3.60 star(s) 17 Votes

Game Lord

Apr 17, 2021
Any Early Access game that takes longer than 12 months to put out any type of update needs to be taken off of Steam if the game is being sold for money. No effin excuse for a game to go longer than 12 months without an update of any kind that can be played by the players themselves. Why so many people tried to act as if Aurora Games Development articles were updates all along were actual updates was fan bois-ish. Trying to make rhyme or reason for any company that handles their business like Aurora Games has these past 3 years is comical.


New Member
Aug 5, 2017
not fully sure how steam builds are named, but most likely just a minor patch difference. like "fixed clipping through wall" kind of patch. unless you got 0.2, it should be just some minor thing.
Hmm, I don't have a Steam version of this game, so...Yeah I'm not certain where I got it, but it was prepatched with the R18 content. It also came with a save that does not load, so who knows. I guess I'll just follow the Steam version and see if anything ever happens. Thanks for the insight.


Jul 21, 2017
Any Early Access game that takes longer than 12 months to put out any type of update needs to be taken off of Steam if the game is being sold for money.
That is just your entitlement speaking, do not buy EA games if you are not fine with waiting. There should however be some kind of report system that you can use if a dev has not done an update for x-time and steam then mails the devs "Hey, still working?" and depending on the response (or lack thereof) they take it off steam. But games take years to make, even simple ones like rpg maker. To not take years, you need a huge team, or a very small scope. The larger the scope the larger the time it will take to make. 3D games are even worse time sinks.

If a dev wants to put out larger updates with more content in one go instead of small updates that add next to nothing each month, it's their choice. However, if they do the big update, they should instead take time to write monthly or bi-monthly updates (reports) not go a year or more without any form of communication.

You and everyone else are not owed monthly playable updates unless that is a promise the devs have made. And these never did, they only have made gameplay promises, everything else is just "I want it this way, I am mad I can't get it this way." And before anyone says "But is not demanding monthly or bi-monthly updates the same?". No, as a business you need to keep the ones giving you money happy, you can do that many ways, but saying no to all means? That's just career suicide, you either do fast gameplay updates or fast information updates, you need to give people info about the thing they are paying for or else you piss them off, case and point this game. There are many games on here that do either model and most are fine with it, the only ones complaining really are the pirate leeches that want monthly fap updates to their favorite game.

Also, game lord, why stay here the game clearly pisses you off, why not detox and unfollow? I would have done that if I were you. Like forget about the game and move on with your day and be surprised if it ever shows up again on the Latest updates page.

Why so many people tried to act as if Aurora Games Development articles were updates all along were actual updates was fan bois-ish
No one has, you just don't understand that there are different kinds of updates. One is a gameplay update, one is an information update, everyone here has just shortened it to update since it's a form of an update, just not a gameplay one. We are getting new info, so we are "updated". Whether you belive what they write in their "update" is a different matter.

Game Lord

Apr 17, 2021
No one creating any type of software puts out updates longer than a year's time. I work in the software industry and if we are working for any client that is requesting even a long-term project, to take longer than a year to show any type of work being done that the client could see for themselves firsthand is not a matter of entitlement. Let that misplaced sense of excuse making go once and for all. The software bloat and broken mechanics (cooking and driving among them) that never get resolved regarding this game have nothing to do with sticking to their original promises of releasing routine software updates. Your perpetual coddling and excuse making shows you've no care in seeing the game actually finished and think rainbows and pots of gold are how games are made.


Feb 13, 2023
Just a quick question, I forgot that I downloaded this game a couple of years ago, and just left it on a shelf, lol. I was about to get it from Steam when I remembered this, but checking the Steam page, it seems there was an update some time ago? I noticed the build version listed here is 8318119, but my archive file says "TOGETHER_BnB_v03.4_Build_8395070". I don't even recall where I got this from, but are these actually different builds does anyone know?
the latest .03.4 version can be download at igg-games
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Feb 13, 2023
so all we can do with Emily and Vera now is sneaky peeky when they go to the bathroom?
they have proper nu model, is there mod that swap nu to default skin or swap Emily and Vera to Nana?
Img_210.jpg Img_333.jpg


Jul 21, 2017
No one creating any type of software puts out updates longer than a year's time. I work in the software industry and if we are working for any client that is requesting even a long-term project, to take longer than a year to show any type of work being done that the client could see for themselves firsthand is not a matter of entitlement.
First of all, in gaming, it's super common for games to take longer than one year to get updates. The only time it's not is EA games that say they will put out monthly (which is few of them) or pateron games that are forced to release updates after a certain time or be taken off the platform so they just default to monthly or bi-monthly. No clue about software, but games do not always get constant updates. You can dislike it all you want, but it's not that uncommon.

