Unity - Completed - Timestamps: Unconditional Love [v1.1 Steam SE] [Motkeyz]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Great visuals, and that's about it.

    Sort of sad to see a game do so many confusing and fucked up things but then be paired with what are quite frankly fantastic renders. Now I'm not a huge fan of the unrealistic 14 inch pussy wrecker of a cock the main character has. Coupled with the massive tits on all the women, it's obvious this game is just spank fuel for perverts. But if you can get over that, the visuals are very well done and there were only a few scenes or renders that really irked me, like the mom's butthole just looking like a discolored triangle with a black X. It's the strength of the fantastic renders that gives this game 2 stars instead of 1.

    Unfortunately other than the renders, there's really not much about this game that I can suggest. Certainly it's not the plot, if you could call it that. The plot as it is jumps around randomly, and even makes several references to a character that you never meet, and at times introduce characters that have no seeming impact on the story. The writing axiom of "chekov's gun" kept popping into my head as I wasted time clicking through text with two different storekeepers that meant nothing and multiple references to some never seen girlfriend of the main character. References, by the way, that are only done by other characters. This girlfriend is so unimportant that the main character literally never mentions or thinks about her.

    The entire premise of the plot, in a nutshell, is that you're a horny boy with a 14 inch dick that would put a horse to shame, and you live with a nymphomaniac mother, a slutty half nudist sister, and a dad who has trouble getting it up. And magically every one is somehow enthralled by the power of your cock, even though the closest you coming to using it is paying some hooker $40 to blow you. Oh, and also something with time travel and parallel universes? It's not really clear, it doesn't matter anyways, because tits.

    There's also some grammatical and spelling issues, and my guess is that whoever is doing the translations for the game doesn't understand the difference between the male and female pronouns. Further confusing this is several times when one character is supposed to be talking, but the text balloon attributes the line to a different character. All in all it's very confusing trying to figure out what's being said, and by whom, and about what.

    I will say that I love this thread because someone took the time to do a CGI rip of the game. Do yourself a favor, just download those, make up your own story, and fap away. You'll have a better time then trying to play this... "game."
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    v0.0.3.4 fixes the old bugs. Everything working fine now.
    I am glad the dev is changing the game engine; the current one lags on my laptop, which can be irritating at times!

    The character models are really beautiful! The story is good and different, waiting to see where it goes. Although I do have a few complains,
    1. The tits on Juliana look fake. Kind of a turn off. Would love a more natural look.
    2. That dick on the MC, gosh! Pls turn it down a notch for us common folk :D

    Great work dev. Much respect and love man.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Evan Treborn

    I needed some time to see what a great game it is but now i like it a lot. the graphic is really great and also the Story is good.
    I'd wish a easy way for some Screenshots... this is a Game where it would be worthwhile.
    I'm looking forward to many more updates
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    great game , involves somthing for any fetish lovers out there
    complete by great graphics , sexy NPCs , and an ineresting story
    worth the wait worth the investment in the dev .
    and if your'e like me you got the first of a kind smoking fetish game...
  5. 4.00 star(s)

    Ti'elby Mercedes

    Man, seriously, I have NEVER seen the quality of graphics that this one has. The animations are smooth, the lighting effects, the fluid dynamics, the skin textures... AMAZING. Also, I find the game universe kinda hilarious, like "white trash on steroids". It's possible the creator has an explanation for that, within the context of the story. At least, I can think of an explanation... but there doesn't really need to be one. Anyway, can't quite give this 5 stars because the translation is rubbish and the dialogues are pretty painful, and not only because of the translation. The story has potential, but hard to judge at this point (v. Still, these are definitely some of the hottest girls I've seen in any game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A great game with a new and interesting plot, interesting characters, and incredibly hot characters too (GO JULIANA) The idea to be able to travel back in time shows a lot of promise, being able to fix whatever mistakes you made, or even fix the mistakes of others, alter certain events. It will all make for a brilliant and engaging story, can't wait to see more
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Darth Helmet

    As someone who played this game from the beginning I see how far its come. I love the characters and the unique premise of the game. In a world of unique stories, this one takes the cake. I love all the models, especially the mother. I can't wait to see what this turns into. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This will be the first review(My english might fail me sometimes so please ignore that) This game was so much fun i just have to write one.

    There is so much potential in this game and it looks amazing. The writing was good and even if there is not a lot of sexual content for the mc just yet, you can feel things are going into a direction that will please the mc ( and you). I am a fan of this game and the dev is also active in the forums which is nice. I highly recommend just trying out this version and you will see why this is one to watch!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is just awesome. It is still on development but it has a lot of potential and also have pretty nice textures in HD and an incredible pretty girls. Absolutely recomended. If you want to fap, go ahead, if u want to play a catchy game, go ahead. just go.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Great art but with the freezing issues and text skipping issues the game is not playable at least not yet if someone could fix these issues the game may be a 5 star but for now i can't even play it. I really do hope it gets fixed because the art is really good and story seems good also. This part is added i just needed to say if the two issues i was having gets fixed this game would be a 5 star game and it may be after the next update. I also upped it from 3 stars to 4!
    First review was March 5

    New review May 12
    Since the new version some issues are now fixed i'm keeping it a 4 star though for lack of sex all you really get is watching your father and i'm not a fan of watching others fuck, it is worse seeing one of the girls i like getting fucked. Besides personal taste this game has a great story and art.

