Unity - Completed - Timestamps: Unconditional Love [v1.1 Steam SE] [Motkeyz]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Wonderful game, one of the best inc... I mean landlady games out there. The game engine is truly a pleasure to use. I’m usually all for using ren’py but this is better. I’ve never seen a VN game in unity implemented so well, I really wish others had your skills.

    • Renders are top of the line.
    • Animation is great and plentiful.
    • Plenty of H content
    • Storyline is interesting
    • Interesting characters
    • All the females are beautiful
    • None so far
    My only wish is that was more content with the sis, since she’s my personal favorite. Other than that, I can’t fault this game.

    Keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing what you have in store for us. (y)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    What a game ! Mostly based on smoking fetish, which turns me off btw. But this game has this unusual atmosphere, these strong explicit sex sequences, nice models and renders, really good animations...
    So, well done, you have me onboard, even if the main fetish isn't my cup of tea. Can't wait to have them guys work on a project covering my fetishes!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my review for the Version v0.5.3PE P1 of the game

    -Renders : Perfect
    -Animations are top notch
    -Graphic (absolutely magnificent)
    -Awesome Characters (all girls are different and beautiful )
    -Models are very well made

    Cons :
    -The game play have to be a little bit improved

    Overall , this game it's absolutely worth to play with a full 5 stars review.
    When I started playing this game for the first time , I found immediately some of the most beautiful woman , that you can see in the f95zone.
    The developer made a so great work here in the graphic part and faces and eyes of all women are some of the best I've never seen in a Adult Game .
    But what struck me most is the level of all animations , but here I don't want to write more other words , just play the game and you will see the big quality that there is in this fantastic title .
    Of course I'm really eager to see next and future updates.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Though the girls in the game pretty quickly surrender to the player character's "charm" this game is excellent. It is visually stunning, with a wide variety of girls and body types, ranging from milfs to 18+ teens, caucasian to ebony.
    And the animations are top notch. I was particularly impressed by a non sex scene in which Maureen simply decides do jiggle her breasts for the player character while in the hospital.
    This engine is excellent.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I write this review being biased against this game (because at first glance it looks like any other DAZ 3D pile of junk) and it's creator (because he has opinions, and I don't like people with opinions). Just going to put it out there, I'm not even trying to hide that I'm a jerk and I'm here to see this guy put up.

    Well, there's honestly a lot to say for this game. It's pretty unique in a lot of ways. You can really see the creator's drive in every detail of the game. It's actually funny a lot of the time.

    The story is pretty original when you really think about it. And while I would say the dialogue is a series of terrible clichés and the character development is nonexistent... It's a porn game, and it does pretty well at being a porn game.

    If you want to have a wank and a laugh, this game should do for most anyone. It really seems to capture what our generation is all about; Fucking your mom while she is having a smoke and your abusive cuck dad is cheering you on. Boom incest, aesthetics, cuckolding, absurdity, this game has it all in one sentence.

    It just couldn't possibly let you down, unless you're really going to be hung up on a few cliché phrases and lack of character development. But then absurdity is also a valid and actually interesting theme to explore. I just don't think we're giving the writer enough credit here.

    I'm not saying this game is perfect, but it deserves every bit of support it is getting, I'm not changing my mind.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is good, but it's not great and that's why the 4 stars.

    I started playing this game after reading so many good reviews and i must admit i wasn't too disappointed. Still though, it could have been better.

    - Nice animation and renders.
    - Unique storyline (at least compared to the games i've played)
    - A lot of content

    - Again the MC has a magical giant cock that no woman can resist
    - Smoke fetish isn't my thing and unfortunately it's not optional.
    - No clear walkthrough. You basically have no idea what to do most of the time and you just click anything hoping to move the storyline forward.
    - Last updates are basically a sex-fest ignoring all the other elements of the game.

    The game still has a lot of potentials, but it also has many flaws. Overall, it's worth your time playing it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    When I clicked this game to see what its about. I see a bosom mom stroking her male son. This is a harem incest story.. where multiple family members decide to fuck around a short time frame. I don't walk in with high expectations of story being relatable or make a whole lot of sense because... well it shouldn't. Nor would I want to be in a world where it is despite getting off to it.

    That said reason why its 5 stars is because this is one of the few titles outside icstor, etc that if you ignore the porn could totally be something you see as a game on steam. This doesn't feel like an assets grabbed in order to put together a game. Enviroments, characters models [with multiple pieces of clothing which really shouldn't be a big deal but sadly is], overworld, etc are what I would want to expect of games nowadays yet sadly am constantly disappointed. Instead of the bar steadily raising as this becomes a real occupation nowadays we just have freak titles like this one.. Solid all around.