But even in software, most of the updates are security updates, and updates that add new functions can take ages to come out depending on what they are offering. You would need to work for something like Adobe to push updates out like crazy, or else the monthly fee feels even more like a scam than it already does. There are some programs I have used in the past that stopped putting in new features and then years later I see a new version come out out of nowhere. (talking about major updates that add features not small patches for bugs and security.) And software unlike games needs to move at the speed of light to stay competitive, fall off and people will swap programs unless you are running a clone of a game like LoL, Fortnite, etc you don't really have much competition to need to keep pushing updates all the time. You can take your time and make a game at whatever pace you want.

And for games in EA, I had some in my wishlist before they came out that were only putting out updates 1-3 times a year, and they were way smaller in scope and 2D which helps in how easy it's to make. If they tried to make that game in 3D, a slightly bigger scope, I can say they would only really put out a playable update 0-1 times a year and maybe take 6-10 years to make. So either you work in a fast-paced company like Adobe or I doubt what you are saying. What most want from a software is to do the thing it says on the tin and get security updates. If updates are needed, they will usually be added when they are done and ready, at most there will be a beta branch where users can test them beforehand to provide feedback, but that is not always there. The rest is added when done, if a user asks where it is, the answer they will get is most likely "We are working on it" I have seen this more than once myself as I have gone into company forums and looked for features I wanted and saw the date was like four years prior and it was still not added, even though it was on the docket to be added. Sometimes these are well-known and wanted features like dark mode.

The software bloat and broken mechanics (cooking and driving among them) that never get resolved regarding this game have nothing to do with sticking to their original promises of releasing routine software updates. Your perpetual coddling and excuse making shows you've no care in seeing the game actually finished and think rainbows and pots of gold are how games are made.
Again, what "routine software updates", they said they have X-features and will have X-more once the game is done, it will have them. Cooking and driving were there from day 0. And in all updates, they have changed how both those features work, and planning on doing it with 0.4 if it comes out.

And I am not cuddling them, I am saying expecting rapid game updates is just entitlement, no other game that has not promised such do so. Why should these be held to a higher standard? If it's a promised feature of the game that we get updates 2-12 times a year then, yeah hold them to it. But no such thing has been promised. If you wanna wait or buy it early, that is up to you then. I am holding off, I am not gonna buy it before we get a 1.0. So why should I demand more updates when it's not ready? If they have fled and not gonna finish it, try a class action or something, but else? Let them work on the game, I will say this to every game in existence. All you are gonna get if they put out what they have made each month is half-baked features that move at a snail's pace, not to mention that 3D games takes a while to package, the larger they become the longer it takes. To put out minor updates just to make some people happy just wastes time for a computer to be unusable does not seem to be a good way to spend your time.

And I seem to have more knowledge about how games are made than you, apparently. I love all kinds of games and have tinkered with game engines, and have read up on game history, how to how to make them. Read and seen interviews/videos with just about every role that goes into a game, including niche roles like sound and minor lore entries. And outside of maybe one day when I have more time, make my own game, I have no interest in working with it. So I have a pretty good idea of how games work. Before some EA games made the monthly update cycle popular, it was put out when things were ready. Early EA games that came from sites like gofoundme put out only text journals of what they are doing and only gave out betas when the games have already been in the works for like 2-5 years. All this changed when people started to go to Patreon instead of gofoundme, where we first got 4ish months, then it was a race to the bottom which turned out to be one month, but even that was too tough for some so bi-monthly became the norm for people who actually wanted to make a game and finish it, but the scammers that wanted EA money and fast did the monthly route. It's very rare for a monthly updated game to not just put out trash for a long time and only either scam people or use that as a stall tactic and then put out a better update 2-3 times a year. Pretty much every game on here that does not seem to scam people are the ones with 3+ months between updates. (rarely 2)

And I will once again ask:
Also, game lord, why stay here the game clearly pisses you off, why not detox and unfollow? I would have done that if I were you. Like forget about the game and move on with your day and be surprised if it ever shows up again on the Latest updates page.
Most who are here are just patiently waiting for a new update, and engaging in discussions from time to time. Why come here with what can be distilled to "scam, scam, game is a scam." You add nothing else to the discussion other than that.

Game Lord

Apr 17, 2021
Dude, stop trying to be Heman & the Defenders of the BnBverse. Your forever defending of this incompetent company's practices are hilarious and ridiculous. No one else goes to the lengths you do trying to help this company save face with their outlandish practices.