    Art 10/10
    Story 9.5/10
    Characters 9/10
    Sex 6/10 MC does not get much of anything yet.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    This game looks good so far (v0.0.3.3). I will be watching over it as it gets more content, because that's what it lacks right now. It's still kind of too early to see where it's going, but I like what I see currently.

    To sum it up;
    + Audio (night scenes +1)
    + Animations (pretty good)
    + Nice renders (I like 'em a lot)

    - Slow scene to scene transition (sometimes, 2s black screen)
    - Clunky room to room navigation
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    All right. Finally I've played the version with the patch of typos and it's bugs free.

    The renderings are magnificent, but the animations... my God, they're spectacular. I confess that I had my demurs when @Motkeyz talked about, but when I saw them in the game they blow me away.

    The story is very interesting and well told, I always liked the trips in time, so I'm anxiously waiting for the new release.

    Very good work, happens to be one of my favorites.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Best game ever on so many levels thank you soo much , i don't know how this one didn't get a huge success in this site and started being popular among the other ones BIG BROTHERS feels like it was made decades ago
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent Graphics & absolutely great game.
    Hope that will take too long...
    we loved it...:D
    u may add some more addictive scenes...
    may be some of sister & main character...
    love it...
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.027...

    Originally Reviewed on 01/04/2018

    This VN/game has decent visuals, but that is about it... It does tease, once again, at including the overly used Family Sex stuff...

    The visuals for the characters look like they came from a graphic novel, but done in high resolution 3D... They are cool looking, although the woman all have larger breasts than what their body frames would suggest... The backdrops all look very creative and unique... The user interface works a bit like it would in Ren'py, but I'm not entirely sure what engine this one uses...

    The script has a bit of broken English now and then, but through most of it the English is alright... Probably just needs some more proofreading... The plot is a bit confusing, because the story plays out at a rapid pace, and doesn't always make sense... The overall plot, which you do not really discover until near the end of the current content, is that the male protagonists best friend has created a time machine, and claims that he needs help because he's messed stuff up for the protagonists life... Before you get to that part, the story has many moments when the immersion is tossed out the window...

    One example is how when the best friends mother is being blackmailed and basically molested by the 2 primary villains... The way it plays out is so over the top... She apparently was fearful, yet seemed to be turn on by it... The protagonist and friend try to stop it, unsuccessfully, after which the villains continue their forcing the best friends mom to give the male villain a BJ, all while the protagonist and friend stand there unable to help... Then suddenly the opportunity for the protagonist to help occurs, as a bat magically appears in the protagonists possession and he beats down the male protagonist who limps off with the female villain... And after all that, what does the best friends mother do? OMG, she stands there smoking a cigarette, all nonchalant, as if nothing actually occurred... And when they go into her house, she begins rewarding the two would-be hero's... First by open mouth kissing the son as well as putting his head on her breasts (which by the way, her blouse seems to magically button up all the way and unbutton almost all the way several times during her scenes), and then goes to kiss the forehead of the protagonist, who moves to kiss her on the lips instead... And then she acts like it was all so innocent, as if it was all just normal...

    It's crazy crap like that, just destroys the immersion... And that's not all, how about the protagonists sister who walks around the house with a completely see through shirt (no bra), and his mom that does the same thing... Or the perv down the street that is taking photos of his mom, out in the street, during the day, where everyone can see what he's doing... While his mom is masterbating in her bed, smoking a cigarette, with the bedroom drapes wide open, all while in front of her open laptop (apparently broadcasting it, although how would the protagonist know that from the pictures?)... There are so many things like that in this VN/Game... So many inconsistencies, over the top story telling/visuals, story holes, and so on...

    Overall, even though the visuals were creative and unique, the rest of it screams B-Rated Porn Game... This VN/Game is early into it's development, but I can already tell how it's gonna pretty much play out... And I understand it is basically a sci-fi theme with time travel, but come on... No one acts like any of these characters... Maybe if everything about this game was a slapstick comedy, poking fun at it's own self, with lots of hilarious dialogue and so on, but it actually tries to play out primarily as a serious story, just with wall to wall erotica... I will definitely not be revisiting this one... Which is too bad, because the visual quality is awesome, but its a very poor execution...
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    awesome art w8ing for more content hope at least its not going to be another boring ass game like any other male mc
    that milf tho one of the best milf i have seen in games
    lets hope will see more cuckhold
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Buggy , short , save's don't work and to top it all if there is no storyline peak.
    They claim to have a "butterfly effect" storyline but all this is just a click , click , click , see some boobs etc.
    No animations either plus they are posting the demo for free on other forums BUT it is locked on their Patreon ... like saying a big "screw you" to the guys that want to check it out before supporting them. Meh... had high hopes when I saw it and now I am just disapointed