Unity - Completed - Timestamps: Unconditional Love [v1.1 Steam SE] [Motkeyz]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Version: v0.5.0P1 review
    This game going right direction with few minor con. I can almost say perfect game its is my top 10 already . menu and ui really good but i wish room names appper when mouse hover on them there is quick navigation and its realy helpful start of game but i cant say i really like it, its kinda killing immersive. Story is getting better and better, make me think hmmm... best think avoidable ntr its really not my kink . i really like harem with good stories and this one of this. Art is realy gorgeus
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.5.0P1 (Hero route, because I have zero interest in the others)

    - Mom-cest creeps me out a bit. I don't care.
    - I find smoking and being around smokers, much less kissing them, really, really gross. I don't care.
    - I dislike scenes where I have to watch the non-MC fuck a character that my MC is lusting for. I don't care.
    - I dislike cuckolding scenes even if the MC is not the one being cuckolded. I don't care.
    - Uhh, Juli's bangs kinda suck? Okay, I'm running low on cons. I really don't care.

    What elements of Timestamps that I don't like are vastly outweighed by how frigging good it is.

    I'd like to start with commenting on how professional and smooth the GUI is, but, you know what, I don't care that much about that either (although it's really, really good quality).

    What matters is how frigging hot this game is. Holy shit.

    Okay, the writing is excellent, with English so good that I haven't noticed any mistakes. Of course, maybe I overlooked them because of how frigging turned on I was. The story is also very interesting with even the occasional "Hmm..." moments. But, yeah, you saw the pattern I'm bashing you over the head with ages ago.

    And I'm probably doing that with the MC's enormous cock. Okay, I like that just fine. I like that it doesn't just disappear when he's wearing undies. I do feel not seeing the mighty schlong going down one pant leg when he's wearing the tight jeans is a shame. I'll live.

    Renders, characters, all that, great. Animations are a little iffy sometimes, but unlike most games they still add to it rather than diminish.

    I cannot wait to play more of this insanely sexy game! Thank you so much for making it!

    Edit: I will add that I had one pretty significant disappointment in the game that stopped me playing just short of the current content stop (I believe). A sex scene occurred that I'd been soooo anticipating, but it was a horrible let down. Despite how I'd played my character so far, the MC went completely submissive and it just sucked (not in a good way) any enjoyment of the scene out of me. I can't say more without spoilers.

    I won't change my score over this because (a) it's a very subjective complaint and (b) it might have been a one-off.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 900601

    This is as close as perfect when it comes to a game. This game is gonna give Milfy City a run for its money.

    Gameplay 5/5; The gameplay is very straight forward and the latest patched added a polished hint system. There is no grind, this is pretty much a Visual Novel where choices have an impact. The recent patch also added the review scene functionality which basically means you can enjoy the game as it is, you just open it up and play it without worrying about back up saves and what not.

    CG 5/5; Seriously, this is some ridiculously high quality CG, absurdly good, tons of animation and they're all perfect. There really isn't much to add there, it's very close to perfection.

    Immersion 5/5; Plot is original and pretty good. Bacon and MC form a good duo, the relationship presented are believable. It's game you can sit in and get into it.

    Fluidity 5/5; As was previously said, no grind, this is a true VN, the story goes on without having you mess around for ages.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Haven't played this for a while, came back to it today and was thoroughly impressed.
    The milfs in this one (and not just the milfs, all the girls) were fantastic from the start, but constantly having to start again, because old saves wouldn't work and the lack of content were a real downer.

    Now there's a lot of fantastic content, culminating in what might be the hottest threesome ever in a porn game for now.

    I like how the story develops, I like each new girl that ins introduced (except for the annoying ex) .

    Highest recommendation for now. The renders are fanfuckingtastic, the sex is great, combining both animations and pics and unlike with so many unity games the menu and the saves are actually working quite well.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has some of the highest quality CG I've seen outside of big-budget movies, especially the many animations. The artist makes superb use of lighting, filters, and even motion blur.

    The plot is ambitious and involved, as it is always tremendously brave to take on a 'time travel' plot when typically an audience of any such book or film always thinks of a thousand ways that time-travel could have rendered half the story moot.

    Sadly, the big thing that holds the game back is the dialogue, which is mostly juvenile and shallow, and almost entirely poorly realised. At many points it is as if the author has never listened to an actual conversation, and writes dialogue like a teenager. None of it rings true, and while it can be excused as 'flavour' for the MC and Bacon, when the Mom is also limited to the vocabulary and speech patterns of a child, it really shows.

    You could think of this as a game with CG that earned 5 stars losing a star to bad dialogue ... or you could think of this as a 2-star game of writing that gained 2 extra stars on the amazing quality of the artwork.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is great... just the right amount of humor and smut. The character interactions are great. The graphics and the video are both beautiful. The models are stunning. The game play is smooth. This game definitely raises the bar. Looking forward to more!
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 395544

    One of the Best games ever made .
    Serious fun and one of the hottest Mom and Aunt in game version.
    Awesome graphics in full screen HD.
    I Hope for more Updates and a awesome story line with Mom. and even with more Family Members.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best game for sure.
    The graphics are beautiful and the chatacters really well done. The female cast is hot as hell and not one of them isn't sexy. The main character is also great, he doesn't look like he is 14 years old like in some thor games. He looks like an handsome 20 years old guy and it can be understood why he is popular.

    The story is intriguing. Time travel is always fun especialy when it is well done. So far so good but it's still early in the story. However there are things coming that should be incredible if I read the clues right.

