Unity - Completed - Timestamps: Unconditional Love [v1.1 Steam SE] [Motkeyz]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Well it was made in unity, scene skip issues, recurring animations, dialogue skip issues are there but i like the "dark" like plot. The goofiness and humor aspect is fine-tuned and not cringy. It doesn't try to be a drama so overall casualness is fine. Schlongs are way oversized, but again it is tolerable with the tone of the game. Renders show their age, but a fun play nonetheless.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4367918

    For a smoking fetish lover like me, this game is perfect.

    The only thing that I would change is the cigarette filter, from white to orange.

    Julianna and Nika are incredibly hot smokers.

    The time travel is well implemented and fits perfectly with the family, so hot.
  3. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5217036

    I have tried so hard to love this game...this is the third time I've started this game. I made it to Day 10, the furthest I've ever got.
    However, I found it tedious, the animations are excellent, but there's no build up or passion...smoking whilst cooking or during sex is, in my opinion, a bit manky, it left me cold.
    Julianne wasn't a MILF I would ever be attracted to. Heather was a lot more attractive in my opinion.
    I liked the protagonist and his friendship with Hamon, a geeky tech-genius. The 'Back To The Future' storyline was cool...until it wasn't.
    There were too many scenes with Julianne, and it became tiresome.
    The time travelling storyline was intermittent and confusing at times.
    It's a decent game for sure and it has a sense of humor!

    Personally, however, I just couldn't get into it. The 'smoking' kink did nothing for me either.
    The game is good, it just wasn't my kind of game.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    What a fun game! Mostly based on a smoking fetish, which, by the way, turns me off. However, this game features an interesting ambiance, frank sex sequences, great models and renderings, and incredibly amazing animations. So, congratulations, you have my support, even though the major obsession isn't my cup of tea. I can't wait to have them work on a production around my obsessions!
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Version: [v1.0]

    I tried to force myself to sit through this one, I lasted to day 10.

    *some spoilers ahead*
    'Timestamps: Unconditional Love' (will be referred to TS from now on) is a light SciFi story about the genius son of a guy that invented a time machine, lucky him, since his friend, the MC, gets to use it to fuck his family members and cuck his father!
    Now, you might be thinking - AWESOME! I love Sci fi, well... that's a shame.
    Most of the time traveling plot is revolved around the MC living a random day twice, as his genius friend calibrate his time machine, there's also a hooded guy killing people, and an evil clone(?) fucking things up. mostly, time is spent making supply runs, chores, making meaningless conversations with extremely unlikable characters and pissing off cops.

    Extremely unlikeable characters? yup. MC is pretty dumb and spineless, his mother is a sex addict willing to fuck her son on a random whim, his father is creepy and kind of a cuck, his sister is annoying and unpleasant, his genius friend is chubby, awkward, condescending little perv that spends his time fucking his own mother in VR while he has a time machine in his basement.
    Overall, I found myself disliking every single character, which is honestly a first.

    The writing is pretty bad, the story does have a decent premise, which is wasted and not used enough as the MC is running around doing random chores and spends his time making meaningless, quite frustrating conversations with cardboard characters.
    I found myself bored with the story and the characters, which is an issue since the other aspects of TS aren't better.

    This is a kinetic novel with the worst aspects of a bad sandbox implemented, there are... 2-3 choices that lead to different scenes and dialogue, hardly a decent payoff.
    The rest of it is pretty much a kinetic novel, you have an annoying map and can move around the locations, but they are empty and pointless, so the way it plays out is - you see a blue marker on a location on the map, you go there, it's a kinetic novel with extra steps. the navigation as always is awful, the 'quest helper' on your phone just goes 'go beach' and once again, as always I'm left wondering - WHY DID YOU BOTHER?

    The renders are dated which makes sense, since this project apparently started at 2017 so I'm not gonna drop points over it.
    MC's mother, which gets more screen time than any other character is plain and simple ugly, as is the MC. this is a problem for me because some other characters look decent enough, it's not a '2017' issue.
    The animations are low FPS and played as a video in a sluggish player, very immersion breaking and not a great experience.

    Unfortunately there's not much left, the story is a snoozefest, the dialogues are endless and pointless, the characters are very unlikable, the sandbox mechanics are awful, so you look forward for the payoff in the sex scenes, they does not look great, the animations player is frustrating, but at least the scenes with the sister are pretty hot.
    Gave it 2/5 for the obvious effort which I respect, but honestly this is a very skippable VN for pretty much any type of consumer.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Jason Voorhees

    Beautifully done. The smoking fetish suits this game.
    Milfs should look older in my opinion. Maybe less sex and more erotic scenes would be better.
    Graphic it's outstanding. The cigarette should be shorter, always long ones.
    Apart from that nothing to say. Nice game.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    The premise had a lot of potential especially with the whole plot revolving around Time Travel which for some BS reason was kept totally untouched till the end