    Minor nitpick is the lack of clear directions. Main character talks to himself as is the normal but I find myself clicking the hint button to find out I need to go to shower, etc. Maybe I have a lack of blood flow to brain at the time and difficulty with problem solving lol.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    A grossly overrated game that resembles a porn parody.... The characters especially the girls are all strange looking, like if they had emerged from the silicone factory. The story is non nonsensical and utterly weird. The gameplay itself is pretty straightforward. It is a semi open world with a linear narrative. Overall I did not find it exciting at all.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Based on v0.5.2 - this could be one of the most overrated games I crossed path with. After reading all of those recent excellent reviews, I eagerly started to play this one, and...well, there is no accounting for tastes - as the old saying goes...

    The game has been around from 2017, and current game-version is 0.5.2 - with updates being released every 2-3 months in average.

    The story is kind of absurd - young and old geeks supposedly time-travelers, with some flashbacks, mc living and wondering/wandering with "not-his family" folks, in search for porno grail.., The characters are shallow and kind of funny looking - anorexic chicks with silicone breasts (emerged from prehistoric y3df comics), nerds with gigantic cooks and smoke/cigarette fetishes...If this was supposed to be a sex-parody, it could be on the right path. The sex is abundant, with plenty of threesomes, and our lucky mc hardly has to decide anything, the smart-game thinks and provide all kind of hot-things for him ...The gameplay is linear - go there, do that, go back home, go to bedhrom/kitchen - whoala!- there already are the hot neighbour/milf and home milf, all wet and ready to trow themselves on you...Well this is a porn game - and sex is good and easy going and all, but this game is not my cup of tea.

    Two stars from me.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games online at the moment.
    The developer produces some exellent content with a beautifull story and character development. The updates are often and come with a lot of content while the developer is not afraid to include as many sex scenes as possible in the time given between updates. The graphics are great and the game includes beautifull animations that are scipable and do not make the gameplay tiring.
    The game still has great potential with the inclusion of more than one male characters and a plethora of female ones that can combine in many ways that can satisfy the audience.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This Review is based with my personal experience with the actual Version of the game 0.5.2 , with my specific opinions and feelings .

    The Author here develop the story about the Mc , living with his family ( here you can chose the incest patch that I absolutely suggest ) and story is basically in a Sci-Fi theme , with time travel, in which the protagonist have a friendship with one of the most important character (Bacon) that is a young brainy boy that is building and using a Time Machine .
    It's not my intention to spoil more things , but was important to understand which type of adult game is Timestamps , because it's absolutely peculiar and unique in the thousand of titles you can find.
    But I cannot forget we are always speaking about an adult game and here we are in front of one of the best games for the kind of rendering , animation and sex scenes

    -Sci -Fi story : It's a plus because , the plot is original and different from the normal schemes of major part of adult games
    -Character are various and different between them ; Both male than female have a good characterization , to give to this game more depth
    -Girls are really amazing and so hot , with renders that are among the most beautiful I've never seen
    -Sex scenes : I don't need so many words for the description , awesome , like for the girls , in my opinion some the best animation I have never seen
    -Animations : so many details here and so long; here we are in another level for sure from the medium of porn games
    -Music : the musical theme is perfect and accompanies the player with the develop of the story emphasizing the importance of some important moments
    -Translations : In This Game you can find , Italian , Russian , German , Polish , Turkish translation , and this thins not only it's not so easy to find , but give to the game the possibility to play also for not English native people

    -Gameplay : It's not perfect , yyou can't skip just previously read text, scroll back isn't quite perfect or always available ; at begin of playing at example was not easy to understand when was possible to safe or not, ; the game it lacks a little bit of fluidity between different parts .
    -Kind and number of choices : we have just two different path here , Hero and Wimp paths , maybe another third path could be a nice improvement for the game

    Overall , this is not only a game worth to play , not only a 5 stars review , but Timestamp is a title a gamer must have played ; the reason are absolutely two:
    -This is a rare case in Adult games where mysterious things and the way how the Dev is building game's story , give to player the possibility to think to many theory and hypothesis for the future and to share with other people and players ; this is really very nice interesting and original .
    -Girls , Sex scenes and animations , here we got most of the best animated scenes you can find ; just for this things everybody will enjoy a lot

