Engaged Member
Jan 3, 2019
saddog gets $2,280 every month.
for that sum, saddog should at least tell the patrons whats going on.
its not just an anonymous dude anymore, its a payed dev and of course, like any job, u need to tell your employer if you are sick or not.
i get it, a lot of u are not patrons and get games for free and want to defend him,
a perspective from saddog's p.o.w, is to understand him, to support him etc. and I get that.
but even so, he is still payed to do a job. and the minimum is to tell "im sick".
Before he went AWOL he was making allot more.

btw if it is a sickness what do you call what gumdrops is doing with his game dual family ?? What if Gumdrops would say after 2 years he was having panic attacks or other disorder would we believe that or if his patreon money was going down then suddenly he would pop-up just to give sign of life the problem is not we should believe it or not.

he could also have paused his patreon if he did not want to talk about atleast then we would know what was going on even if he did not say a word.
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dick bullcock

Active Member
Aug 11, 2018
Sorry, english is not my first language. I can speak more or less well. But acronyms kill me!!!!

WTF is to be AWOL, please??? I miss in the translation


Jan 13, 2020
I know someone who went through depression and I almost lost him if I didn't see the signs and end up saving his life after he almost died. Nobody knows anything. I mean I had no idea he was even suffering until that point. It was very traumatizing..and it also all started out with him losing his job and then more and more crap hit the fan. My point is, money doesn't make you not depressed.

I don't know the circumstances that saddog went through and it doesn't even matter. The fact that he/she wants to try and finish the game is a feat in itself after what he/she is going through. And yes, I'm sorry some of you patrons feel you "deserve" something for the money you contributed. I am a new person. I just started being a patron literally this month, so I am not trying to be a hypocrite or a jerk, but seriously, people have lives and the money you supporters give is there to help motivate the developers to continue to do what they enjoy doing, but money doesn't solve every problem and depression is not a problem that money can just solve just because he/she made $x/mth.

I look at the contributions I make on patron as a way of just saying "thanks for making the game so far, I hope it does complete, but if it doesn't, thats fine, it was only like a cup of coffee or a meal anyway" If I couldn't afford that, I have literally no business in even giving that money in the first place. I feel the donation support is just that..donations. I don't know why we as a society always feel obligated that if we give something then therefore we HAVE to get something back. Is that where our humanity is heading? It's like do you give money to a homeless person and expect him/her to change their life because you did it? I don't know, maybe I'm in the minority.

Ok, my rant is over. I just don't understand why so many people are criticizing this developer. The game version he/she has made so far is playable. I'll admit, I downloaded the game for free and because of his/her game and Man of the House on Steam, I came to know this site and patreon and I'm just enjoying everything. I'm not even a good user because I hardly will criticize any game. I rather encourage than discourage. I've downloaded hundreds of games this month and I'm really only a patron to like 5 developers so far, but I hope to up that to 20-50 because this niche market is an eye opener for me. It beats spending money on an escort for 1 hour (haha..kidding..gulp..maybe not kidding..edit edit..delete delete...).


Engaged Member
Jan 3, 2019
About Saddog if he has depression and drinking problem, dont you think he needs to seek help first before continiung this game ?? These are some serieus issues and building a porn game wont help his cause more adding to it in his current state.
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Jan 13, 2020
Maybe saddog needs something to keep his/her mind off of the depression and drinking? I just know the friend I have, he ended up writing a book and that kept his mind active and away from those dark thoughts and it worked. Soon after he got a job and a new girlfriend and his life couldn't be better. To each their own. In my friend's case, gambling was his other vice instead of alcohol.

I'm not in any way a professional therapist of any kind. Like I said, I just choose to encourage instead of criticize. Does criticizing really help in this situation?
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Active Member
Jan 2, 2019
I hope your right but building a porn game will generate more stress in the long turn So he is only adding to pile right now.
Unless his absence since Oct was him working his way through it and he found out that working on something that makes others happy and they in turn encourage him to better himself helps him to work though it ? I get pretty bad anxiety and what helps me is helping my mates out as it makes me feel like I'm making a difference to someone I dunno that's just me haha
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