5.00 star(s) 2 Votes


Sep 29, 2021
"Good lord, man. Half of these issues you bring on yourself. "

Wrong. What are you talking about - actual game bugs as I detailed are just that fantasy boy - nice insult fantasy boy.

"What in the world were you hoping to accomplish here??"

DUH. Gee I wonder, maybe helping the dev fix a broken game with severe coding issues. No help from you. In fact your comment is stupid, unproductive and insultory. Called trolling.

Goal, accomplish: Help fix the game, if that is not apparent enough in provide honest feedback and bug report. A genuine not a fake meaningless by davemanster the troll.

Maybe the problem here are the people to cowardly or ignorant to speak up and help provide feedback such as starting a game and having immediate fatal GUI errors. DUH.

A forum is for such things as giving feedback and bug reports as the highest priority function, not worthless dialogue or attacks on people like davemanster did. Very poor form. Mine is called 'constructive criticism, feedback on experience and actual bug reporting.

redle - "Thought I'd give this game a look. It's a decent start with a lot of framework in place. As it stands now though it feels like basically the long-way-round to downloading, viewing, and flipping through porn clips. The gameplay itself is missing too much."

Ditto, however I think there is easy fix and great potential making a game very unique. The modular girlpack extension method is great. Obviously the dev shares my view. But also #1 major bug fixes to GUI, simple <2 hour fix as I reported. #2 Again, bugfixes to make sure the code and stats work as intended, which they don't or at least require more development and content. A game like this DEPENDS on sim/rpg and stats. And have them working right, first, then add in more. Also a perfectly functioning GUI. A fix that will require just going through the code function, vairables and running some debug checks. I imagine several hours or days.

But I certainly think it's worth the effort to fix and continue TUCS. A game people (like myself) might be interested in producing girlpacks, given they are not trolled by doofuses, would make an awesome long-term sustainable game.

One for feedback before I sign off, The girlpacks, video and content are guaranteed for majority of players to be stretched and lowered in clip quality. The game here currently displays in full screen (Don't think I saw option to force window-mode or resizable resolution). I this this is pretty much mandatory.

If possible, it would be great improvement to allow either simple window-mode or select a common smaller resolution. (y)
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Active Member
Apr 12, 2017
redle - "Thought I'd give this game a look. It's a decent start with a lot of framework in place. As it stands now though it feels like basically the long-way-round to downloading, viewing, and flipping through porn clips. The gameplay itself is missing too much."

Ditto, however I think there is easy fix and great potential making a game very unique. The modular girlpack extension method is great. Obviously the dev shares my view. But also #1 major bug fixes to GUI, simple <2 hour fix as I reported. #2 Again, bugfixes to make sure the code and stats work as intended, which they don't or at least require more development and content. A game like this DEPENDS on sim/rpg and stats. And have them working right, first, then add in more. Also a perfectly functioning GUI. A fix that will require just going through the code function, vairables and running some debug checks. I imagine several hours or days.

But I certainly think it's worth the effort to fix and continue TUCS. A game people (like myself) might be interested in producing girlpacks, given they are not trolled by doofuses, would make an awesome long-term sustainable game.

One for feedback before I sign off, The girlpacks, video and content are guaranteed for majority of players to be stretched and lowered in clip quality. The game here currently displays in full screen (Don't think I saw option to force window-mode or resizable resolution). I this this is pretty much mandatory.

If possible, it would be great improvement to allow either simple window-mode or select a common smaller resolution. (y)
I did not run into any game-crashing bugs when I played.

I agree there are directions the game could be expanded/developed in the future to make it into a fully-formed nice game. That is why I bothered to comment.

As for video stretch and skew... whether the game window is full-screen or not is different than whether or not the video player is full screen. At no time during my play was the video player set to full screen. So there is no reason why there should ever be video stretching (scaling may or may not exist, but stretching, no... even if it were full screen, most video players can auto-compensate to maintain aspect ratio).


Active Member
Feb 13, 2023
I'll try from my win 10 system, this was on windows 11, so it could be something there.
I've absolutely had issues with some games on Windows 11. A few so bad that I've stopped playing them entirely, even though I loved them. But none with this one really.

One big piece of advice I'll give about all adult games on Win 11 is to turn off HDR and related features. It reduced problems a lot for me when I figured that out.