For one, you try and say what they have been doing is common practice. Provide 3 Early Access games that haven't put out any type of updates within a year's worth of time? Together BnB has put out so many statements, most of which they have not followed through on of late. I'm not screaming Scam, I'm reiterating all of their communications they themselves have put out that they haven't followed through with yet you make a million and one excuses for them why they haven't. And your response times to posts on this board tell me you live on this board. You may actually try and move on from the game until the Devs actually put out another actual software update, not their umpteenth defacto communication update that again is most likely not met.


Jul 21, 2017
Dude, stop trying to be Heman & the Defenders of the BnBverse. Your forever defending of this incompetent company's practices are hilarious and ridiculous. No one else goes to the lengths you do trying to help this company save face with their outlandish practices.
I am not defending the company, I am defending ANY game that goes long without an update, especially when they do not rely on patreon for monthly income. When you pay for an EA game, you sign a contract that you support a game to be made, usually without a set date, some have a date, but most don't if you can't stand to wait, and do not support any EA game. You keep ignoring that I have said this company is failing its customers by not giving enough insight into their work. Once a year text update is not enough. Either you do rapid gameplay updates or you do rapid journal updates. They are not doing either, so that's bad business for them. I supported subverse, they had a discussion with their supporters about what they wanted, to have the game be made and then get it, or for them to do a few updates a year for them to test it and give feedback. At first they barely got any responses and most said make the game. So they tried to do that, but then all the quiet people got angry and made their voices heard, and it became a few times a year instead. I personally did not care, as I wanted them to do their vision and give us that. I did not once play the betas for it, and only just started to play it at 1.0. I can wait, I don't want monthly updates, it just makes it worse for me and the developer.

For one, you try and say what they have been doing is common practice. Provide 3 Early Access games that haven't put out any type of updates within a year's worth of time?
Tried to look up some, but I don't remember any names and all the list I found online was just what projects were either backed 100% or those that were already released I did not find any quick info about update cycles. And I am not gonna spend a few hours (especially when I am a bit sick today) to find you some projects that had a long time til release. They were fairly common until around 2014 or so when pateron started to pick up speed. But before patreon it was common for games to be made first then have 1-3 betas and then full release, what you supported did not land in your hands until years after. You would know this if you are older than 25 and have been keeping up with gaming since early teen years. Go back far enough and all games were either AAA games or something that were made with the kickstarter type method or just a hobby that they made on their own time.

Together BnB has put out so many statements, most of which they have not followed through on of late.
one, the one that they wanted to do Q3 or 4 last year. Before that all they did was updates on what they have been working on, so not sure where "so many statements" come from. Which I will say is bad when they have already gone 2 years with nothing to give its customers, but it was not "many".

I'm not screaming Scam, I'm reiterating all of their communications they themselves have put out that they haven't followed through with yet you make a million and one excuses for them why they haven't.
You are, every now and then you come here and tell us to leave, that the game will not be released. That is telling us that something is a scam without using the word scam. You are saying something some people spend their money on, is not coming out, so they got scammed out of money.

And your response times to posts on this board tell me you live on this board. You may actually try and move on from the game until the Devs actually put out another actual software update, not their umpteenth defacto communication update that again is most likely not met.
I just get a +1 in the bell icon man, it's not that deep. I could say the same about you, you keep coming here both prompted with a ping and without talking about the game. You were even the one who found some unrelated game company closing down when no one else in this thread found it. You seem to care more about this game than us. The difference is, some of us are just willing to not call it a scam and wait for anything to come, while you are going on and on about how they are awful and scammy. One take is half glass full take, while the other is glass is empty.

And I mostly write in this thread due to it being mostly dead, I can come back here every once in a while and reply to someone, or ignore it if I want. But unlike some popular pages, it does not move at mach 5 and get like 400 pages total. So I don't feel like I have missed anything. I just find if fun to talk to those on here. Altho I dislike the pure negativity of some.

And one again.
Also, game lord, why stay here the game clearly pisses you off, why not detox and unfollow? I would have done that if I were you. Like forget about the game and move on with your day and be surprised if it ever shows up again on the Latest updates page.
I did not find your "I am just fighting against the BS responses to the company" a good response to this, you are on a pirate forum, most here have not bought it, and are not going to at all, or at least until it's finished. So you are not "fighting" for anyone here. You are at most, just venting. Go to the steam forums if you really want to try to persuade anyone. So why are you here only being negative when we are not responding to you or those with similar messages all we are doing discussing what the game has right now, what they have promised, or what they are saying in their new text updates. We are just doing what you are supposed to do in a forum, talk about the things about it. We take it at face value due to us not being mind readers. Do I think they are a scam? I did not before the Q3/4 fail, now a little bit. If they fail the new deadline they set. I am almost certain, it will have been 3-4 years at that point, with 2 failed deadlines. But that is a discussion for when it happens, not really now as no new info has showed up for any arguments about it.
So again, why be here when all you bring is negativity, instead of talking about the features they are talking about, or what things you do not want of past ideas.

