Feb 28, 2018
About Saddog if he has depression and drinking problem, dont you think he needs to seek help first before continiung this game ?? These are some serieus issues and building a porn game wont help his cause more adding to it in his current state.
I absolutely agree with you. Sitting at home all day and wracking your brain over a game where you hit a dead end is exactly the wrong thing to do in saddog's situation. On the one hand there's the social isolation when you work at home 100% of the time. On the other hand there's the game itself which is going to pull him further down. Let's face it, saddog is great at doing renders but he's a horrible software developer. Every experienced developer can tell you just by looking at the code for a few minutes that he'll never be able to deliver what he promised at the beginning. At least not without getting some help to rewrite the thing from scratch.

But people are going to demand something when they pay him money and that's going to put him under pressure. Since he's working alone on this he has no one to learn from how to improve his coding ability. He's just digging his hole deeper while the pile over his head just keeps getting bigger until he falls into his next depression or starts drinking again.

From a purely commercial point of view it's not wise to invest your money in a mentally unstable alcoholic but it's also not going to help saddog. I know that many of you won't like it but it would be better if saddog just abandons the game and starts something new. Maybe in a experienced developer team where people support and complement each other. But not as an amateur porn game developer, he should first learn how to do this professionally before he jumps into his next own project.
Feb 7, 2018
Which is fine, but this would be the second time baka has brought it up, which means that he wants his criticism to be more prevalent among the user base as, otherwise, there'd be no point.

It prompts me to ask; Why should other people feel as outraged as him about the lack of communication? He is not strictly wrong, he is however making a mountain out of a mole hill.


Lightning Emperor
May 14, 2017
just to let you all know saddog has responded to image requests on his patreon page so he is communicating.i understand that people are eager for news/updates after the silence but i agree with the many comments of support towards him and thank those members for doing so. F95 ROCKS:love::love:(y)
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