Game Developer
Sep 14, 2016
muffinman69 oh boy. I gonna loose my time just this once, as your arrogance deserves no more.

PS. I accidently posted this is 'Venus Club' as I had that on my watchlist too and noted bugs and errors. I have no idea and maybe doubt there is any correlation between this port? or recode? between that case or this.
Isn't that a remarkable start? Not you just posted to the wrong thread, but also missed like the 3rd line of the OP which states – and I quote myself – "quite inspired by Venus' Club". You really are a man of astonishing observation skills, aren't you?

But one thing is certain, the TUCS is bugged. So I am posting this here, as intended, but [putting in parantheses still valid but dual comments] regarding other severe bugs reported on that game. All the comments here + version number reported for DEVELOPER if they are here.

Just test played the game the other day. Multiple very bad game-breaking bugs.

[..several lines of non-sense..]

So I go back to my club. There are zero options except for * currently * fast-forward (FF) time. OK. Idea, I have to obviously FF to new day and try to hire some girls again. FF works until 4:00 (am) then FF-button disappeared. Stuck cannot do anything, move forward in time, visit any city locations or partake in any actions whatsoever in my club. FATAL BREAK. BAD CODING.

I also must point out that the FF day/calendar button at any moment in time does not work. It is unclickable. There is nothing wrong per say with my files, permissions, missing assets etc.
1. Is TUSC – aka The Ultimate Stripper Club – not TUCS. Again, remarkable observation skills of you right?
2. Given the way you talk, I honestly think you don't even know what you're talking about. I'm pretty sure you don't know what a bug is, and I can't understand how a battle-tested feature existing since 0.3 won't work on your system. Just your system right?

There are also typos like alcol, should be alcohol. I thought at first this must be a space-saving element but absolutely not being 2 mere letters in contenxt of gui/space is inconsequential.
Thank you mate, gonna fix this. You know I came from a country where both words are correct; but I gonna fix this if it pisses you off so bad :)

Common sense in creating an application or game is thorough testing. Given this game has been out for 2 years? This is extremely poor.

Note: This may have been this forum thread or the one for Venus, not sure but regardless since I only have interest in playing this one, not the Unity...
[I did also read over some past BUGS reported on the forum, including this last one + noticed poll. So I decided to give you this BUG REPORT.]

[It is more than apparent, there are major problems with the coding here and this port/version or whatever is bug-ridden. Too bad.]

I might mess around more with it, purely understanding that the game will 100% break or run into major fault and that I am sandboxing it 100%.

I hope you fix. But to be perfectly honest? After 2 years, incompetence. You might want to accept this truth and seriously ask for help. It is obvious there are some skilled people who will be able to correct what appears to me in its current state to be a rather simple coded game. IMO from first playtest beyond broken gui elements, and logical conditional areas, elements like training, and girls actually fulfilling their job tasks (given they have good mood, motivation etc of course as was already set as new employee in my first week hire case).
1. You don't know me, any of my work, anything from my career, jeez you don't even tag me and write "THE DEVELOPER": what puts you in the position to call incompetence over me, exactly?

2. Again, you just smell to have no idea what you're talking about. Given the amount of time you can spend rantling here, I would easily bet you never touched a single line of code.

3. Where's the common sense in the way you behave here?

4. Where's your game, bro?

Honestly, I hope you fix it. Lastly, you state that this game is 'free' and also pause (too long for 3 seconds) on that annoying splash screen. Tip have option to disable it or at least bypass with a click!! Minor, but common sense). A free game has very little value if it is broken or subpar.


When I state these major differences between 2 simple short gametest sessions with odd behavior, irrational behavior and severe fatal gamebreak gui errors then that means you code is screwed and you need to DEBUG.

So it is apparent, especially after 2 years! That you need to STOP. Comb through each line of code, each variable, each function, each comment mark, semicolon, whatever and fix your game.

Edit: I would advise for developer of TUCS to bring someone else on with coding talent, at least for help in debugging and coding logic. Two eyes are better than one :/ Four eyes (and reading glasses) + two brains are even better.
Yeah, you know, the whole community of players which enjoyed the game in the last 2 years are just dumb like me right?
The fact you did not get the game in the 10 minutes you spent over it – I'll take it for granted, and honestly don't care if not true – gives you the sceptre of the truth and the right to spit poison over me, my game, the players and the pack makers.

