Dude, stop trying to be Heman & the Defenders of the BnBverse. Your forever defending of this incompetent company's practices are hilarious and ridiculous. No one else goes to the lengths you do trying to help this company save face with their outlandish practices.
I am not defending the company, I am defending ANY game that goes long without an update, especially when they do not rely on patreon for monthly income. When you pay for an EA game, you sign a contract that you support a game to be made, usually without a set date, some have a date, but most don't if you can't stand to wait, and do not support any EA game. You keep ignoring that I have said this company is failing its customers by not giving enough insight into their work. Once a year text update is not enough. Either you do rapid gameplay updates or you do rapid journal updates. They are not doing either, so that's bad business for them. I supported subverse, they had a discussion with their supporters about what they wanted, to have the game be made and then get it, or for them to do a few updates a year for them to test it and give feedback. At first they barely got any responses and most said make the game. So they tried to do that, but then all the quiet people got angry and made their voices heard, and it became a few times a year instead. I personally did not care, as I wanted them to do their vision and give us that. I did not once play the betas for it, and only just started to play it at 1.0. I can wait, I don't want monthly updates, it just makes it worse for me and the developer.
For one, you try and say what they have been doing is common practice. Provide 3 Early Access games that haven't put out any type of updates within a year's worth of time?
Tried to look up some, but I don't remember any names and all the list I found online was just what projects were either backed 100% or those that were already released I did not find any quick info about update cycles. And I am not gonna spend a few hours (especially when I am a bit sick today) to find you some projects that had a long time til release. They were fairly common until around 2014 or so when pateron started to pick up speed. But before patreon it was common for games to be made first then have 1-3 betas and then full release, what you supported did not land in your hands until years after. You would know this if you are older than 25 and have been keeping up with gaming since early teen years. Go back far enough and all games were either AAA games or something that were made with the kickstarter type method or just a hobby that they made on their own time.
Together BnB has put out so many statements, most of which they have not followed through on of late.
one, the one that they wanted to do Q3 or 4 last year. Before that all they did was updates on what they have been working on, so not sure where "so many statements" come from. Which I will say is bad when they have already gone 2 years with nothing to give its customers, but it was not "many".
I'm not screaming Scam, I'm reiterating all of their communications they themselves have put out that they haven't followed through with yet you make a million and one excuses for them why they haven't.
You are, every now and then you come here and tell us to leave, that the game will not be released. That is telling us that something is a scam without using the word scam. You are saying something some people spend their money on, is not coming out, so they got scammed out of money.
And your response times to posts on this board tell me you live on this board. You may actually try and move on from the game until the Devs actually put out another actual software update, not their umpteenth defacto communication update that again is most likely not met.
I just get a +1 in the bell icon man, it's not that deep. I could say the same about you, you keep coming here both prompted with a ping and without talking about the game. You were even the one who found some unrelated game company closing down when no one else in this thread found it. You seem to care more about this game than us. The difference is, some of us are just willing to not call it a scam and wait for anything to come, while you are going on and on about how they are awful and scammy. One take is half glass full take, while the other is glass is empty.
And I mostly write in this thread due to it being mostly dead, I can come back here every once in a while and reply to someone, or ignore it if I want. But unlike some popular pages, it does not move at mach 5 and get like 400 pages total. So I don't feel like I have missed anything. I just find if fun to talk to those on here. Altho I dislike the pure negativity of some.
And one again.
Also, game lord, why stay here the game clearly pisses you off, why not detox and unfollow? I would have done that if I were you. Like forget about the game and move on with your day and be surprised if it ever shows up again on the Latest updates page.
I did not find your "I am just fighting against the BS responses to the company" a good response to this, you are on a pirate forum, most here have not bought it, and are not going to at all, or at least until it's finished. So you are not "fighting" for anyone here. You are at most, just venting. Go to the steam forums if you really want to try to persuade anyone. So why are you here only being negative when we are not responding to you or those with similar messages all we are doing discussing what the game has right now, what they have promised, or what they are saying in their new text updates. We are just doing what you are supposed to do in a forum, talk about the things about it. We take it at face value due to us not being mind readers. Do I think they are a scam? I did not before the Q3/4 fail, now a little bit. If they fail the new deadline they set. I am almost certain, it will have been 3-4 years at that point, with 2 failed deadlines. But that is a discussion for when it happens, not really now as no new info has showed up for any arguments about it.
So again, why be here when all you bring is negativity, instead of talking about the features they are talking about, or what things you do not want of past ideas.