    1.The renders looked really nice & the animations looked great at times but mostly felt underwhelming due to low fps.The gui definitely requires an upgrade or 2.
    2.Timetravel concept was totally left untouched untill the end & the rest of story involved MC running around town doing groceries & such insignificant stuff.
    3.Maybe it's just me but the sandbox made the game way harder to enjoy
    4.The story isn't that well written nor interesting to say the least
    5.Though the character models looked hot(especially Nikita) but all of them r just bland & uninteresting. There was no corruption still most characters fall for MC just like that. Even the Mom decides to do her son just cuz she's horny & the father isn't home
    6.Last but not the least MC's Dick is so huge that it's almost like his 3rd leg. Atleast the Dev should make sure to give DK matching MCs size especially when he's a short dude. The dk felt out of place all the time almost like they cut some random bbc & pasted on this shortie

    Hope they've corrected all their mistakes in TS2 cuz with all the above mentioned shortcomings TS1 felt more like a teaser rather than an actual game
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Obviously the renders are freaking amazing. And the overall quality of UI, effects, details. The whole point of kind of sand box wandering around isn't my favorite, but it kinda feels more like a simple mechanic here, then actual need. Is someone is bothered by it, then just check the walkthrough on locations to visit at every point to avoid clicking everything just to be sure nothing gets missed
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    i tried to force myself to continue through this game due to how hot the MC's best friend's mom is but you're just subjected to too many off-putting themes and scenarios. some of the 3D modeling is good but most of the characters have some form of goblina syndrome. the animations are ok. story is bad.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    i would have tagged it visual novel instead of sandbox.. if it was tagged as visual novel i would rate it as 3 star but as a sandbox its at most 2.. animations story etc everything is medicore. there is literally nothing to explore (except clicking purses and bags for money 1 time). Player gotto go to specific places to advance in the story that's all..
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    System : neat.
    Graphic : not bad
    Story : poor

    the protagonist of this type game tends to be moron. but this one is much much more than that. to say.. Only one who has short-term memory loss can act like that.. It's gone to far i think.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best "landlady" games i've played and a fun engaging narrative too.
    A really well put together point and click sand box with a compelling narrative and engaging characters. It's a fun breezy sex romp and then it hits you in the balls (in a good and unexpected way)
    The game's visuals are top notch too, though i would say that the animatons could us a bit more player control as you often have to wait some time before moving on. this seems to be remedied in later scenes.
    Pretty much recommended for everyone except for the very timid few who need all the girls to be virgins
    top notch porn game
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    My review of Timestamps (Both games)

    A potentially-good game with an interesting story, that is constantly interrupted by sex scenes, and unfortunately has too many little issues to be good.

    Here are some of examples:
    - Made in Unity
    - Skipping skips all text - even unread
    - Very unusual and annoying mouse controls
    - Some UI settings are still not loaded correctly years later and have to be manually toggled every time you start the game
    - Completely pointless sandbox (you can either go to just one location, or have to visit all marked locations, to continue)
    - Half of the game consists of sex scenes
    - MC has an IQ below 100 + the obligatory monster dick
    - MC's forced love interest (mother with constant sex scenes) is one of the ugliest characters in the game

    The biggest issue is the story though.
    A huge amount of it revolves about saving a certain character, but when the first attempt fails, MC just goes like "lol whatever" and the plot is dropped entirely a few ingame days later.
    It also seems to have 2 small story branches, but otherwise it basically is a kinetic novel, where your choices are irrelevant.

    What really made me ragequit is the following sequence though:
    - About 4 lengthy sex scenes in a row with no story
    - Then MC gets home for a (thankfully optional) sex scene with the mom and goes to bed
    - In the morning at breakfast another forced sex scene with the mom begins immediately
    - It suddenly gets interrupted by the doorbell ringing and seeing a "funny" Back To The Future reference
    - The sex scene with the mom continues... aaaand I noped out at that point

    Definitely not a game for people that play for the story.

    I rated both chapters of the game the same, because they both have the same issues, and chapter 2 only has better animations.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    played through Chapter 1 first and then Chapter 2 up to R7 PE

    My favorite game!

    The story mixes SF, a lot of humor and references. It is excellent and very original.

    A lot of possible configuration (I really liked that we could remove the cigarettes)

    The visual rendering and animations are not stingy and are really beautiful.

    The game has very good music which is really pleasant unlike other where there is just nothing...

    I played it with a French translation (that's why my written English is bad sorry) which is rather correct to succeed in following the adventure

    i want more games like his
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow what can i say to justify this game aside from all the well timed references to other games his appreciation for those that gave us enjoyment as we all started our journey through manhood.

    There are many other games that after you've done the deed, you feel reluctant to go back to but it's whole another story with this game, with well timing and easy to follow story telling, you are not only intrigued but looking forward to it.
    NOW putting aside the boring stuff when it gets to character development, getting you ready to take a dive into deep bottom of depravity, this game is just not afraid. it teases you enough, warms you AND GODDAMN it delivers on those promises.

    IF you are tired of those non stop teasing, tiresome story progression with not enough explicit scenes, just give this a try. even simple animation is full of excitement from just a simple wink animation to a godly sent trio that we all craves with some one you crave so much attention.