Well, if this is your definition of common sense, well I hope to never have it.

Also, what exactly bothers you of the fact the game is free and the splash screen say it for like 5 seconds? I see you loose an incredible larger amount of time writing your rants here..

Good luck
Quite sure you need that more than me, man.

Gee I wonder, maybe helping the dev fix a broken game with severe coding issues. No help from you. In fact your comment is stupid, unproductive and insultory. Called trolling.

Goal, accomplish: Help fix the game, if that is not apparent enough in provide honest feedback and bug report. A genuine not a fake meaningless by davemanster the troll.

Maybe the problem here are the people to cowardly or ignorant to speak up and help provide feedback such as starting a game and having immediate fatal GUI errors. DUH.

A forum is for such things as giving feedback and bug reports as the highest priority function, not worthless dialogue or attacks on people like davemanster did. Very poor form. Mine is called 'constructive criticism, feedback on experience and actual bug reporting.
Oh man, if you only knew what *constructive criticism* actually is.

Here's the actual truth:

1. if you ever intended being helpful to me – yeah, THE DEVELOPER – you would have been started with a different tone.
2. if you ever intended to report a bug – I know it's hard, given you have no idea what a bug is – you would have provided a decent amount of information about what happened; but you clearly prefer to stick with acid comments and insults
3. if you ever intended to post a feedback over game mechanics, you would have been taken the necessary amount of time to play it, put a bit of critical thinking over it, and posted a valuable point of view over it like several people did in this thread
4. the fact you ignore people saying you have a wrong behaviour, and you actually insults them as well, is a clear sign you have serious issues in relating with the rest of the planet, as everything that doesn't fit into your – wrong, ed – vision of the world just gets anger in reply. Your behaviour won't help anybody here, nor will ever do. Stop being so arrogant and angry, and maybe people will understand you.

A game people (like myself) might be interested in producing girlpacks
Ha. If that was true you would have already produced packs for VC and TUSC in the last years. I don't buy it, sorry.

To summarise:

- change your tone
- spend a bit more time on thinking about what to write rather than writing it down
- if you ever intended to have some sort of credibility, you completely lost it

Does TUSC have bugs? Sure, like every f*ckin' peace of software in the known universe. Does bugs get fixed? Sure thing, there's plenty of people here that can testimony that. But guess what: neither of them ever behaved like you.

And guess what? this is a stupid porn game! I code this in my spare time since I have A LIFE out there which is actually enjoyable! So, please, forgive me if I won't take your words seriously :)



Jun 10, 2017
Please move the fire button further away from the back button, or add a confirmation that you are about to fire a girl. I have a muscle disorder and I always accidentally fire half of my staff.

everglow Sorry you have to deal with people like him. Dont get worked up, obvious troll. Not to sound needy, but I love the game and this is really affecting my ability to play. I hope it was not lost in the noise. Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2021
I'll try from my win 10 system, this was on windows 11, so it could be something there.
When I updated to 11 I had some issues, but updating my video card solved them and other issues that have nothing to do with it such as with Visual Studio Code and other things.

PS. I accidently posted this is 'Venus Club' as I had that on my watchlist too and noted bugs and errors. I have no idea and maybe doubt there is any correlation between this port?
They use the same girlpack format (even with the differences they are 100% cross compatible) and grand idea of running a strip club/brothel, otherwise different games.

I should know.

Barely any would take stage at all, regardless of training, gifts assignment. In real life every 15 minutes a girl MUST take stage.
There are limited slots per day, and this is determined by your stage rating. The more stage, the more slots for dancing. As well, the bar has tension with stage assignments, because girls will go where the money is.

Game 2: Understanding the game better (behind the mis-labelled, or poorly labelled upgrade scheme) I bought stage 2, bath+vip room, bar+booze. Checked ok. Headed back to the cocktail lounge to hire 1-2 girls with remaining funds. This time no matter the compliments, flirting or any interaction ,could I hire any ofrom a pool of like 10-12 from cocktail to gym etc - grayed out 'hire/offer job' button.
To hire from the gym or spa, you need to have a gym or spa respectively.

Soon it was time 00:00. All other city locations grayed out of course - either closed, or starting brand new game day 1, of course not eligibile to access them yet.

