Wow... what an update. You were right dev, this is the best one yet.
I'm gonna try to give thorough feedback.
The angles chosen for the sex scenes were very good in my opinion. We could see Tifa's ass and boobs quite well on most of these which was very hot. Maybe it could be nice if Tifa's face could be more expressive during sex, to show how ashamed but also insanely horny she is while cheating on Cloud (a bit like in Power vacuum. Check it out if you haven't, the faces make such a difference, especially with NTR).
Also idk how much additional work it represents but it could have been nice if the part where Marvin fucks Tifa during the threesome was animated.
I like that you still take some things slow. Tifa starts to open up more and be more vocal but no creampie yet, no pregnancy yet and no direct Cloud humiliation yet where Marvin would encourage Tifa to shit-talk her boyfriend. Can't wait for these to happen. Someone said the first creampie should be forceful or accidental, i agree with that. Few things should be planned and agreed by Tifa

. This game i think is about humiliating Cloud but also showing how Tifa gets completly used. Related to that i really hope you consider adding rimjobs to the sex scenes. It would be so hot given Marvin's muscled physique and it would highlight how submissive Tifa is willing to be with black guys. If you ever saw Slutwriter's "my mom and sister are size queen sluts" comics, there are a few rimjobs in here that are so hot to watch.
An interesting dynamic could be Amber getting jealous over time because Marvin prefers Tifa, and Amber hinting more and more at Cloud whats going on. There's never too much cucking
Last thing, it could be nice if we could see sex scenes to completion or the after glow. Seing Tifa and Marvin hug, kiss and chat like lovebirds while being all sweaty from hours of sex would be such a turn on. Having the scenes cut every time when they are not even halfway done seems like a miss to me.
I like Barrett too but i hope Marvin will remain the main focus in the future. He is hotter and dares to humiliate Cloud more than the other guys.
Anyway thanks again for all your work dev ! Hope this helps you. You improve with each update and you're onto something great !
(PS : but really, think about rimjobs, would be so great ahah)