Hi!Yes thanks don't know why took so long to figure this out played the game for days trying every option to meet her
obviously just never went to suburbs in morning of Day 1 after resetting from afternoon when i found the address ! I've gotten side tracked or confused by trying force something to happen by endlessly repeating room search. after meeting Mia in morning of first day (instead of going to suburbs). Because this is only way to activate search Lisa's room to get address in first place !
I'm probably wrong here but i Suppose my question is, why is there a need to go back to the morning of Day 1 to meet her (Lisa) ? is it necessary as it's totally counter intuitive to me! ? how long i played this game over and over and over and over trying figure out Lisa, it's very unnecessarily cryptic or obtuse that you must return in time to do this ? why can't you just go search for her after finding address, is it essential it has to be done in the past for some reason ?. maybe this game is not for me lol, I get the whole time loop thing but if it's just for sake of a loop or reset why bother ? just go ahead on the time loop you are on already now, no ? why not find her (Lisa) that evening Day 1 or at night even, or Day 2 in morning or later ? if there is a reason yet unknown and will be revealed later then sorry you need to be able to see the future. jump forward, not just jump back in time at this stage to know that ! to cause you to go back in time, to find her on morning of Day 1 ?
It's unnecessarily complex for no reason maybe ?
Thinking about it now, it's unnecessary. That part of the game was done a long time ago so at that time you didn't have many options in the game.
There is a restriction of when to do certain things because every action carries over to the next days, so the ripple effect could be too much for me to handle. But in this case, I see that it could be more flexible.
I'll make a note to change this in the next version.