Ok, so just my opinion at this point about the game...its getting a little drawn out and long in the tooth. Nothing of any significance is happening, no real consequence like you'd see of other games like too my girls and a conflict, juggling them to avoid that conflict. No fear of accidental or even deliberate pregnancy, no twists or even obvious potential ones like the MC being Jenna's father (potentially) Frankly...the last few updates the dialogue is just so stupid and tbh pointless...the dev could almost skip the dialogue and just go to the screens and animations.
Don't get me wrong, the visuals and models are nice...but lately...the ball playing at the beach on vacation (day 24) just took me to my limit of saying enough...models standing with there arms to the side like mannequin style...wtf...arguing about boat driving/piloting...sigh...not to mention some dialogue from previous days...sad whats going on here and the fap quality is not great really...its kinda been done before on a previous day...refer to my previous paragraph for ideas
Sorry to those who think I'm being ridiculous...that's your opinion as this is mine *shrug