Things you can't stand in porn games.

Oct 14, 2022
because they want to communicate to player/reader that the father is NOT coming back, ever. he's dead, end of speculation.

where as leaving the dad absent but alive almost 100% guarantees he's going to show up sooner or later.

of course dead father can still show up too in a million ways, but what all those ways have in common is that their effect hinges on the reader believing dad can never show up.

so part of it is practicality, limiting the scope of the story. but also priming the reader to think in a way that the writer wants.
It is lazy.
And as pointed out before:

It's honestly unnecessary exposition IMO. Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I have never once asked why dad's not in the picture. Unless it's somehow an important plot point, I'm perfectly content with it being a single mother household and leaving it at that.
Not once i asked myself.
Where is the father.
Single mother families are unfortantly very common these days.
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Active Member
Feb 2, 2020
I've mentioned this in every other relevant thread. But at the risk of sounding like a broken record:
The multiple "paths" dynamic where a single choice basically changes the whole game needs to stop. A good game focuses on a central theme and builds upon it. It knows its core player base and what it likes and delivers that with subtle variation. Choices should matter, but the results should cater to that target audience.
There are a few successful games that try to cater to all, but they are few and far between and have had years to grow. Most of the time the dev comes off as the "people pleaser" that pleases no one. Just stop.
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Game Developer
Mar 30, 2023
Definitely agree with the OP on "The Glorious Tech Demo". As for force fetishes, I don't mind if that's the specific point of the game. Like if the game is clearly a foot-tickling fetish game, that's fine, clearly it has an audience :)

There's a ton of adult games that have an inventory and combat, and leveling up and skills, but it's often quite badly done... And it's a big part of the game. This means you end up playing an essentially bad game, with the spicy adult-content bits that you wanted to see. As a result, I prefer adult games that: 1. Are mods for an existing game (skyrim sexlab, etc.) because then the base-game and primary gameplay loop is good, with adult-content on the side. Or essentially renpy/twine games without combat, etc.

Grubb Raines

Game Developer
Feb 7, 2021
- Excessive UI, or more specifically, text boxes.
- Eye cancer dialogue fonts and/or colouration and shadow.
- Multiple characters with same name colour.
- Animated/flashing text cursors.
- Patreon-safe character naming/title selection without specifying what those characters default connections to the MC are.
- Lyrical music during dialogue scenes.
- Transition absence between scenes/locations in VNs.
- Sandbox navigation via doors/windows etc. rather than a room/locale selector menu.
- Sandbox progression that requires sleep to progress the story, and you're 26 pathing jumps from your bed (as opposed to a 'jump to bed/bedroom' button)
- Sandbox with convoluted progression.
- Sandbox /s
- Click through 47 things to exit the game.


Apr 23, 2019
Sex being considered as a bad/dirty thing in-game, and treating the subject accordingly, as if the characters were becoming worse people just by having tons of it.
... But that only applies to gay bottoms and/or girls, of course.
If your game is not settled in the Middle Ages, why your mindset is, mate?
"Corrupt/ed" shouldn't be another word for "sexually active".

Also, that ineptly-named "corruption" being unavoidably linked to the loss of grey matter. If a cock enters you, you lose IQ points and self-respect. Period.
Thing is, you can't "fuck people stupid" unless you bang their pretty heads against the wall repeatedly and at full unhinged strength, but they wouldn't look as cute as models after. Of course in those games they can perform major surgery on a man and mutilate him or give him unnecessary new prosthetics, but you won't ever see a lobotomy scar or a broken nose.
A magical penis thrust turns their brains into jelly, instead. It's soooo good they give up the right to think for themselves forever. BS!

But I know this to be a lost cause...


Nov 23, 2017
Things I dislike:

"Fetishes: boob, butt, lip, ears, knees, incest, blonde, brunette, black, white, green, purple, woman, male protag, female protag, male antag, female antag, goblins, dwarfs, music, movies, hardcore, softcore, mtr, ntr, avoidable ntr, non-ntr, vanilla, elves, serious, comedy, dystopia, utopia"

Basically, long lists of fetishes that don't tell us anything. It tends to mean that the game is bloated and unfocused.