Game Lord

Apr 17, 2021
Tried to look up some, but I don't remember any names and all the list I found online was just what projects were either backed 100% or those that were already released I did not find any quick info about update cycles. And I am not gonna spend a few hours (especially when I am a bit sick today) to find you some projects that had a long time til release. They were fairly common until around 2014 or so when pateron started to pick up speed. But before patreon it was common for games to be made first then have 1-3 betas and then full release, what you supported did not land in your hands until years after. You would know this if you are older than 25 and have been keeping up with gaming since early teen years. Go back far enough and all games were either AAA games or something that were made with the kickstarter type method or just a hobby that they made on their own time.



If you have to go back to 2014 and still can't bring up specific examples of this when trying to justify your response, just stop.



Message Maven
Nov 20, 2018
View attachment 4574040



If you have to go back to 2014 and still can't bring up specific examples of this when trying to justify your response, just stop.

View attachment 4574052
IDK about the claim that it's "common practice", but I can think of a few that are early access that haven't gotten updates in a long time (well over a year). These aren't AVNs, but Wronged Us, The Mansion, and Outreach all were horror games I've been waiting for literally for years. Each of those hasn't had any news posted in at least a year or more. But again, I wouldn't say this is common practice personally. Anyway, I'm not trying to get into the argument or anything; those games just immediately popped into my head when I saw your post.

Game Lord

Apr 17, 2021
IDK about the claim that it's "common practice", but I can think of a few that are early access that haven't gotten updates in a long time (well over a year). These aren't AVNs, but Wronged Us, The Mansion, and Outreach all were horror games I've been waiting for literally for years. Each of those hasn't had any news posted in at least a year or more. But again, I wouldn't say this is common practice personally. Anyway, I'm not trying to get into the argument or anything; those games just immediately popped into my head when I saw your post.
So, do you think those ones are abandoned or has their developers promised one update after another and not providing any updates after the fact?

Yeah, my whole point is this developer BLOWS. Their updates, their communication, their working on bloatware (train scenario when not needed whatsoever.) I get that some developers abandon their games and this is a common practice. Hell, Monster Girl Island and Sylphine were two recent titles I played and was looking forward to their completion before they went off the rails. Running into another instance of a developer disappearing for the longest time, finally comes back, makes peace with their audience and promises better communication going forward only to disappear once again. Astral Lust, this last reference.

It happens but for anyone to logically try and perpetually defend this chit is beyond comprehension. You can only cry wolf so many times.

Yeah, we all want the game to be updated and ultimately finished but enough is enough with the excuse making for the asshat this company has become.


Message Maven
Nov 20, 2018
So, do you think those ones are abandoned or has their developers promised one update after another and not providing any updates after the fact?

Yeah, my whole point is this developer BLOWS. Their updates, their communication, their working on bloatware (train scenario when not needed whatsoever.) I get that some developers abandon their games and this is a common practice. Hell, Monster Girl Island and Sylphine were two recent titles I played and was looking forward to their completion before they went off the rails. Running into another instance of a developer disappearing for the longest time, finally comes back, makes peace with their audience and promises better communication going forward only to disappear once again. Astral Lust, this last reference.

It happens but for anyone to logically try and perpetually defend this chit is beyond comprehension. You can only cry wolf so many times.

Yeah, we all want the game to be updated and ultimately finished but enough is enough with the excuse making for the asshat this company has become.
Yeah, I haven't even started this game. I watched the thread initially, saw a bunch of folks complaining, and so just lurked on the thread to see how things panned out. Looks like I might not even start this game, based on how things have (not) progressed.

Game Lord

Apr 17, 2021
Yeah, I haven't even started this game. I watched the thread initially, saw a bunch of folks complaining, and so just lurked on the thread to see how things panned out. Looks like I might not even start this game, based on how things have (not) progressed.
There's enough to do what is in there. Couple of the girls you can go all the way with, couple others you can't. Many of the game's functions/designs can be frustrating when doing them but with it's open world design, mowing down deer and wolves with a submachine gun and trying to cook when many of your ingredients can end up on the floor instead makes for a quite different adult porn game.


Engaged Member
Jul 1, 2017
The last dev post on Steam is from 30 September 2024 so it hasn't been that long. And from what being shown it does seem like they are cooking but I will believe it when I see the actual update.
3.60 star(s) 17 Votes