Mainly I was hoping to swoop down into the market to grab an easy wench. Clearly this capital city guards its market place a bit more dilligently, so that's not an option.
I forgot to mention this earlier, but if you beat the City Watch once, there's a chance that they decide they've had enough, hide in the tavern, and your next victims are 'free'.
In the WIP version this only works if the city has calmed down after your last attack, which can take several weeks. Or one week for 'secret' visits, which still get access to the now Watch-less market.
There's also a recharge period, which only works in the WIP version, i.e. once the next year rolls around, the watchmen sober up and go back to patrolling. You will also be able to rob the elves/dwarves/cathedral/brothel multiple times after a while.
Sneaky edit:
Well from a purely games mechanics, a-fuckton-of-invincible-demons-turned-up-out-of-nowhere perspective, then sure, obviously. From a deeper, game-lore, trying-to-understand-what's-going-on point of view, not so much.
That was
exactly my reaction when I first ran into this in vanilla TfD, by ignoring one too many of the cultist events. Suddenly, there are these Warcraft characters everywhere, I can't really beat them back, the fuckers multiply too! WTF!?

It didn't help that I must've only skimmed the demon intro. I figured they were some kind of evil treants or something!
Then I thought about this a bit more, realised I had wasted all my time so far, ignored the cultists etc. And thought: hey, this is actually kind of cool! I'm gonna restart, but first, I'll
really tighten up the screws, so I can't just reload my way out of this. And I'll also do this little change, and modify that a little bit and... well, here we are. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