So, I strongly disagree with this (from the OP):

Forced Fetishes -
Pick a fetish, any fetish. Clearly it's something the developer loves. They love it so much that they're going to make an inescapable part of the of the story, whether you like it or not - and you're answer is definitely "not." Looking at you, Rozz.
There's nothing wrong with a game being focused on a given fetish, as long as this is made clear in the description and tags.

Also this is kek:

Games Made from Other Games - Someone took their pirated a copy of any random Illusion game, fired up Studio mode, took a bunch of screenshots, loaded them into RenPy and is now trying to scam people out of money on Patreon for all of their "hard work."
As if it's any better to spend an arbitrary sum on literal pixels in order to put together a "scene" in 10 minutes on DAZ consisting of premade assets. You're not making a scene, you're borrowing one from someone else. At least in Studio you can actually make and directly edit the models and textures (in external software) yourself. That being said, it's obvious that most people don't do that, and like 95% of Studio-made games are trash. But, really, the same goes for DAZ games, not to mention RPGM.
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Hans Zuchter

Nov 21, 2021
2: Tits that would need a forklift to move.
I get it.
A lot of men like big tits.
A lot of men like small tits.
And most men like tits that enhance the body.
Not replace it.
You know the type.
The kind where the dev things tits that are bigger then the head is small AA tits and the moon is normal size tits.
When i look at a woman body and ask myself:
How does she move.
It really kills the mood.
no moon.png


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
That is actually pretty normal, people can tell when you write something regarding a fetish you do not like or do not understand. I know because I tried.
As such, it is much easier for everyone involved to focus on the fetishes they like and understand, and make a game about them. Nothing wrong with it, if you do not like a fetish, simply go for another game.
While big games often have multiple fetishes (and writers), some games focus on specific fetishes.
Absolutely agree on this. I tried as well and failed. In my case I was getting foot fetish requests for my mod. It doesn't repulse me so I tried it, but it does absolutely nothing for me so I don't understand the appeal. So I couldn't get into the scenes I was making and eventually just gave up on anything involving feet as being a total waste of time for me.

IMO devs should focus on what they personally like, and if someone makes a suggestion that you can find some kind of hook into that turns you on personally, by all means try it. But if not, turn them down.


Jan 14, 2018
Big stupid tits. It's alright if one character has just ridiculous tits, but when almost every character has the tits of a 500 pound woman, it drives me insane.

Busy work. When a graphic novel has a hub, i get scared, because i know there is a good chance you will be clicking work home sleep like 3000 times.

Gay/furry stuff. NOT due to homophobia, due to jealousy. It does nothing for me, but some of the art work looks very well done.

Also, most games have terrible writing.

OH and "glans" gets used so much in porn/hentai but i have never heard that word spoken in real life


Aug 24, 2022
Doing It Completely Backward - You can add sex to a functional RPG. You can't make an RPG out of random sex scenes lazily tied together. A VN, yes, but not an RPG.
I'm probably a minority here.. But to add on this..


Convoluted / Bad Story Telling & Incoherent Settings
I really dislike super lame plots that are entirely focused on lewd with almost zero story / world building. I feel like a good story is pivotal in games to make a good lewd experience.

"On-Rails" Visual Novels with Zero Player Agency or Choice (Spacebar Mashers)
When you have a 100% on-rails renpy game that is just 100% scenes of daz porn renders.. I have to ask myself why it's a game at all and why not just watch a movie instead.


To me a lewd game is about making a game experience first (give the player choice and agency, well thought out design / exploration / branching where it makes sense, etc) then organically insert the lewd.

But I often see this idea criticized. (Ugh it's a porn game.. why is there gameplay at all..! anyone have a save file!?) - always curious why people go through the trouble of save file harvesting RPGM games when there is billions of free hentai sites out there.

Thanks for reading.