So I go back to my club. There are zero options except for * currently * fast-forward (FF) time. OK. Idea, I have to obviously FF to new day and try to hire some girls again. FF works until 4:00 (am) then FF-button disappeared. Stuck cannot do anything, move forward in time, visit any city locations or partake in any actions whatsoever in my club. FATAL BREAK. BAD CODING.

There are also typos like alcol, should be alcohol. I thought at first this must be a space-saving element but absolutely not being 2 mere letters in contenxt of gui/space is inconsequential.
Yeah. If it bothers you you can change it for yourself.

[I did also read over some past BUGS reported on the forum, including this last one + noticed poll. So I decided to give you this BUG REPORT.]
I mean, with respect to VC, barring the recently discovered +1 error in scramble mode, 'girls disappear' is really 'didn't read the one trait which does that.'

[Testing. If a girl disappears like one forum poster says, well that is eveidence of a major bug]. Clarification - I this was for the Venus Club game that this is partially coded apparently (ie. girlpack paths integration etc THAT MAY BE CAUSING BUGS or at least HELP DEV to fix TUCS)]
Hi. Venus Club Happy Hour dev right here.

'Girls disappearing' in VC is 'didn't read the trait.'

Something I think you need to understand is that these are hobby projects for us. These are not attempts at anything close to professional. In my case, my work on VC was 100% voluntary in order to mod and add to the original made by Tobe, and like him, work on and learn some coding basics.

What I can confirm for you is that Venus Club is around 20-30k or more lines of C# code spread around a whole whack of different objects tied into about 12-15 different Unity scenes. The class for the girl itself, and its assorted behaviors, not counting booths, not counting display, just the mechanics around the data itself is around 2.5k lines. The booth game itself is even more complicated, spread across a dozen different files. There are a lot of moving parts. The more moving parts you get, the harder it is to keep things clean and bug free. Especially because we have other things on the go--jobs, other projects, chasing our degree, and so on.

If you don't like it, you don't like it. Valid.

But, mate: You get what you pay for. And ain't no one getting paid for any of this.


Jun 7, 2017
This game needs a guide for getting to the point of opening the club at least once. Right now it's a confusing mess.


Sep 29, 2021
Ignoring and did not read psycho posts..

Played again for about 3-4 hours.

I got a perfect club and around 6 girls, 3 on stage, 2 at bar - swing a perfect profit 100%+ nightly. Hired the 6th final slot a sex/sex girl and assigned to VIP.

Well... what happens.. another total gamebreak bug. I could no longer open the club. so I wasted hours of my life playing, stating an ideal starting game and then BOOOOMMM. Fatal bug.

I tried re-saving, exiting, swapping locked assignments, everything. Interesting the GUI Fastforward buttons for both day and minute worked this 'session' but then the game broke with no longer any ability to simply 'open the club' at 20:00.

I know exactly why - 100% broken variable, conditional logic ERROR when $ amount/holding < a certain amount.

Pathetic. Broken. Not going to read "out-of-line" ridiculous coments by emotional snowflakes who cannot handle actual "constructive" bug reports or criticism. Get a life.

I just want to play and game that look good, sounds good but is unplayable... and help the best manner any rational player can, by reporting fatal, severe bugs.

I understand programming. IF THEN ELSE, DO.. WHILE. FOR loops. Functions. Variables and when code is crap. Cry all you want. I would hope the developer simply seeks help to fix what could be a superb game!

No point in playing further, when a player invests hours only to have to QUIT because they can no longer player than it is both literally and figuratively game over.

Please PM me if game is ever fixed. I will gladly playtest and 'actually help out' instead of cry baby. Good luck.

"This game needs a guide for getting to the point of opening the club at least once. Right now it's a confusing mess"

PS. Great suggestion. My 'last' (yes i won't waste time playing again until or if ever fixed and confirmed. Developer or anyoe is very welcome to let me know, and I will do my best to try again. as long as game is not fatally broken i will happy and even want to make great HQ girls packs. Bummer it is futile currently.)

I noticed that an in-game simple text "requirement" or gauge (not the girl, unless she here :p) would be helpful regarding making clear quotes. Or also like after you upgrade a club facility an existing summary of its capability/stat/limits.

I am pretty flexible on random nature stuff and this points to be overly random thus confusing. After playing, I get it and these elements are not fatal of course, but could be refined.

But yes structure in-game summary, description and STATS conveyed to player is optimal. I believe I pointed out Master of Raana game, that is very clear and complex.

