
Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2019
I mean... currently no path is completed.
That's kinda what an early access game is about.
Currently ALL paths lead to a dead end. Some just have A TON more content than others.

They could probably throw in a warning. But as said: Kinda what the auto-saves are for.
And, it's not entirely without warning, as you gotta grind to get into said paths.
But yeah, as said before: It's unclear if all paths will be finished. Or if some will get scrapped.
But for now: That's what you gotta be ready to deal with, playing an early access, in development game.
That's totally understandable but I guess my main issue with this is, that you get locked out of the actual open-world environment and you can't continue or start other questlines while you're waiting for others to get an update.


Active Member
Feb 8, 2019
That's totally understandable but I guess my main issue with this is, that you get locked out of the actual open-world environment and you can't continue or start other questlines while you're waiting for others to get an update.
That is fair. But: Many of the "paths" are mutually exclusive to each other.
To do a half-assed comparison: This isn't a game you can do ALL the side quests in.
You pick sides. You can't ex: Burn down the orphanage. Then go back and try to do the "save the orphans" quest. They're dead.
You can't wipe out the stormcloaks, then go and look for the stormcloak questline.

This is simply one of the types of games you HAVE to replay 2-6 times. (depending how any paths they choose to finish in the end) to experience all of the content. Being locked out does suck. But, as said: That's how paths work.
Like, if you choose to betray your country, family and organization with your PC... not like she can go "Jk, gonna try this other stuff now!" xD

It could probably be better hinted at. But I mean, it's not really subtle when you have to grind for like, two weeks with daily "You're fucking up REAL bad and throwing your life away!" pointers, along with a "Fucking up" meter/requirement to keep going that direction. But yeah, it wouldn't hurt with a "Accepting this will lock you on the [path] route." or a "This is the end of the [path] route content." pop up. As I have seen a lot of people ask if "Is X the end of Y path?" after they tried grinding it for like, 3 weeks to progress.
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Dec 15, 2019
game is good. combat is pretty weak so far. no level up. gears and skills are very bad. Hope it get better and if you have some money. pleas support the game.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2019
I think it's incredible how this game takes the typical RPG formula that you see in RPGM made games all the time but does it better. The art looks pretty, the animations are great (the fact that it has animations is already a win), I love the checkerboard combat and it runs so smoothly which has always been a weakness in RPGM games.

Third Crisis is quickly turning into one of my favourite games on here and there's tons of awesome stuff that could still be added in the future such as many more outfits, pregnancy, a level-up system with skills and many more.

I guess I never bothered trying it till recently because the preview pics aren't very telling at all which is a shame as I would recommend everyone to atleast give this game a try at some point. Already looking forward to the next updates!
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Active Member
Feb 8, 2019
Yeah, as mentioned before: The preview pics and steam+itch descriptions and trailer+previews are EXTREMELY misleading.
You only get a good idea of what the game is about if you check out F95, or via word of mouth.
Though, their twitter is good at promoting what's actually in the game too.


Dec 15, 2017
game is good. combat is pretty weak so far. no level up. gears and skills are very bad. Hope it get better and if you have some money. pleas support the game.
To be fair....Are you really playing a Porn game for the combat? I tend to just Autowin with console commands instead.


Active Member
Feb 8, 2019
To be fair....Are you really playing a Porn game for the combat? I tend to just Autowin with console commands instead.
To be fair: It should at least be enjoyable, otherwise it's literally wasted time to have it there...
TC has a pretty decent combat system. Needs polish, but it's alright. It can be played. Sometimes it's fun to plan out.

(Compared to some games on here, where basically only the "patreon version" can be played due to the grind being so shit.)


Nov 20, 2017
i am stuck in the vr thing. when i loose the fight i have to restart it, if i win nothing happens. it says victory and then i just stand there. anyone have simmilar issues?

