RPGM Abandoned The Way Out [v0.16] [S&T Interactions]

4.40 star(s) 8 Votes


Dec 8, 2020
I suppose some people like willing submission, others like forced submission. Some games will have one or the other or both. Each to their own and nothing wrong or right in that sense. I personally enjoy both.
All I can say regarding the dialogue is that when I write it I explicitly target non-shitty as my aspiration. ;)

The engine question is fair I think. I did consider using RenPy (and also looked at a couple of point-and-click engines(oldschool!)) for a while but there's aspects to RP gameplay I don't particularly like. There's aspects to RPGM I'm not a fan of either but at some point you have to make a choice. Even though the story is quite linear I think it would have been even more of a non-stop slideshow in RP and I didn't want that, just down to personal preference. The sections of just walking between the girls in the house I feel add a (small but still) break from the VN type experience. Again, that's personal preference. Some will like it, some will not. You don't and that's fine.
if it could be possible to have a willing path it would be good but i see thats bit your thing ..rnpy wouod have been a slideshow but at least not so cumbersome i pike rpgm so that there is some choice


Game Developer
Feb 21, 2021
my game just stucked there when i try to go upstairs game says i'm not allowed, when i try to go down game says that i should do laundry and nobody coming
What's the exact message you get when you try to go upstairs? Easier for me to figure out what's happening if I have the exact message.


New Member
Aug 30, 2017
Hey i have to say the game is really good so far! I love the theme and the writing and renders are pretty good! i Do hope thow there will not only be feet stuff in the future. That can get boring pretty fast. Anyways when can we expect the next update? Keep up the good work.
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Game Developer
Feb 21, 2021
Hey i have to say the game is really good so far! I love the theme and the writing and renders are pretty good! i Do hope thow there will not only be feet stuff in the future. That can get boring pretty fast. Anyways when can we expect the next update? Keep up the good work.
Appreciate the kind words, thanks. And there will be other stuff than feet for sure. Lots of kinks on the to-do-list. :)

Next update probably won't be until some time maybe late August to be fair. I want to get a good chunk in with each update so it's not just like 10 minutes new content each time. Next update is planned to have five more days so completing week two. Will be lots of scenes and it's already underway but it's also summer outside and I don't want to spend all my free time this time of year in front of a computer. Plus going to visit family for the first time in forever for a couple of weeks so won't have any progress then.


Nov 23, 2019
I love this game!
Good writing and good fetish. Everything is really good. Can't wait for that cage in the basement to be used. Maybe you should think about opening a patreon. Can't wait for the next update
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New Member
Nov 4, 2019
Спасибо за добрые слова. И там наверняка будут другие вещи, кроме ног. Много перегибов в списке дел. :)

Следующее обновление, вероятно, будет только в конце августа, если быть честным. Я хочу получить хороший кусок с каждым обновлением, так что это не просто 10 минут нового контента каждый раз. Следующее обновление планируется сделать еще через пять дней, так что завершите вторую неделю. Будет много сцен, и это уже происходит, но на улице тоже лето, и я не хочу проводить все свое свободное время в это время года перед компьютером. Plus going to visit family for the first time in forever for a couple of weeks so won't have any progress then.
Definitely worth more violent fetishes, such as toilet bondage, bdsm, etc
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Jan 30, 2019
Hello Dev. Where is your Patreon's page? How ofter do you plan update the game? It's looking awesome
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Feb 1, 2018
"...where the rich live in luxury payed for by the exploitation of the poor. A wall seperates the lush city of the rich and the worn out slums of the poor."

Esto no es "... the not too distant future...", this is what happens in the world today, with the rich living in private neighborhoods, and the rest who fix themselves as they can...
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Game Developer
Feb 21, 2021
how can I run the .zip file on android ?
I don't have an android device myself so I'm certainly no expert I'm afraid. I would assume you need an application to unpack it first though. Anyone else who can help with some instructions on that? Otherwise Google is your friend I would say.

is there a way to make it full screen. And also how do i hide the textbox?
I haven't actually tried but I think you can alt+enter for fullscreen but it might just give you black around the same resolution? I'm adding both looking at that and hiding textboxes in the list for the next update. For some of the pictures where I thought it made sense I've added an empty transparent textbox at the end before it swaps to a new image but I know there's simple scripts I can put in to be able to assign a button to hiding the textbox so will add that for sure. Thanks!

Hello Dev. Where is your Patreon's page? How ofter do you plan update the game? It's looking awesome
Thanks! There's no plans of a Patreon page. I have enough pressure in my normal work to feel like I need that pressure in my spare time as well. :LOL:
It's a hobby and one I enjoy but I feel that if it would become like a chore or an extra job I would probably just lose motivation instead. Don't want it to become like the only thing I do in my spare time. Hope that makes sense.
So next update will probably be around maybe late August. It's summer so don't want to spend too much time in front of the computer right now and will also be traveling a little bit (finally) in the next month. Sorry but that's life. Will hopefully speed up a bit then through the autumn. I'll be targeting monthly to get a decent chunk of new content in each installment.

Esto no es "... the not too distant future...", this is what happens in the world today, with the rich living in private neighborhoods, and the rest who fix themselves as they can...
I'm not going to pretend like I'm trying to make a massive social commentary with a kink adult game but yeah...the scenario didn't feel too far fetched...

Thanks again for all the comments and feedback everyone!
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Dec 12, 2018
i played the game i like the setting of the game but i wish there where pussy licking ass kissing/licking i dont know if you plan on adding extrem fetishes but pee drinking is shomthing i would loe to see so humuliating and hot am a sub my self ofc am defently going to keep an eye out for updates and if you get a patreon i might even start supporting if its a game for me :) hope you hae a good day:)
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Active Member
Aug 2, 2017
So I might not be the best targeted audience as I much prefer to dominate instead of being dominated, but I thought of some ideas to include both. There are 2 ideas that cross my mind:

1- In your room, downstairs, there's a secret wall that has a mind-control serum recipe in it. During the night, since there's nothing else to do, why not have the option to make the serum in the kitchen and give it to each girl of your choice while they sleep. Every time one girl is drugged, the event slightly changes so that you dominate them slightly more instead. At Day 9 when Mrs Farday comes, if you've drugged a minimum of X girls, the event is now that the girls help you chain her and you dominate her instead.

2- Have to option at the very beginning to choose if Emma is poor or rich. Starting rich will make so that Emma dominates poor people.
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4.40 star(s) 8 Votes