3.60 star(s) 83 Votes


Engaged Member
Jan 7, 2020
Because of bad comments u throwing this gold game ??

If i carred everyones word and typing i could bee in Sanatorium hiting my head on doors...
Dissapointed ....it endend like nothing waste of space on my hdd (n)

Game is Superb hope you rethink...I loved it


Jul 1, 2017
Great game. I'm not sure why there would be any negativity towards it. The story seems better than a good majority of other games of this type. Plus the whole conquest of the MILF is a great incentive to play the game and an attractive plot (to me at least). Kinda surprised it's not way more popular. I would definitely like to see this one continue. This developer clearly has some talent. I think if this game had had more exposure, it would have taken off.


Mar 9, 2018
I say keep the abandoned tag. Most of the whiners and "Update Soon™" people will hopefully quit following the thread and stop posting their word vomit and the developer hopefully will calm down once people stop engaging him. Dude is probably having a really bad day or month. If he sticks with his decision oh well. People are lucky that most developers aren't spiteful shits. If I was a developer and people kept spewing annoying or hateful shit my way I'd release a troll update for free that aged all my characters into their 70s and 80s. Good luck getting it up in the old folks home version. If you do, go wash the damn thing while you've got the wrinkles out. You've heard of getting a hummer well in that version you'd be getting a gummer. Then a week later I'd put out the real game.


May 26, 2019
on the other side:
If all developers would react that oversensitive because of some users over here, then ALL games would be abandonned!
it was never about the dev being overly sensitive and incapable of taking a complaint or criticism. if you had bothered to read through the thread or understand the context of what was going on, youd understand that his tolerance was gone for a lot of the people posting here. specifically all the people that complained about the incest patch being empty, or not working on day 1. he explained it several times and yet those same complaints and questions continued coming because people couldnt be bothered to even read the previous page.

he obviously read every post in this thread, and he probably did so because he valued the constructive feedback, whether positive or negative. people asking the same questions that have already been answered is not constructive feedback, and not only lazy, but also disrespectful. he got fed up, and i dont blame him.


often the biggest step forward is to "step back"
Game Developer
Jun 30, 2018
it was never about the dev being overly sensitive and incapable of taking a complaint or criticism. if you had bothered to read through the thread or understand the context of what was going on, youd understand that his tolerance was gone for a lot of the people posting here. specifically all the people that complained about the incest patch being empty, or not working on day 1. he explained it several times and yet those same complaints and questions continued coming because people couldnt be bothered to even read the previous page.

he obviously read every post in this thread, and he probably did so because he valued the constructive feedback, whether positive or negative. people asking the same questions that have already been answered is not constructive feedback, and not only lazy, but also disrespectful. he got fed up, and i dont blame him.
nevertheless he just could ignore such stupid posts and take care about his main job (creating the game which he has a vision for) instead of raging about such posts.
He did a great job so far, and we all loved his game. Does that matter for him? NO! He just got angry about stupidity of some people. This has NOTHING to do with his project.
So just one more time: Why can't he just ignore? Why? (imho just oversenitive and overreacting)

Burt Reynolds Mustache

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jul 19, 2017
So word to the wise for those who ever want to try an interesting use of a patch like our dear departed Midnite did, avoid the use of the term landlady. I mean maybe trying to get people to understand things in general is a pointless battle, but since landlady became the default stand in for mother in every game in existence then seeing it makes people think the patch isn't working immediately and so they ask stupid questions which while answered in about half a second of searching. It is a goddamn shame this went down as it did, as this game I had never heard about until this week was doing some new and interesting things, had probably the only mom/son relationship I in any way bought as realistic (well ish) and the space is worse off if Midnite does decide to truly leave.

Not going to throw stones, lord knows I had to learn to not be snarky on this board, and realized that not all creators take snarky criticism well, and in my case I was often just kind of a douche about it because I honestly would talk about these titles as if they were any other game out there. Having worked on several now, it's easy to see that not everyone is up for a constant barrage of messages. What really sucks here is that from what I can see, this dev DID interact well with the community, and did take critiques well, which as rare as the quality of the game was. No, what hurt here was a constant barrage of people who couldn't friggen read.


Aug 4, 2017
I think the mods are right to label this abandoned. The developer's own words seem to indicate that it is abandoned. Of more interest, I think, is why it is abandoned.

By the looks of things this game was a labour of love for the developer. I imagine his patron count has dropped somewhat since the announcement but I can't imagine he topped much more than 100 patrons at the peak. His income from them is hidden but each one would have to be donating $100-$200 per month to make this something that could replace a full-time job. I'm not a patron anymore but I think he has previously mentioned getting about $100 worth of pledges per month. Assuming he actually got everything pledged, then that's not a lot of money.

