Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2017
It is really good. Such a shame he isn't working on it.
He is maybe discouraged because of a low Patreon, but come on. Publish content, then people will join. like wtf.
I'm pretty sure he use to have a lot more.
Jul 16, 2017
It is really good. Such a shame he isn't working on it.
He is maybe discouraged because of a low Patreon, but come on. Publish content, then people will join. like wtf.
According to graphtreon, his peak earnings were over 3k a month, and were around 1500 last time this thread says the game was updated. It's worth noting, however, that the 1500 he was making around the time of the update was more than double what he was making in the months prior, where it appears he hadn't said a thing between June 15th, 2020, and February 28th, 2021.
Essentially: he disappeared, most of his patrons disappeared, there was a resurgence when he actually picked back up for a bit, then he disappeared again.

The project wasn't abandoned because it wasn't making any money, it stopped making money (or at least, most of the money it had been making) because it was abandoned.
Also, to be clear, I'm not ruling out the possibility that something could come out in the future, there's even precedent for it, but it'd be splitting some pretty fine hairs to claim the game hasn't been abandoned when there hasn't been any sign of an update in 8 months.


Conversation Conqueror
Jr. Uploader
Jan 11, 2018
Is this still abandoned? I thought someone else had taken over this project, was that just hot air?


Conversation Conqueror
Jr. Uploader
Jan 11, 2018
SAZ has sort of taken over it with his mod
Hmmm I'm a big fan of SAZ's mod, the darker paths in particular, but I though someone else had announced they planned to complete the game if Saddoggames wouldn't, so not sure if we are talking about the same thing.


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 27, 2017
Is this still abandoned? I thought someone else had taken over this project, was that just hot air?
Until/If there's an update in the future, then yes it's still abandoned.

SAZ has sort of taken over it with his mod
Saz's mod certainly makes improvements and provides access to lots of extra/alternate content, but don't conflate that with "taking over" the game.

Hmmm I'm a big fan of SAZ's mod, the darker paths in particular, but I though someone else had announced they planned to complete the game if Saddoggames wouldn't, so not sure if we are talking about the same thing.
You're not talking about the same thing.
There've been quite a few who've said they're taking over/going to finish the game, and precisely none of them have had anything to show. Which is a good thing, because it would more than likely be glaringly obvious where the new dev's work begins, because they're not the original dev.


Conversation Conqueror
Jr. Uploader
Jan 11, 2018
...There've been quite a few who've said they're taking over/going to finish the game, and precisely none of them have had anything to show. Which is a good thing, because it would more than likely be glaringly obvious where the new dev's work begins, because they're not the original dev.
I don't agree, it's the concept that should continue, the 2 important things are being able to continue the high standard of art and the basic spirit of the game, there was room for improvement on both the execution and dialogue, and franky having a finished game with a noticable seam is better than an incomplete one.

I imagine a lot of people have what it takes to either continue where Saddoggames left off or start their own version from scratch, preferably in my opinion taking note of the improvements SAZ made with his darker paths mod.


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 27, 2017
I don't agree, it's the concept that should continue, the 2 important things are being able to continue the high standard of art and the basic spirit of the game
The art standard isn't that high.
It's good, but far from being a high standard. Which isn't something to be held against it.

When it comes to the "spirit" of the game, only Saddog can successfully maintain that, or someone we don't know of who's been closely working with him on the game.
It's like when Steven Spielberg made the movie AI. It was supposed to be a collaboration with Stanley Kubrick, but due to his death Spielberg had to make the movie without him. The result was Spielberg making a movie that's just Spielberg pretending to be Kubrick, and the film having none of the strengths of either director as a result. Contrast this with Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman collaborating on writing Good Omens, and then Gaiman's involvement in the adaption still having the same spirit/feel of the book. Their time spent working together, ensured that Gaiman would be able to ensure the "feel" of Pratchett, instead of "pretending".

there was room for improvement on both the execution and dialogue, and franky having a finished game with a noticable seam is better than an incomplete one.
The problem is that "a noticeable seam" is all too often a jarring experience that can pull the player out of the immersion of the game/story/setting. Not to mention that only Saddog knows what was supposed to be in the game and story.