Overall my issue is not with the confusion because at least minimally if you can still play and figure out, not a dealbreaker.

But again, 3 big starter sessions. Fatal bugs each time, absolutely proving a major bug-ridden, unplayable game. Play it guaranteed you run into a "wall" rendering game unplayable. Why? Severe bug, a error in code that is causing random issues and breaking game.

Simple solution. Code audit. Probably a missing semi-colon, could be THAT simple :p

Sucks because seriously out of playing and testing 200+ games, no joke this could have been in my top 10, if not top 5 for an classic sim game worth infinite replay and fun.

My advice, start with code audit. Then like PJ95X says, exactly, clean up and display summary table and clarify 'pre-requisites, requirements, quotas, limits, statistical' summary. This will greatly aid players new and old for better experience. Finally test hardcore, test all buttons with different facilities, dollar amounts, # of girls and employee assignments. Use logical. (Not worthless emotions that have ZERO place in forums or game development or feedback outside of conveying personal experience).

I really hope at very least game is debugged in near future as priority, I would love and have no problem in testing it out and tossing my feedback here again (or am I a jerk "out-of-line" for doing so? Nonsense). Swallow your pride. It is one of the 7 deadly sins along with sloth and favorite spell of irrationality of the demon Astaroth. Go figure it is a mantra for the insane widely adopted today. Let's (those who actually want it to be a good, working game) just focus on fixing the game.
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Nov 18, 2020
My only issue is that the hiring prices and stats are from Venus Club girlpacks, which has slightly different hiring mechanics, so therefore the wage doesn't match what they are able to do. Since those numbers are arbitrary, it defeats the purpose of the game in which you're trying to maximize profits based on performed actions. This is a problem in the early game and probably why many people quit when they see their workers/talents not performing and losing money every opening.

However, that's not TUSC's fault but rather the volunteers who made the girlpacks. The problem is there are many old packs from previous versions of VC (I hadn't updated packs in over a year, for example). There should be a way to mass edit the girlpacks to "normalize" the various stats in relation to price. It should be fairly easy to write a script that checks the packs for standardization and imports only the normalized data. I'm sure the game already does something similar for missing components within the packs, but there should be a way to override the various stats and wages too.

To the previous poster, please relax. You're getting worked up over a free game--not even that, over posts in a forum about porn games. You claim to offer constructive criticism, but most of your posts are personal rebuttals and bragging about how knowledgeable you are, and even when you do report an issue, your attitude is totally aggressive for no reason and your suggestions are basic development concepts in general and not specific to the situation.

This game is probably made by one or two guys who's programming in their free time. There isn't a fully staffed QA team. There's no reason to get this upset and demand things aggressively, even if there are indeed issues.


New Member
Jun 10, 2022
Is gym content broken? I have packs with them hat work on the older version of the game but aren't showing up in the latest version


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2021
Ignoring and did not read psycho posts..
You should. I've told you how to solve your gameplay problems. For example, being unable to advance the day--because you couldn't find the button to do so. Showing you how, using an image, and arrows.

I know exactly why - 100% broken variable, conditional logic ERROR when $ amount/holding < a certain amount.
You don't have the money to hire girls, so the girls won't work. If you have no one to work you can't open your club doors. This is intentional design: You can't open with no employees.

There are three solutions if you softlock yourself because you failed to have enough money to hire employees.

1) If you have more than 100, grind out a girl with popularity less than 10 to relationship 100, and then hire her for less than 100.

2) Use the cheat menu. (mash C until it pops up. I use it by default for some quality of life stuff like pausing the club and automatic resupplying, but I'm also careful to make sure I always have girl money.)

3) Go back to a previous save and don't overspend.

With all due respect: This is probably PEBCAK.

Simple solution. Code audit. Probably a missing semi-colon, could be THAT simple
Perhaps the reason your advice is not taken seriously is you're suggesting that a missing semi-colon could be the problem. Missing this in C# code (for Venus' Club and Unity) means it won't build. At all.

Meanwhile, TUSC is in Python, soooooooo....

Instead I will point out to one reason instead game will break and that is due to girlpacks that will load and register but not display any error and allow game to proceed (and inevitably break).
The chances of specific girlpacks being unable to work because of something inside the girlpacks is slim to none for either game. Both games are designed where its check is based on if there are folders that exist and have valid videos in them, with VC having the option set by default of using default videos for certain acts. Girlpacks are literally just folders of videos with a JSON containing their name and optionally VC data, and an optional YML for TUSC.