    My take is it may not be your first Milf experience but goddamn it make you relieve those time. (it's been a while since i dreamt of being with in a game)
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I would say this game is average, but had the potential to be MUCH better. Some of the animations were really robotic and clunky, some were smooth. The "best friend" in the story is an eyesore and is EXTREMELY annoying. He's the biggest detractor in the game for me. I don't enjoy watching a fat ass in sex scenes, and I don't enjoy his personality and how he talks to the MC. There's also some borderline femdom/emasculating elements to the story that I don't enjoy... as there's no tag for it. Definitely won't be playing the following game and can't really bring myself to complete this one fully. Just lost interest due to a... lacking story.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Story/writing (as much as I got through) was nonsensical and uninteresting. The possible love interests being smokers is a personal turnoff, as is the unrealistically huge dick on MC.

    Aside from the smoking, most of the women present are reasonably attractive, but that's about all this game has going for it (and a somewhat interesting UI that is wasted on not truly being open, and instead just obfuscates the linear nature of the game).
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    I rape mommy's

    One of the Best consensual incest mommy game i ever played
    Basically i hate romantic or soft mommy son sex but this game carries a totally different way
    It's very fresh.
    The sex scenes are executed very perfect hot and sexy damn
    This game had a lot of incest voyeruism......
    And it's all are hot
    The renders are very high quality and animation dayum!!!!!
    Animations are so good.
    And the dev handled the humour very perfect cuz mostly humour sucks
    But in this game damn hahaha it's perfect also the dev also communicate in between game
    That's all are very good and give some hints and yeah it's perfect
    Now herecomes the main thing this game has a alot of fapping sex scenes so it's a treat.
    And also some ntr teased haha i mean im not hater i like that if it's there i don't mind but this game has no ntr so don't worry (Those who played whole game understand this )
    Overall try worth it to spend time
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautiful game, with an interesting and well-researched plot (looks like a movie). The visuals and 'excellent level animations are well done, the music is decent, and' separated into sections such that this version Unconditional Love leaves a final open to the following episode. However, it's extremely lovely, and I'm looking forward to playing and reviewing it after the conclusion of the second chapter.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a time travel game. I don't think I'm giving away too much when I say this game takes the premise of Back to the Future where Marty meets his younger mom and she's a fox and has it for him but says: what if we did all that and expand upon it into a porn game of the incest variety, i.e., the subgenre that seems to dominate the adult game genre itself. The game readily acknowledges this as there is a shot from the movie on the TV screen at home. Not only is the mom at play but we also become acquainted with other family members and neighbors at both ends of the age spectrum. It's an attractive premise with many avenues to explore. Will the dev do it justice?


    - Bad writing. Where good writers show and don't tell. This game does nothing but tell. Spells out what you are supposed to think and takes all the fun out of it. Sort of like constantly explaining the joke. Any time there is a pun, a double entendre, or just a pervy observation, it's annoyingly spelled out like the reader is smoothbrained and needs that to get it. Worse it has the effect of padding an already overly verbose and therefore clicky game.

    - Smoking fetish shoved in your face. It's good if you're into that niche fetish but for me it's actually a turn-off and gross. It can be overcome by trying to ignore it and block it out along with the good stuff in the game overcoming it. At the end of Episode 1 I finally saw an option to choose a smoking scene. Games will give you the option for these ~~weird~~ (I'll be kind) niche fetishes thereby having the best of both worlds. Foot fetishes or "watersports" is usually given as an option. My only guess is that the dev is so into smoking he doesn't realize that for many people it's gross and a straight up turn-off.

    - The mom looks like white trash and the above smoking doesn't help. But it's also the hair! And weirdly, I think the glasses. It's just a bad look. I think the dev was trying to portray an older woman whose left her glamour modeling time behind her to go full mom. The renders the dev shows of the mom in her younger years she looks good, even. But somehow they made her look trashy. Hot, but trashy. I don't know if the Sheridan hair asset looks bad in general or just in this context.


    - This game is consistent in encouraging the pervy choices. I've seen games be completely arbitrary when it comes to the pervy choices. If you're going to have some pervy choices be good, and others punishing, there better be some reasoning behind them. But let's face it, we're here to play these games with one free hand so I appreciate embracing going pervy every time and letting the story and reaction of the characters dictate whether it results in action. So good for the dev on this.

    - The MC has a freaking huge member with appropriate reactions and dialogue if you're into size and cock worship and reactions at all. The girls walk around in see-though clothes, sleep half naked, or are constantly falling out of their tops. This kind of follows from the previous point: it's a game of fantasy so may as well embrace it and the dev definitely does it right.

    - Good pacing if not pushing it right to the limit. Like going 49 in a speed limit zoned for 40. Like I said above, it's a NSFW porn game.

    Overall I liked it more than not so I'm giving it a generous four stars. For what it's worth, the sequel is better in my opinion and firmly 4 stars, which may factor into your decision to begin to play this because there is more to look forward to.