Jegal Taek

Apr 16, 2018
i am stuck in the vr thing. when i loose the fight i have to restart it, if i win nothing happens. it says victory and then i just stand there. anyone have simmilar issues?
yeah just go to menu and load your save again and win the battle if that happens again close the game and start the game and win battle again immediately i had the same problem it worked for me


Dec 8, 2020
Normally: I'd say yes.
But not when its plastered all over the storefronts. You can't parade it as the primary feature of the game, then try to brush it off as "creative freedom". Yes, it IS their choice what to add. But, you have to take into account: This is an advertised and sold game. Yes, it has a ton of updates left. Yes, it has a decent core start. Even if lacking variation, finishes and "oomph". And IS vastly overshadowed by the male focused content. You can't please everyone. But then: Don't advertise it to everyone. Like, again: To mention the original pitch for this game again: "You can play this game as femdom.", if you give me the option to play as X, I expect to be able to play as X. AND for there to be content for X. As said: They have their "pure run". But if that would end up having 0 reward and simply deleting 100 % of the porn... why even add that option to a porn game then? (Again: They haven't said what it includes aside from skipping all the "regular porn".)

To make a bad example: But say you are playing a fantasy game. It offers to let you play: Fighter, Rogue and Wizard. Fighter and Rogue has a dozen weapons, 10 different outfits and 50 talents each. The Wizard, had 1 spell, and 0 talents. Yes, it would again be "creative freedom" of what they add. But after a certain point: It gets to a "why even advertise having a Wizard class?" now, to be clear: This game isn't there yet. But its inching closer each update. And I am mostly pointing this out: As you very likely wouldn't be defending it like this, if the roles were reversed. (At least statistically.)

Especially when we've had dozens of games like ex: Panthea. That promised to have lesbian content. Then had 0, and is now promising to add it to their second chapter thing. Along with maaaybe getting a new artist that isn't too lazy to draw pussies.

Now: Third Crisis is WAY better in that it does actually contain lesbian scenes. I'm just saying: Look at current AAA companies. They also promise stuff, then either never add them. Or charge extra for stuff promised at launch. Trust is earned. So far the creators haven't broken any trust. But they're still on the fence. I can say that currently: It doesn't hold up quality wise across the board. That may be subject to change. As stated: It is possible they just want to finish the male dom+corruption route first. Instead of spreading it out and doing a little on each. That'd be perfectly understandable. But you know: They'd still need to step up to the plate after that to add the rest.

Unless they are going to offer a refund for any path they advertised, (after they started charging for it) but didn't deliver on by the time the game is finished: The whole "creative freedom" won't hold up.
Yes, I know you could chalk that up to "the risk of kickstarters". But that is also why I am on a site like this. Where I can actually check if a claim is true or not. (And then: Rate it accordingly.)

Yes, it does. Even if its only one dude atm.
He is in quite a lot of scenes.
i dont really like the male content leith was so fucking hot that watching a gameplay video of her made me get the game..but turns out its almost unavoidable to get raped and klaus especially is anoying i hope there was a option to just kill him and most of these people ..infact would be hotter if jenna wasent so weak the idea of a insanely powerful demigod submiting herself was what drew me in ....jenna being strongarmed by some pathetic dipshits like klaus just iritates me ...i chose the peitho townhall route becuase i hoped it brings leith back is that true ? do you get anymore scenes with leith after the intial intro ? i legitimatly dont like the jenna raped shit i just endure it for a nugget of leith

Jegal Taek

Apr 16, 2018
i dont really like the male content leith was so fucking hot that watching a gameplay video of her made me get the game..but turns out its almost unavoidable to get raped and klaus especially is anoying i hope there was a option to just kill him and most of these people ..infact would be hotter if jenna wasent so weak the idea of a insanely powerful demigod submiting herself was what drew me in ....jenna being strongarmed by some pathetic dipshits like klaus just iritates me ...i chose the peitho townhall route becuase i hoped it brings leith back is that true ? do you get anymore scenes with leith after the intial intro ? i legitimatly dont like the jenna raped shit i just endure it for a nugget of leith
i agree with you i dont like male content in game either but i hope in future update they change it and for your question no intro is the only time you get a scene with leith(unless i missed smt) and the peitho path is not finished it has only 2 scene i think so its better if you play other path
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Dec 8, 2020
i agree with you i dont like male content in game either but i hope in future update they change it and for your question no intro is the only time you get a scene with leith(unless i missed smt) and the peitho path is not finished it has only 2 scene i think so its better if you play other path
thank you very much im uninstalling the game imediatly then jennas treatment is way to fucking cruel even for porn standards and i dont like rape the pure path is still ladden with predatory anoying dipshits ...tbh i just want somebody to do a full on lezdom game like this already we only have that tonkatsu game whihc isent good either ...that one intro with leith though gold and kind of deceptive if you ask me