But it's a labour of love, so he isn't in it for the cash. He couldn't be an move towards a tip-jar or to suspend payments. If he wanted to milk patrons he would string them along like other developers have. He wouldn't have made an announcement that almost guaranteed a fall over in donations, donations he isn't even getting next month.

So, he releases this update. It's maybe not as big as some people wanted. I thought the part after the cafe was a bit rushed but maybe he wanted to get a release before he hit a six month gap. Either way, it's not a terrible update. It has some pluses like the animations in it that must have taken time to create. I particular like the mini-documentary that explains the game's mythology. He uploads it, having taken time to create a walkthrough and an Android version and an incest patch (at the risk of incurring Patreon's wrath) to what reception?

I admit I have been guilty of it in the past, but there are a lot of choosing beggars on this forum with a toxic attitude. If a game is posted with a walkthrough and developer's notes, it's courteous to read them. It's not like this is the only game with a 0kb incest patch. Perhaps his mistake was not to explain how the patch works in the patch making it at least >0 kb in size. Anyway, that's by the by. The release happens, it gets criticism, not for its content or gameplay (though it has some detractors), nor really for its story. It's criticised because some people can't or won't read.

Ok, maybe it's no longer a labour of love. Maybe the developer has had enough of tossing pearls before swine. Maybe he had an unrealistic expectation of the maturity of some players; he's clearly quite well educated (you don't references to Sophocles or Ancient Mesopotamian religion or comparative mythology in most adult games) and maybe he wasn't ready for people to have fainting fits over some of the minor story details like a futa fairy. Whatever the reasons, he throws a little hissy fit and shuts down development.

An over-reaction? Absolutely, but we don't know what else is going on in his life. So I thought I'd do a bit of digging. This is what I discovered. In the summer he talked about taking a holiday to Disney World. He mentioned driving down to his in-laws suggesting that he lives in America and is married to an American. However, recently he talked about having to move "back home" to Britain. There could be many reasons for this or it could be because of issues in his personal life that has affected his mental health.

Or maybe it is as simple as having fallen out of love with the game or with the community surrounding the game. If you want a person to do a good job, you need them to love it and be well paid for it. If you just want a job done they either need to love it or be well paid for it. You cannot expect a job to be done if the person doesn't love doing it or isn't well paid for it.

My two cents: he wasn't being paid well enough to do something he no longer wanted to do. He was probably looking for a way to quit and the self-entitlement of some of the people here gave him that excuse. I doubt he'll be back so I think the "abandoned" tag is appropriate.
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Nov 4, 2018
My two cents: he wasn't being paid well enough to do something he no longer wanted to do. He was probably looking for a way to quit and the self-entitlement of some of the people here gave him that excuse. I doubt he'll be back so I think the "abandoned" tag is appropriate.
MG was not looking for a way to quit his game. The guy made a post here looking for beta testers, he created a discord channel to be able to communicate with his player base and testers. He fixed all the major bugs and typos from Great Britain, meaning that he took his hobby with him. That doesn't sound like a guy that he is searching for an excuse to quit the game... his game. When the new release was launched, he didn't post locked links for his patreons only. He posted it there and here, unlocked.
I' ll repeat it again, it wasn't about the money. It was never about the money. It was about him making an effort as a newcomer developer to tell a story. Unfortunately for him and for us, he paid too much attention to people's posts that have proved to either not understand plain English or too bored to read what he said upon release of new update.


Jan 12, 2018
hmm..sad that such a great concept, great art and great game is shelved this way. Anyone holding out hope that another dev MIGHT take up the mantle and re-do this game, or make a homage?
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Jan 13, 2018
An observation; over a two year period, this game has advanced to almost sixty pages here on F95Zone. The game has received 3 and a half stars by only sixteen people. Game developers (artists, writers, and creators) like affirmation that their work is appreciated. Midnite Guerilla announced on his game page, that he didn't expect to grow rich by this endeavor (although some support was nice). However the ongoing comments and criticism through-out this thread, would frustrate the best of us. Part of that is the general nature of the thread process. It is easier to give a negative comment and to complain about something not working, then it is to give positive feedback and thanks for things that work. If you enjoyed the game, Send Midnite Guerilla a message and tell him so. Leave a positive grade for the game in the upper right corner of the thread. Offer a monthly support for the development of his work for the game. If you can volunteer (time, money and effort), do so. If someone gets nothing but complaints, is it any wonder that they would drop a project when it appears that no one liked their work??? Just Saying!


