For fucks sake, i should admit, i never had sister thing, it was always mom-son thing, always, it has nothing to do with
Oedipus complex, its just a curious fetish, that i recieved during childhood when started reading hentai manga. And you all know that best milfs is in shota manga, and best shota manga is mom-son manga. And nothing can be done with this. But for fucks sake, this damn Nika, she is insanely beautiful, i added incest patch for my mom-son fetish, but how should i enjoy mom-son scenes here, when everything i think is: "when nika would show up", Julia is great, but Nika... Seriously, i started to regret that i added this patch(

), cause in my opinion, well, if it wasn't incest game in the first place and was a reallity, dumping Maurine for Nika is a MUST. Seriously, Nika is a fucking goddess.
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