Hell, look at the abysmal Star Wars sequels from Disney - Decent starting point followed by "screw you guys, I'm doing my thing" and finished with "well, we might as well plunder all the stuff we got rid of before" for a helping hand to try and make anything resembling some sort of continuity of a story.

I imagine a lot of people have what it takes to either continue where Saddoggames left off or start their own version from scratch, preferably in my opinion taking note of the improvements SAZ made with his darker paths mod.
Starting their own version would be infinitely better than trying to continue someone else's work, for reasons I've already given.
As for Saz's "darker paths mod", that's literally only a single aspect of his mod, not its defining feature. Might as well call it "Saz's Twisted Mod", or "Saz's Cleaner Interface Mod".

As it stands, Saz's mod itself doesn't maintain the spirit of the base game, mainly because of the alternative choices/options from the darker path/twisted versions of what's available in vanilla.


Conversation Conqueror
Jr. Uploader
Jan 11, 2018
The art standard isn't that high. It's good, but far from being a high standard. Which isn't something to be held against it.
I mispoke, I meant being able the reproduce the art, one of the biggest "jarring" moments is when the art suddenly changes halfway through, like when an established actor is replaced in a TV series, it doesn't matter if the new actor is better, the first one establishes the character (anything else feels wrong atleast for a time).
When it comes to the "spirit" of the game, only Saddog can successfully maintain that, or someone we don't know of who's been closely working with him on the game.
I feels like you are confusing the word "spirit" for "vision", Nobody knows Saddogs vision for the game (maybe not even Saddog), and since he has chosen not to continue, nobody ever will. As such there is nothing stopping a fan from presenting their own vision in it's place.
The spirit (concept) of the game is not complicated, The MC infitrates a gang that has a special sex drug, and has the chance to pretend to be a badguy or be one for real.
There is no;
  • complicated writing style,
  • no comic styling,
  • no witty repartee,
that needs to be replicated. even from a coding perpective there isn't a complex web of decision trees/interactions, it was a straight get "x" score to see "x" scene.

No offense intended to Saddog but comparing him the Kubrick and the others is just silly, he's not fit to fetch Kubricks coffee ( none of us are! maybe not even Speilberg) Stanley Kubrick was a genius with sophisticated vision, who's style was grounded in insane attention to detail which is almost impossible to replicate.
(Don't speak to me about Starwars, I've come to the conclusion that the original trilogy was a fluke or stolen from some unnamed person, Lucas is a senile old shit. Han shot first!)

And talking about sequels/prequels, most don't suck because some new director/producer took over, they suck because they are shameless cash grabs exploiting fan bases without any respect for established cannon.
There very little established cannon in this game, so there is a mostly clean slate for a new Dev to forge ahead as they see fit.

As for Saz's "darker paths mod", that's literally only a single aspect of his mod, not its defining feature. Might as well call it "Saz's Twisted Mod", or "Saz's Cleaner Interface Mod".
Dude I said "darker paths" mod because that is the setting I used it on, "twisteds paths" works too, the main point I was making is that those options IMPROVED on what saddog had started, I hope a new dev takes over and creates something that has multiple ways of being experienced.

As it stands, Saz's mod itself doesn't maintain the spirit of the base game, mainly because of the alternative choices/options from the darker path/twisted versions of what's available in vanilla.
SAZ mod doesn't maintian Saddogs "vision" for the game, but thats a good thing Saddogs vision as it was implimented was very limited, Saz's mod expanded the options while holding the Spirit :p (sorry to keep harping semantics, as though you have had an opportunity to dispute/repudiate them)


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 27, 2017
I feels like you are confusing the word "spirit" for "vision"
Then you feel wrongly.
Given how you ignore the comparison being made, and instead focus on the famous names being used though...

No offense intended to Saddog but comparing him the Kubrick and the others is just silly
I clearly wasn't comparing him to them at all, and you certainly come across as someone intelligent enough to see that.


Conversation Conqueror
Jr. Uploader
Jan 11, 2018
Then you feel wrongly.
Given how you ignore the comparison being made, and instead focus on the famous names being used though...