    So I really suggest without any doubts to download the game and to play and enjoy the visual and the writing arts of all work team . The game it's not yet completed and this is a fortune actually for next player , because from my side , i really like very much the playful part of game ( Sex scenes , Animations , voyeurism ...) and i have to remember that it's still a game for adults , but actually my attention is more on the future developing of game and about choices that Dev will make .
    The big challenge for the Dev , in the moment that I'm writing this review , it will be next steps , because actually the game could have minimum 5-6 different kind of possible ending , all very plausible.
    If the author will be able to give to all players a convincing final , that will match most of the thinks that happening during the story , this will make the game an absolutely masterpiece , to remember in further years.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best looking games I've ever played with great animations. The mother is extremely HOT and I enjoyed how the lust in this game slowly built until it sloshed over the rim and the player saw some of the best animations this game had to offer. Can't wait for another update!
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Having been one of the most criminally underrated games of its genre, pulling in not too many patrons and donations compared to its quality, this game has recently become one giant "fan-service" game in a span of months (I don't have any other words to describe it)! A meaningful storyline or branching choices have been technically non-existent in the last couple of updates! For those of you who don't believe this, just play the game from the beginning again and compare the quality of the first couple of updates to these last few ones.
    The story elements and many critical plot points have also been super predictable to a degree that basically anyone who don't skip the dialogues know what's gonna happen.
    It has basically come down to the dev cramming in like 15 sex scenes in every new update, with minimal build-up and writing in between. Don't believe me? Just look at the change log: the new update (0.5.2) has 18 (!!!) animations; almost all are h-scenes! These scenes are, in turn, VERY shallow, undeserved, and anti-climactic.
    Furthermore, the MC has become a very unrealistic super stud, that everyone drop their panties for in like 2 minutes with zero efforts or explanation (it's pretty much like the MC of Battle of Bulges if he took himself seriously like this game does)!
    All kudos to the dev(s) for the amount of work they're putting in to render all these scenes and graphics! But, you're losing sight of what makes these games different from pornos!
    All in all, if you play these games just to rub out a quick one, and shallow gameplay and story is not going to bother you, you're gonna love this game! But if you come on this website and play these games because they offer a sense of immersion, and dynamic and complex stories and characters, do yourself a favor and save the hard space for games that actually provide those elements.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    In my opiniont he story of the game does not make any sense, some plot twists are quite obvious and some parts are poorly written. Most scenes are average, altough in some cases the women look like moving puppets and nothing else (they follow the exact same, not humanlike motion). Some textures are also quite weird imo, for example the cum texture. The MC just seems like someone with a big D to me and literally nothing else. Worker at the hospital seem unprofessional, I do understand that this is just a game but it is still really weird if some nurse just wants to inject something into your genital and then notices, she is in the wrong room.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Landladies & Tenants

    Review as of 0.5.2PE | Timestamps is a AAA title VN, one of the tentpoles of F95.

    Lots of positives: the character and background renders are gorgeous and the writing is excellent, with even less-important characters like Bacon getting character development. It's shaping to be a harem-style game with not a whole lot of player choice (the only ones seem to be whether or not to be brave/wimp, and to dump your girlfriend) But the H-scenes are sexy as hell, thanks to both the quality of the graphics/animations/writing, it's worth checking out ever most players. I don't much care for Unity, but it's applied here as well as it can. The navigation bar on the side is well-implemented as is the hint system.

    Only slight complaints: the animations could be a bit better and smoother based on what other games have done. And a pale brunette would really hit the spot. But these are minor issues that don't detract from a truly great game.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Favorite in-development VN on the site, as of this review. The story is fun and fast paced, the women are all quite stunning, the compositions and renders are beautiful, and the animations actually look like natural movement. These aren't just passable, but significant accomplishments.

    Built on the Engine Aesouh is still developing, there are still a few rough spots. Like; you can't skip ONLY previously read text, scrollback isn't quite perfect or always available, and you'll likely find a bug here and there. However, the engine has much improved since the beginning, and there are surely advantages which made it worth not simply using the existing VN makers.

    Yes, there's still considerable proofreading to be done. A few sentences are a bit clumsy or even somewhat confusing, but those are the exception not the rule. Anyone who's actively hunted down good eroge will tell you that it can be a daunting task to find those with even decent English in them.

    tl;dr: GREAT PORN. If you like the description and the screenshots, you are going to enjoy yourself.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Everything was great for me, i think it has a certain nice balance of porn, story visual.
    Only dislike was the house holder's hair, i didnt find her that atractive overall, the other characters are awesome.
  18. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1047053

    - Gameplay is good, although it could be a little more dynamic. Purely story driven and the story itself isn't that interesting.
    - The renders are beautiful, but the models themselves aren't too attractive. This is definitely aimed at the older milf crowd.
    - Sometimes running through the plot can be a little mundane. It's not much more than going from location to location and reading.
    - Animations are good quality and sex scenes are plenty as well.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Sorry I haven't posted a review until now... I have been playing this game since the very beginning. It has always held a place in my top ten. Time travel is one of my favorite plot devices. What can I say about this game? It is so well done. Renders are great, character models are very nice, music and sound is appropriate, story and dialog is nearly flawless. I would definitely donate to this game if I were a more wealthy man.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Really Good Story, really good pictures.

    But it's not 5/5 because:
    - Female characters are too bitchy
    - For me Smoking doesnt make the milf More Sexier, just less sexier (maybe could be optional ?)
    - Game is linear, still displayed like a sandbox game.
    (You have like 20 places to go, but only 1 place will do smtg)

    - You get sex scenes too easily, I would prefer more build up.