Active Member
Sep 26, 2018
About my rating. If I like a game, then I will give it a high rating and explain why I rated it highly. If I don't like a game and give it a low rating, I will explain the reasons for it. I will not criticize the developer or post a bunch of negative comments, I'll just quietly not play the game.
Last edited:


Aug 4, 2017
About my rating. If I like a game, then I will give it a high rating and explain why I rated it highly. If I don't like a game and give it a low rating, I will explain the reasons for it. I will not criticize the developer or post a bunch of negative comments, I'll just quietly not play the game.
You posted a review that contained this:

This entire game is a puzzle, and every quest is a game of find the needle in the haystack. Even the walkthrough was useless for this game. The story is ok, I only got to day 2 before deleting the game.
The "puzzles" can be disabled at start or via the menu part way through the game if you find them too tricky. The walkthrough has the important parts in bold and rubricated. It is one of the least confusing walkthroughs I have ever read. I assume you have played a game before without your hand being held tightly by nanny?

I'm curious. Which part of :

A new day, a new quest: SPEAK TO MRS HUNTER. Head back to the kitchen. Click on the counter for your daily $5. Then, speak to Mrs Hunter or Joanna as she insists you call her. She’ll ask you to help her in the garden. Agree and she’ll head off to her bedroom to get changed. This is your new quest. SEE MRS HUNTER GET CHANGED When she heads off to her bedroom, follow her. Stay until she is dressed, facing you and looking left. Stay after that and its game over. Leave before that and its quest failed! Leave at the right place and you’ll be back in the kitchen and ready to help. Once Mrs Hunter has told you she is ready, head towards the front yard.

Take your shirt off. You’re an attractive man, make her fancy you. When she gives you the quest GET MASSAGE CREAM, head towards the bathroom and check the cabinet. Massage Mrs Hunter then head to the bathroom. Once you’ve showered and exposed yourself, watch the scenes that follow. LET HER IN. Seriously, why wouldn’t you? Enjoy the following scenes.
Is confusing?

Edit: I don't think your review mattered. I think it was posted after the developer quit, but it just highlights that developers should be allowed to respond to reviews and other forum members should be able to rate reviews on usefulness.

Steppen Wolf

Active Member
Dec 21, 2019
i am just considering the LAST post he made, because that's the actual one standing. Also is Patreon the official site of the game, and the dev is the OP of this Thread. So of course i believe in the last comments/statements he made over here and on patreon - and on both places the last posts say "game over".
Also i know for sure that he LEFT all discord servers where devs are together (not just going offline ->he LEFT the servers).

So what proof do you need? The post he made over here to quit? (https://f95zone.to/threads/the-wish-v0-6-2-5-midnite-guerilla.31037/post-2948586)
the NEWEST post on patreon, where he told to quit? ( )
The fact that he left all servers on discord?
Or do you rather believe the post he made before that all (to say that he just takes a timeout)?

What proof should i gather more than that?

Each way: the LAST post he did on Patreon is more than clear:

PS: I just posted QUOTES of the developer himself which he posted on his official patreon page - i don't know why you start insulting me and acting as i am a child:

And i NEVER demanded an abandonned tag (just saying) - i just said, that the dev acts oversensitive, and it's a shame to abandon this game - so i don't get how you came to that insult. But it seems pretty normal, if you run out of arguments and facts, just to change subject and start insulting and/or mocking about the other.
(i don't have any game since i am not a developer - also just saying)

Forgot to mention - even IF the dev would "come back" and continue the game, i rather will NOT pledge him, because i would have to fear that he again throws all away when someone posts the next complaint over here instead of just ignoring it and continue his game. Maybe once the game is finished, but forsure not even 1 second before that. The dev lost my trust to be able to finish this project.
It´s a pity because the game is so tasty. Dev has been doing a phenomenal work here. Also I like some much the shape of Joanna. I would like to watch games with similar female physic shape.
Do you know another game with similar body type like Joanna and similar plot?
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Mikey Mike

Engaged Member
Feb 18, 2018
Too bad and so sad! I really liked this game, and we were just getting to the good stuff! I was surprised to hear the dev say that it was a 2-year project for roughly 6 small installments. I wish the dev well and hope he reconsiders his abrupt decision to call it a day for something that still has a lot of untapped potential.


New Member
Dec 15, 2018
We're can I find the last 5$ to buy the hack for the second time (I already taken the money from the kitchen)
3.60 star(s) 83 Votes