The game beginning was pretty interesting albeit a little bit frustrating (UI has some problem IMO but I'll talk about it later)
But now I'm stuck because MC want to play PC and don't have the game which I suppose is in a locked drawer that I have to find a key for.
Beside the logical problem of having to find a cd to play (I mean I cracked all the game I have on CD/DVD) and the fact that most pc game sold are digital. The logical problem that why would his game locked in a drawer ?
There is IMO a problem with this game on the visibility of the piece to interact with (UI don't pop enough from the background) and I suppose that the fact that I'm unable to find the key stem from a similar problem.
Why has the content of the game changed again? is this another rework? i do not recognize any renders from 0.9. Second chapter? Whats up, i am confused.