do you guys have a list of sfm artist that could do a collab with toast to boost his twitter and patreon?
Yeah, I don't think that's going to happen.
One look at his profile and you see how depressing and broken down it is. Like, if he was talking less about how miserable it is and looking purely at numbers on twitter, then maybe?
He seriously needs to cut down on complaining on twitter and actually do something about the situation.
He started animating a year ago. Expects miracles to happen and people coming to kiss his boots. I get that he wants to be compensated and every artist deserves to be compensated for their hard work.
But damn, whining about it on twitter is not going to do anything but drive away people.
Toast has actual very good quality for SFM. Undeniably. At the same time though, he's making animations that don't have that... umph to them. They are the most vanilla things that you can imagine. In already crowded space of 3D animations, that is not enough. Especially when backed up by waves of complaints.
Especially when the artist doesn't even fucking post on every rule34 site they can. Especially when he has no pixiv, no further reach to wider audience and spams overwatch anims.
I bet my ass he would do so much better if he dropped half of the vanilla content and focused on monsters, futa etc. If he truly cares about money.
Because nobody just casually grows an audience over less than a year. Takes years of work. That's why most people start out with animation as hobby. Then go full time with their expectations being reasonable.
Instead of jumping into a crowded community, animating a year, having a meltdown and expecting miracles.