The only way a girlpack itself can 'fail' is to have videos that are not formatted correctly, at which point the video in question just doesn't play. There was an issue with frame skips because of Windows' in-os media player eating frames because of video compression issues causing VC to 'forget' some information regarding where girl-portraits are supposed to default to when placing them on a booth, but that was fixed a year ago, and keyboard inputs were instituted as a workaround should it arise again, as well as the effect going away when the booth game ends due to the garbage collection of the booth when it is done. Solving that was huge.

There's no 'game breaking or fatal issue' that arises here, and with all due respect, if you'd crack one open and look for yourself you'd see that the design is more or less foolproof seeing as it's literally just a directory tree of videos.

Further, girlpacks are 1 TB of user content. No one deving any game is going to download 1 TB of porn just to test every last single one of them.

"I then simply hit ESCAPE key, restarted and guess what: now it works, girl appeared. This definitely means (due to my quick debugging) that whatever random girlpack that was included in the first game session caused error - a very obvious bug this time round where in cocktail bar game had to manner to navigate and zero displayed girls or buttons."

Believe it or not, you think you're helping, but you're not giving some vital information here. If the girlpack is the problem, which girlpack caused the problem?

Whenever I'm troubleshooting similar issues in Venus' Club, I have to ask the question "Which girl, and what is her Trait?" because this is bare minimum information I need to test these sorts of issues. I'll also ask if the issue replicates with that girlpack on multiple attempts.

This means that any path, missing/expected path or file will 100% cause fatal game breaking issue.
Or it's not and it's something else entirely. I notice the name of the girlpack remains illusive. If you think a missing path is in play, what paths are missing in the directory tree? If those trees related to TUSC-only stuff like gym, bath, or spa, did you check a VC-only pack (there's hundreds, missing TUSC's data.yml, and TUSC-specific directories, so testing this should be easy) to see if those also break?

The best solution and to 'debug' is to literally check and run a TUSC debugger
We're not Nintendo, and we do not have the time in our lives for either VC or TUSC to create or run a 'debugger' to check for 'errors in a girlpack' when you can't even tell us the name of the girlpack that's causing problems. Further, in the rare case where a specific girlpack is problematic, the community tends to notice very quickly and get the feedback on how to fix it to the creator of the girlpack. If a specific girlpack were the issue, that's gotta go back to the creator; codec issues in VC for example literally cannot be resolved by myself.

I discovered more game-break bugs, but will not go into detail.
Then you're not helping. And in your 'reports' you miss certain details that actually could help--this is how we know you don't code.

You'll notice everglow tends to treat mine and others' bug reports very well. This is because we 1) try to make sure it's not PEBCAK before we call it a bug (or if we're unsure, ask, and get answers, it's okay to be wrong), and 2) test the parameters around the bug and be specific because more information helps.

Case in point for your club not opening at 20:00. You don't tell us how much money you have. You don't tell us what the salaries of your girls are.

That said--will there be bugs? Yes. everglow is well aware that there are still going to be bugs, and people can still find them in testing beyond the scope of what he does.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2021
Is gym content broken? I have packs with them hat work on the older version of the game but aren't showing up in the latest version
Are they not showing up in the gym to be interacted with and hired?

My only issue is that the hiring prices and stats are from Venus Club girlpacks, which has slightly different hiring mechanics, so therefore the wage doesn't match what they are able to do.
Hiring prices and stats do not come from VC. The only stat that carries over is popularity, kind of.

Base hiring price is based solely on popularity. A girl that starts with 5 popularity has a base price of 200/day. They'll be more expensive at relationship 0, but can go down to 100 at relationship 100. A girl with 100 popularity will have a base price of 2500/day, down to as low as 1250.

You can set your girl up to be a 100000 moneyCost/100 reputationCost/100 influenceCost/100 connectionCost 100 stat wonder ultimate end-game girl, and if the popularity is 0, it'll start with 5 popularity and 200/day base price in TUSC.