Active Member
Feb 8, 2019
i dont really like the male content leith was so fucking hot that watching a gameplay video of her made me get the game..but turns out its almost unavoidable to get raped and klaus especially is anoying i hope there was a option to just kill him and most of these people ..infact would be hotter if jenna wasent so weak the idea of a insanely powerful demigod submiting herself was what drew me in ....jenna being strongarmed by some pathetic dipshits like klaus just iritates me ...i chose the peitho townhall route becuase i hoped it brings leith back is that true ? do you get anymore scenes with leith after the intial intro ? i legitimatly dont like the jenna raped shit i just endure it for a nugget of leith
Yeah, that's the thing I mentioned about the "terrible advertisement" of this game.
It's a cock worship, maledom rape power fantasy game. (And it IS good at that. It's a really solid humiliation maledom game.)
Nowhere other than F95 do you get to know that. (And as said: If you check the first page here: It promises both femdom AND lesbian content. And the "pure" route is still being promised. Yet: We have no confirmation if it will contain ANY content. Just that "it will exist".)

Like: Let me break down the game and all trailers+adverts for it. (Steam recently updated to have a bit better screencaps)
To give a slightly sarcastic summary:

"You play Vibe, the LEGENDARY heroine. Also known as Jenna.
As you can see from the game title of girls kissing and all this promo art of lesbian sex, you should get a good idea what the game is about! Yes! Cock worship and male superiority!

Now: Through shenanigans: You become a time traveling lesbian! On a quest to SAVE YOUR GILRFRIEND! From this... discount Red Sonja villain, but don't care about her. She's not relevant. Instead focus on these faceless, generic male grunts! On which most of the story will focus.

As expected from playing a legendary superhero: You cannot overpower a single thug.
As you'd expect from this evil supervillainess: She turns the world into a... dictatorial patriarchy? In which, she is the leader? But she can't do the raping, because she lacks a hyper dick? So she puts males in charge? And enslave nearly all women to be sex toys for men, who are kept in line by promise of getting to rape said women. And are sedated using sex drugs.

Now, as the sole remaining, female hero, the last hope for ALL women you are supposed to... immediately give up, ditch your morals and abandon your country and family to submit to the penis. Duh! 90 % of the game content is over there. There's 1 finished lesbian scene. What made you think the game was about that?" That 60 % of our adds are showing girl on girl?

Again: This ties back to why I've said it's VITAL we get the "full version" on F95.
As: You can then easily unlock the gallery. And realize what the game is actually about. Without having to waste hours playing, trying to get to content that doesn't exist. As said: "Lesbian" has been remove from the tags for a reason.

I don't know if the game just did a 180 mid-production. Or if they planned to do a M. Night Shamalang "PLOT TWIST!" during the game... or are just really bad at advertising. (Which I mean... is VERY common for porn games.)
But yeah... when most talk I see about the game on disc, twitter, NG and even F95 is people basically going "Oh, don't be fooled by the appearance." and followed by either praising it as a great maledom game. Or a huge disappointment. It says a lot when the biggest spread of the game is via word of mouth, about how it's actually a different game. I've read many reviews where people go "I was expecting X, but was pleasantly surprised to find the game is abouy Y instead!".

The only hint we really get to this is the line that "Whether she gives in to the bliss of submission" line. The rest is talking about a resistance and her "saving humanity". When as said: The vast majority of ALL content is locked behind simply submitting. I haven't been tearing it a new one over the lack of quality lesbian content because "I want lesbians". I do it because it's plastered all over the fucking front pages and constantly talked about in game and adverts wise xD

It does honestly baffle me how the devs couldn't see that coming... like: If you promise people content X since day one, and don't deliver. Then side-stepping the question with stuff like "creative freedom" or "we add what we like as side-content", while STILL not changing the description...then yeah: Some people are bound to get upset. It honestly wouldn't hurt them to just ask some guy to help them with marketing. Or even hire someone to do marketing. That said: It's not a huge issue. The game spreads well via word of mouth. But: A lot of people pass it up due to the poor advertising of it.
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4.50 star(s) 127 Votes