I clearly wasn't comparing him to them at all, and you certainly come across as someone intelligent enough to see that.
I'm intelligent enough to spot a backhanded compliment :p
With the "spirit" vs "vision" thing, I guess we will have to "agree to disagree" since you haven't made even an attempt at an argument to change my perspective.
Given how you ignore the comparison being made
I ignored nothing, you decided to make a silly comparison between the loss of people who are extremely talented and experienced, with (No offense intented to Saddog here) the loss of someone who isn't remotely close to functioning on their level.

Kubrig was a Genius, Saddog is not, Genius's cannot be easily replaced, people who aren't can!, the famous name is irrelevant, lots of movies/tv shows have swapped out directors/producers without significant impact, you only notice when they fuck up, or when they try to replicate the work of truly special people like Kubrig.

and to compound it you present "Good Omens" as a case point for any subsequent dev needing a close and indepth relationship with the lost talent to proceed, Terry Pratchett was a prolific writer, so prolific Neil Gaiman could probably have written Good Omens without meeting Terry once. Not that this is relevant, we are talking about finishing a game, not convincing the world Saddog is still involved.

I have no idea what point you were trying to make about the Starwars prequels/Disney, as though the money grubbing scum at Disney had any intention for honouring Starwars cannon or good story telling practises.

My interpretation of your post can be summed up thus;
  • Saddog has a talent that can't easily be replicated
  • Saddog has a presence that needs to be evident in the game for it to be good
I disagree!

I love the concept of the game, the general ideas of how it might be implimented and the images of the women (particularly the sisters friend), but pretty much everything else has room for improvement.

There are lots of people on this site who have the talent to take the assets already here, expand upon them, rewrite the dialogue, move this game forward in interesting ways before bringing it to a satisfying conclusion, wether that progression & conclusion is what Saddog envisaged is irrelevant, if he wanted his vision fufilled he shouldn't have abandoned it.

I am so incredibly sick of all these abandoned games, both in regard to unfulfilled fantasies and how it causes people to lose faith in sponsoring new ones, which in turn causes more devs to abandon games through lack of funding.


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 27, 2017
I'm intelligent enough to spot a backhanded compliment :p
With the "spirit" vs "vision" thing, I guess we will have to "agree to disagree" since you haven't made even an attempt at an argument to change my perspective.
I'm not trying to change your perspective. I have no reason to, and clearly you don't either because you haven't made an attempt to change mine. :unsure:

I ignored nothing
Either you understood and ignored the comparison, or didn't understand and decided to attack the examples being used instead of what they were being blatantly used for... Given what you say in the following part of your sentence in the quote below, there's a third option. You understood the comparison fully, ignored its point, then decided to attack the comparisons based on the people being referenced.

None of those are a good option to go for.

you decided to make a silly comparison between the loss of people who are extremely talented and experienced, with (No offense intented to Saddog here) the loss of someone who isn't remotely close to functioning on their level.
  • Angry
Reactions: Stil996


Dec 7, 2017
Perhaps it would be best if the matter be dropped for now. Online public disagreements, never yield any results.


Nov 9, 2019
Anyone claiming this game is somehow so unique or special it cannot be picked up by another creator is a bit off their rocker. This game is not exactly Poe at work.

It is a decent NTR game, decent. In a genre that has very lacking titles this made it special. It hit some key kinks, that's it. The story was subpar, the models middle of the road, and as far as actual game mechanics . . . .yeah, VN is fine, but nothing to wax about.

Not saying anyone has to, but this is 100% the exact type of game that someone could pick up and run with if they wanted to do so.


Engaged Member
Mar 6, 2019
Anyone claiming this game is somehow so unique or special it cannot be picked up by another creator is a bit off their rocker. This game is not exactly Poe at work.

It is a decent NTR game, decent. In a genre that has very lacking titles this made it special. It hit some key kinks, that's it. The story was subpar, the models middle of the road, and as far as actual game mechanics . . . .yeah, VN is fine, but nothing to wax about.

Not saying anyone has to, but this is 100% the exact type of game that someone could pick up and run with if they wanted to do so.
I bet a new update is very near
as you can see the owner of the game is
in any case if another creator want "pick up" he has to ask the permission to saddoggames that is the copyright owner!
3.50 star(s) 133 Votes