Any other stats the girl has is determined by an optional data.yml file or are procedurally generated. If you're having a problem with a girl's stats though, you can always copy the data.yml from a girlpack that is TUSC-compliant into the old girlpack, change the data inside to suit your needs.
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New Member
Sep 23, 2017
Two girlpacks loaded, built room, bar, stage...where the hell do you find the girls to hire them? And I can't seem to buy a drink at the bar or disco.


Game Developer
Sep 14, 2016
So, here is a 1.0.3:

Changes since 1.0.1:

- fix locations opening time checks on past midnight
- fix an error in city spa preventing massage action to work
- fix a regression bug in club gym preventing training action to work
- enhance girlpacks loader (prevent errors on weird characters in file names)
- fix a regression bug preventing correct day scheduling for club girls
- fix a regression bug causing night club processor to crash in some edge cases
- add confirmation step on fire button
- review city scheduler weights
- allow to customise soundtracks also for city locations
- excluded additional hiring policies in city locations (due to the amount of negative feedbacks): now the game checks only for rooms
I will update the OP with additional links as usual later today.

In regards to all the other feedbacks/comments/rants, here is a cumulative list of answers:

- the fact it might be unpleasant to find girlpacks and put them together in order to play is tightened to the game design (same as for VC). I understand is not immediate as getting a RenPy VN a just click and go, but it would be freaking hard to change this model – and also, probably, pointless – and I would obey everyone to download several GBs of contents which maybe you don't even like. I said in few posts back I'm considering building a starter pack, but for sure it will never be part of the game, and it will require tons of time as it will require at least 15 girls and thus the videos will have to be super-short to make it of an appropriate size

- the fact the game won't prevent you to end up in bankruptcy is a design decision: it might be a good decision or a bad one, but I can't see any valid reason to avoid the player to go game over. TUSC is first of all a management game focused on money: if you don't take care of expenses, salaries and incomes, then probably is just not your game.

- the fact the game doesn't contain a tutorial: it's true, I should add it, but this will require time and it cannot happen before the next minor. In the meantime there's plenty of strategies posted in this tread by people gaming with TUSC, please take a look at 'em.

- the fact the game provides a poor experience with less than 15/20 girlpacks: yes, of course it does. Again, is a management game, not a video player. Economics and dynamics simply can't be designed to be equally good with 2 girlpacks and 200. Wanna help on this? PM me to work on the girlpakcs starter pack, I'd love your contributions.

- the fact game dynamics are not super-polished in 1.0.x, and thus there might be an unbalanced amount of contents/time to be spent in girls relations/trainings compared to managing the club is due to the fact 1.0 added an entire new gameplay to the existing one, and if you check my post for the release I warned everyone about it. I still think it makes sense to push it out to players even if not perfect rather than spending 6 months more on polishing and refining. I'm totally up for feedbacks and suggestions on game mechanics, but please do it in a well-written form, describing your ideas in detail. I can't really do anything if you limit yourself with something like "this game mechanic sucks".

If you sent a feedback/question I didn't reply to, please let me know, I probably just lost it between the crazy amount of messages of the last days.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2021
- the fact the game won't prevent you to end up in bankruptcy is a design decision: it might be a good decision or a bad one, but I can't see any valid reason to avoid the player to go game over. TUSC is first of all a management game focused on money: if you don't take care of expenses, salaries and incomes, then probably is just not your game.
You had a choice of difficulty in older versions of the game.
Why not try to beat this situation by choosing the difficulty.

If a player wants a little hard mod, make 2 difficulties, normal and hard, where many moments are possible, like bankruptcy and other unpleasant moments for the player.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2021
- the fact game dynamics are not super-polished in 1.0.x, and thus there might be an unbalanced amount of contents/time to be spent in girls relations/trainings compared to managing the club is due to the fact 1.0 added an entire new gameplay to the existing one, and if you check my post for the release I warned everyone about it. I still think it makes sense to push it out to players even if not perfect rather than spending 6 months more on polishing and refining. I'm totally up for feedbacks and suggestions on game mechanics, but please do it in a well-written form, describing your ideas in detail. I can't really do anything if you limit yourself with something like "this game mechanic sucks".
There is a Russian proverb: if you hurry, you will make people laugh.

Why am I writing this if you, as a developer, think that the game needs improvement, it’s better not to rush and try to make everything quality.

I understand that sometimes everyone wants to release the game for an open test to check what we might have missed during the development of the game.

Well, I don’t understand why to hate a person who doesn’t take a penny from you ....
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