    And finally the sex. I find most game lacking in this category. You play the game whole just to have a single sex scene at the end. I'm following games which after 5 or 6 updates still don't include sexual content. It's not the case here. I didn't start playing since the game first came out but 2 updates ago. The game included sexual content at that time and each update added more. As for the 0.5 update, I didn't expect the last sex scene because it is early in the game but I was thrilled by it. Kudos to the dev for it. You're giving us what we need.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the best adult game ever made. All the graphics are in high resolution and the girls in the game are absolutely gorgeous. I will keep my eyes on to the next updates, because the development of the story will be great.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    So far its Different, the story progression is unique , scenes are amazing. loving it .I'm giving it a 5 Star because The Images & animations are rendered perfectly & probably the most well-crafted animations I have seen in any game on F95zone,. I maybe wrong but I have played many games here & none had animations as gorgeous as this game . The story progression now seems more rational than before. I don't know why but on patch 0.3 it felt disarrayed for some reason but now the story makes more sense .I am really intrigued as this game keeps getting more updates & can't wait to see it as a whole when it's fully complete . Major Props to the Developers they did a fantastic job with this game & continued to do so with these progressive updates .
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Great artwork. Beautiful females. Lots of potential scenarios due to the time travel story line. The artwork is very good due to the modified unity engine they are using. I hope more people give to these developers so this excellent game can continue and grow.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I gave it 5 star for its excellent visuals, excellent audio, impeccable character design, good story, good UI, and devs that everyone would like. It's the first game that made me want to be a patron on patreon.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 795684

    I just finished the 0.4.2. and was having blueballs stiuation when I saw the end screen and came here to write that game is fun, mom is HOT, sister is gorgeous and time travel story is already intriguing enough to keep going even for the story and that I couldn't wait for the next update. But I came here and saw that new update is releasing soon for wankers ( :p).

    I am really happy right now!!! And to creator: Thank you for this game, I am really curious about where things will go about the story and mom-sis. Keep up the good work. Hype!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the storyline, fresh spin that's a really nice change up from the usual VNs around atm.
    As funny as it sounds the sound effects actually lend to the grip of the story pretty well.
    Renders are dope, content is tight.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    [Rev v0.4.2]

    Art's good; character model proportions are a bit towards the blowup doll side of the uncanny valley, but the posing is good and the renders and animations are quality.

    Nothing squicky with the sex content thus far.

    I didn't have any outright crashes or moments of getting stuck; the problems I had was unclear direction. There are a couple points when the dialog and/or the MC's inner monologue say "go to nerdbro's house" or "I need to go home" but the only way to advance is to go to the park instead. The narrative continuity is hosed as well; even if you play an angelic Good Son you still get hushhush dialog indicating that you did something naughty. There's one point where this disconnect is lampshaded as part of the plot, but several others where it just comes across as a halfassed writing fuckup. There're several instances of character names being hardcoded into dialog and at least one of the sister addressing the player as "MC".

    The dialog itself is strange and disjointed at times as I assume translation artifacts? Also cringeworthy 4thwall narrator dialog. Not a fan.

    Like it for the tits and will download updates as I take note of them, but I'm not rubbing myself raw mashing F5 for the next chapter.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Quite simply this is the sexiest game here. Lot's hot girls, the renders and animations are fantastic. Lots of sexy outfits and plenty of sex... what more could you want. Oh and Juliana hot enough to give Earthworm Jim a boner. I have not mention the story yet..its about shagging girls and doing it over again and shagging more girls or the same girls but differently or something like that but to be honest I was to busy with all the girls to pay to much attention to the plot.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best game which i played!
    Top 5 in this game:
    * Story mode
    * 1080p videos
    * Models of characters
    * Simple navigation bar
    * Based on Unity
    Waiting for new versions of this game!
    Thanks development team.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    great game ! i liked the graphics and the story. you can pick different lines and the character graphics are good enough to make you entertained for some hours. The story was so good for a free game but I didn't like it's tracking your pc.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I felt this game started with a slow pace but great potential. The renders are top notch, and a fresh story.
    The game is non-linear so there are a few branches to explore.I think we should get some form of achievements system to keep track of every possible outcome. The GUI has a nice feel, altough sometimes the arrows are not the easiest way to move around the house.
    I also like that the game advances through storytelling rather than mindless grinding.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has been an interesting one to follow. First the Good things.

    The renders are clean and the characters are (for the most part) original. The MC's Mom is hot.

    The story is fairly original and has a bit of intrigue

    Now for the Bad things

    Apart from "Juliana" the rest of the female characters are very vanilla. I found the sex scenes with the other characters very dull and pretty much skipped them.

    Like all adult games i've seen so far, the animations have been shoe-horned in. They are not very good, and honesty are a bit of an irritation. The amount of time it took to render these animations could have been far better spend just adding dozens more high quality stills.

    The cliche' "Oh my god what a huge cock he has, i wonder how it would feel inside me" mechanism rears it's ugly head.

    Pacing is all over the place. One minute you are a pervy teen watching his Mom in the shower, 5 minutes later due to a convenient plot devide you are getting head from her with it implied that you already have an active sexual relationship with her. it kinda feels like the Dev just threw it in there to keep Patrons on the hook


    I do like this game, although I would like to see the dev spend less time on crappy animations and more time on still images. Also the dev needs to avoid pandering to the cries for more action and focus on better character and plot development.