Thanks all, for your thoughts and discussion about Dana/tutoring/etc. It's given me a lot to work with.
Here's the way I see it:
Grinding tutoring has never been my intention for the game. Zeus even tells you he doesn't want you to waste your time on having a job. But, I can totally see how - with the current lack of other content - it seems like that's all there is to do.
Tutoring, in my intention, fills two roles:
First - in keeping with the theme of perspective shifting in the game - tutoring fits the early cash niche, to be followed (and surpassed) by the tithes from girls you've enthralled, which itself will be followed (and surpassed) by business income from properties you've bought/built.
Second, it's a time sink for the completionists to "unlock" an additional 3+ girls.
So the intention (which I may not have implemented correctly at the moment) is for players to do a bit of tutoring early on in the game to earn some money, then maybe return once a day to eventually unlock Dana and some extra "schoolgirl" type characters.
I'll definitely look into a different scoring system so that one can't get too far behind. Or maybe a "reset" quest to clear your stats and start from scratch. I'll also add a way for the player to know their progress.
In related matters: what are your thoughts on RPG elements in the game, similar to something like Summertime Saga? I had initially planned for something like that (there's even code in the current game that would facilitate that, but it's inactive) but I struggled with how to implement "leveling up" your stats.
For example, the trivia sections (like tutoring) could increase one's "intellect" stat, but how would one increase their "strength"? Or their "perception"? There would need to be some kind of minigame/puzzle/timesink elements to give meaning to increasing stats, but I'm at a loss as to what kind of gameplay to implement. Any thoughts you guys have would be appreciated!
And thanks again for all your comments and feedback!